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TitleAuthorPostsLast Post
Matterport Pro3: Error "Camera Unstable" 3dscanindonesia 17 11 days3dscanindonesia (43): Quick update, so far the refurbished unit has been working without problems. We did several large-area scans with it (1000+ scan points).
How I use Revit + Matterport Pro Camera to Generate Architectural Drawings DanSmigrod 1 2 monthsDanSmigrod (31476): How I use Revit and my Matterport Pro Camera to Generate Architectural Drawings | Video courtesy of Hazim Gaber (HSM) YouTube Channel | 23 December 2024 Video: How I use Revit + Matterport Pro Camera to Generate Architectural Drawings Hi All, From the Hazim Gaber (RSM) YouTube Channel: Using Revit and a Matterport Pro Camera to generate architectural drawings is an efficient...
Matterport Service Provider Video Promoting His Use of the Pro3 Camera DanSmigrod 2 2 monthsMeidansha (820): I am not using Youtube to promote my business but I probably should. Youtube results appear when you make search queries about Matterport in Japanese and one of my competitor's videos appear when asking "What is Matterport".
BIM versus CAD for Matterport Service Providers that use a Pro3 Camera DanSmigrod 1 2 monthsDanSmigrod (31476): BIM versus CAD for Matterport Service Providers that use a Pro3 Camera or BLK360 G1 Scanner/Camera | Video courtesy of WGAN-TV YouTube Channel | 9 December 2024 [podbean][/podbean] WGAN Forum Podcast | Episode #346 BIM versus CAD for Matterport Service Providers that use a Matterport Pro3 Camera (or BLK360 G1 Hi All, Above is a Google NotebookLM AI...
Matterport Pro3 Camera Mount Issue ron0987 4 2 monthsMatterFix (526): Pt 2
Video: Which Matterport Camera - or 360 - is right for you for Matterport? DanSmigrod 1 3 monthsDanSmigrod (31476): Which 360 camera's are compatible with Matterport in 2024, and which one is right for you? | Video courtesy of Jonathan Shilton YouTube Channel | 19 November 2024
Resale value of Matterport Pro3 Camera? Shawn_P 6 3 monthsHome3D (4170): I’ve been fortunate to never (yet) need Mike’s expertise to repair any of our MP cameras. But based on his reputation and the praise I’ve heard from numerous owners that he has helped, I’m really happy to know Mike is there to support us all. Thanks, Mike!
Matterport Pro2 Camera on Sale Tues., October 8th and Wed., Oct. 9, 2024 DanSmigrod 3 4 monthsDanSmigrod (31476): eBlast received Sunday, 13 October 2024 at 10:07 am ET ==> Matterport Store on Amazon Link <==
Video-Example of Local TV Coverage of a Museum Using Matterport Pro3 Camera DanSmigrod 2 4 monthsGlennTremain (2935): WOW!! More need to show this to get business
Marketing Video for Smart Home Solutions Using Matterport Pro2 Camera DanSmigrod 1 4 monthsDanSmigrod (31476): journey to your dream space starts with our 3D Matterport scanner!📸 #smarthomesystem #smarthomes Video courtesy of Jeff Smart Home YouTube Channel | 2 October 2024 Hi All, I thought you would find this use case of a Matterport Pro2 Camera by Smart Homes Solutions company Hive Style of interest. Your thoughts? Best, Dan
Matterport Video: Matterport Pro3 Camera for Design & Construction DanSmigrod 1 4 monthsDanSmigrod (31476): Video: Matterport Pro3 Camera for Design & Construction | Video courtesy of Matterport YouTube Channel | 2 October 2024 =========== :30 Version =========== ---- Video: Matterport Pro3 Camera for Design & Construction | Video courtesy of Matterport YouTube Channel | 2 October 2024 =========== :60...
Video: Matterport Pro2 Camera | Coping with Sunlight DanSmigrod 1 5 monthsDanSmigrod (31476): Matterport Pro2 | Coping with Sunlight | Video courtesy of Matterport YouTube Channel | 20 September 2024
Question of the Day: Does a 360 Camera Speed Capture of Matterport Tours? DanSmigrod 6 5 monthslilnitsch (5794): The Ricoh Theta Z1 can really struggle with Yellowing in certain lighting scenarios
Video: Matterport Pro2 Camera - Shaking During Scanning DanSmigrod 2 5 monthsWingman (4396): My guess is some gear(s) inside has become loose and it can be a matter of opening the casing and just tightening screws that hold gears.
Video: How to Create a Matterport Virtual Tour with a Pro2 Camera DanSmigrod 1 6 monthsDanSmigrod (31476): How to Create an Impressive Virtual Tour for Real Estate with Matterport | Attract More Clients | Video courtesy of Samer Jose YouTube Channel | 16 August 2024
Matterport Pro3 issue: Screen Blank/camera stays on camera warming up Vanaman06 3 7 monthsVanaman06 (85): @MatterFix the camera did start working again after many battery changes and possibly warming it up. do you know if the issue continues to happen or it’s usually a one off issue? I have had the Pro3 for almost 2 years and have never had an issue until yesterday. I have used the camera in the winter and in the blazing heat without any issues before.
Trouble shooting Matterport 2 camera stuck on tripod TaylorC 6 7 monthsTaylorC (13): OK,I was able to get unstuck. I had to remove the middle post from the tripod, remove the rubber cap at the bottom of the middle post to see inside the post. There is a bolt head at the base of the middle of where the camera rests. This bolt is a 13mm and you will need at the least a 12" extension of a socket wrench. Doing this will remove the middle post from the camera leaving the plate on the camera. I will be getting a quick release...
Matterport Pro2 Camera Bundles: $2,277 on Amazon Prime Sale Today (June 16) DanSmigrod 2 7 monthsDanSmigrod (31476): eBlast received 1:15 pm ET Wednesday, 16 July 2024 ✓ Buy Matterport Pro3 Performance Kit on Amazon $5,276 ✓ Buy Matterport Pro2 Kits on Amazon $2,277 (3 Kits) Best, Dan
Matterport Scanning with Pro3 Camera at a height of 5-7 meters (16-23 Feet) Znh 16 7 monthsDanSmigrod (31476): Hi All, Above from this WGAN Forum discussion: => Attaching Matterport Pro3 to a rope? Your thoughts? All WGAN Forum discussions tagged: Tall Tripod Bestm Dan
Wish List: Matterport Pro3 Camera DanSmigrod 7 7 monthsDanSmigrod (31476): Open thread to view post.
Matterport Pro3 Camera making this sound, other problem: help? ron0987 3 8 monthsron0987 (3445): @MatterFix Purchase date was 4/18/23 will have to see what Matterport says and have no plans to use it until repaired. Thank you for feedback. I just saw the accelerator pack has a longer than 1 year warranty, so got to see what Matterport says tomorrow.
  Buy or Sell a Used Matterport Pro1, Pro2 or Pro3 3D Camera Guarantee* DanSmigrod 25 9 monthsDanSmigrod (31476): === Posted to the WGAN Private Group for Buying and Selling Used Matterport Cameras and Related Gear (Tuesday, February 6, 2024)
Matterport vs Realsee - Episode Two - Live Presenter Mode, AI Camera Erase Home3D 7 9 monthsAndrewMaydaa (16): Great Thank you for your response.
List: WGAN Free Resources for the Matterport Pro3 Camera DanSmigrod 4 10 monthsDanSmigrod (31476): Forum Posts tagged: Pro3 Nearly 400 Matterport Pro3 Camera Posts Tagged in the WGAN Forum Hi All, To see a list of nearly 400 Matterport Pro3 Camera Posts tagged in the WGAN Forum, go to: Pro3 Best, Dan
Nearly 400 Matterport Pro3 Camera Posts Tagged in the WGAN Forum DanSmigrod 1 10 monthsDanSmigrod (31476): Forum Posts tagged: Pro3 Nearly 400 Matterport Pro3 Camera Posts Tagged in the WGAN Forum Hi All, To see a list of nearly 400 Matterport Pro3 Camera Posts tagged in the WGAN Forum, go to: Pro3 Best, Dan
Staff Using Matterport Cameras - Equipment Release rhelling 4 11 monthsScanYourSpace (791): I have tutorial videos on my youtube channel and have also trained everyone who uses them. I do include verbiage in my rental agreements where the renter accepts responsibility for damage and in my employee agreement it also mentions the same. Tom
Leap Day Sale: Save 29% on best-selling Matterport Pro3 Camera Kits DanSmigrod 2 1 yearDanSmigrod (31476): eBlast received Wednesday, 28 February 2024 Leap Day Sale: Save 29% on best-selling Matterport Pro3 Camera Kits Shop Matterport Store on Amazon Shop Matterport Website Note: Leap Day Pricing on...
WGAN-TV | Matterport Pro3 Camera for Construction Progress; FM and IoT DanSmigrod 2 1 yearFathom3D (150): Great conversation, good to see how this is being presented. Thanks for sharing!
Matterport Intros High Density Scanning for its Flagship Pro3 Camera DanSmigrod 2 1 yearDanSmigrod (31476): Hi All, This Matterport Pro3 Camera feature was first discussed in the WGAN Forum more than a month ago (9 December 2023) in a WGAN Forum discussion by: @EMILIANO Now in Beta: Pro3 High-Density Scanning and Floor Detection Controls What's been your experience with Matterport Pro3 Camera high-density scanning (including your use-case)? Best, Dan
  Matterport Scan Needed in Tucson, AZ | Client Requests Pro3 Camera DanSmigrod 3 1 yearDanSmigrod (31476): This opportunity has been handled. Thanks, Dan
Are you searching for a list of Matterport Pro3 Camera Service Providers? DanSmigrod 3 1 yearDanSmigrod (31476): Grab of WGAN Map | Tuesday, 19 December 2023
Matterport Pro3 Camera: Germany’s Historic Krämerbrücke Bridge DanSmigrod 2 1 yearhayyu360 (49): Very nice tour. I do not want to be too critical, however, from the shadow of the camera it looks like Pro2, perhaps it shall be a mix of both.
Video: My Matterport Pro3 Camera is noisy! What should I do? DanSmigrod 4 1 yearhayyu360 (49): The video was great, and I’m curious about the causes of the noise issue in the Pro3. Could it be linked to scanning with an imbalanced tripod or scanning lengthy outdoor jobs, leading to dirt and dust particles getting stuck in the Lidar Motor? What recommendations are there to ensure the camera’s safety in both scenarios? Balancing the Pro3 becomes challenging, especially when adjusting tripod legs for specific heights. Could you...
Matterport Pro3 Camera, for stairs, corridors & rows of racks / aisles? Noddy 5 1 yearNoddy (429): Thanks all, I appreciate it. @ron9087 are you referring to the new 3D trim tool in edit menu after processing? I haven't needed to use it for fixing closed door data either, but good to know it works to fix that and re-upload, thanks.
New firmware update for Matterport Camera PRO3 EMILIANO 2 1 yearDanSmigrod (31476): WGAN.INFO/pro3alerts | | Text pro3alerts to 877-805-0960 | powered by texting platform: @EMILIANO Thank you for sharing that important Pro3 news! I just sent a WGAN Text Alert to those that have opted in for these WGAN Pro3 Alerts. Happy holidays, Dan
Video: Getting Started Matterport Pro3 Camera - Marketing Use Case DanSmigrod 1 1 yearDanSmigrod (31476): Getting Started Matterport Pro3 Camera - Marketing Use Case | Video courtesy of Matterport | 7 November 2023 ================================ More Matterport Pro3 Camera Resources ================================ WGAN-TV Training U in Matterport Pro3 Camera Course Free Course...
Matterport Pro3 Camera owners. Are you charging a hosting fee? Shawn_P 6 1 yearChemistrydoc (1930): Absolutely. Without exception.
Matterport Pro3 Camera Users Scan 4x the Size Spaces as Pro2 Users DanSmigrod 2 1 yearMeshImages (3017): Yes, much bigger and much faster scans. You can easily scan 60.000 sqf and more of interior space on one day with the Pro3. Exterior even much more. I’ve scanned 600.000 sqf exterior on one day (just tour, no focus on dollhouse). Impressive tech and a virtual tour performance like no other device on the market.
Matterport Donates Pro2 Cameras to Support School Safety and Tech Education DanSmigrod 1 1 yearDanSmigrod (31476): Matterport Media Release --- DTI 3D Mapping Brief | Video courtesy of Digital Twin Imaging | 28 February 2023 Matterport Donates Pro2 Cameras to Support School Safety and Tech Education | Video courtesy of WGAN-TV YouTube Channel | 1 November 2023 [podbean][/podbean] W GAN Forum Podcast | Episode 237 ...
PMRE Conference Offers Matterport Pro3 Camera as Prize DanSmigrod 1 1 yearDanSmigrod (31476): PMRE Conference is a WGAN Sponsor --- ==================================================== Save $100 on In-Person OR Livestream | Coupon Code: WGAN100 ==================================================== Grow Your Real Estate Photography + Media Business Presented by...
  List of Serial Numbers of Stolen Matterport Pro2/Pro3 Cameras DanSmigrod 3 1 yearDanSmigrod (31476): Open thread to view post.
Matterport Webinar: Learn the difference between 360/infrared/LiDAR cameras DanSmigrod 1 1 yearDanSmigrod (31476): Grab courtesy of Matterport Matterport Webinar: Learn the difference between 360/infrared/LiDAR cameras Matterport Webinar Wednesday, 1 November 2023 - 11:30 am ET Matterport Webinar Registration Link (free) === Due to the cumbersome nature of organizing and maintaining thousands of project photos,...
Video: Insta360 X3 vs Matterport Pro3 3D LiDAR Camera! DanSmigrod 1 1 yearDanSmigrod (31476): Insta360 X3 vs Matterport Pro3 3D LiDAR Camera! | Video courtesy of AuthenTech Ben Schmanke YouTube Channel | 25 October 2023 Hi All, Your thoughts? Dan
ChatGPT4 + Bing: Compare Matterport Pro2/Pro3 Cameras For Outdoor Scanning DanSmigrod 2 1 yearNarvan891 (79): ChatGPT4 + Bing actually described a Matterport technology provided shoot as a "digital twin"? Interesting....I figured that was a trademarked or copyrighted description from Matterport itself but apparently it's now considered and incorporated into the AI lexicon world as a real word now? Huh....
  Buy Used Matterport Pro3 3D Cameras / Sell Used Matterport Pro 3 Cameras DanSmigrod 2 1 yearDanSmigrod (31476): --- Hi All, Above was posted to the WGAN Forum on Saturday, 14 October 2023. Dan --- Join the WGAN Private Group: Buy-Sell Used Matterport Cameras to buy or sell a used Matterport Pro1, Pro2 or Pro3 Camera within 30 days or your WGAN ad money back guarantee.* * WGAN Money Back Guarantee: If you do not sell or buy a used Matterport Pro1, Pro2 or Pro3 3D Camera within 30 days, your WGAN ad cost refunded on request. Simply...
Gear of the Week: Tripod Dolly for Matterport Pro2/Pro3 Cameras DanSmigrod 4 1 yearChemistrydoc (1930): Hi All - I just used this model last month for an 8-day job, and it was truly a lifesaver. Thanks,@ron0987 for the heads-up on level, btw. I was worried at first that just the excentric motion of the spin would cause it to move enough to cause alignment problems, but I never really saw that. The Pro3 and this dolly made scanning a 10-floor hospital with 6 floor adjacent outpatient facility a possibility. Pro2 and regular tripod without...
Video: Scanning Large Spaces with a Matterport Pro3 Camera DanSmigrod 1 1 yearDanSmigrod (31476): Matter Hacks | Scanning Large Spaces with a Matterport Pro3 | Video courtesy of Actionable Insights YouTube Channel | 19 September 2023 WGAN-TV Training U in Matterport Pro3 Camera Course Free Course (via Rebate): WGAN-TV Training U in Matterport Pro3 Camera Course ...
Matterport Pro2 Camera: $1,995 or Bundle for $2,895 DanSmigrod 1 1 yearDanSmigrod (31476): Buy Matterport Pro2 Camera via Amazon ($1,995) Buy Matterport Pro2 Camera via Amazon ($1,995) Hi All, Buy Matterport Pro2 Camera via Amazon ($1,995) ✓ Warning: Pro2 "Insurance" Add On...
How to save $900 on a Matterport Pro2 Camera Kit DanSmigrod 1 1 yearDanSmigrod (31476): To save $900 on the Matterport Pro2 Camera Kit, check the " Apply 900 coupon" on Amazon. To save $900 on the Matterport Pro2 Camera Kit, check the " Apply 900 coupon" on Amazon. ...
  Matterport Pro Using Pro3 Camera Wanted: Truro, England, UK DanSmigrod 2 1 yearDanSmigrod (31476): This opportunity is no longer available. Best, Dan