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'Virtual Reality' Topics

TitleAuthorPostsLast Post
VR shopping: how scalable are existing solutions 3dscanindonesia 2 36 minutesMeshImages (3017): I was also circling around this question some time ago and I came to the conclusion, that it will be better to bring the Matterport into the Shopsystem (eg Shopify) and continue from there. Typical custom code SDK job on both ends. Another answer that I came up to is to change the platform from Matterport to 3DVista to accomplish this. Take a look at @360Creators solutions with so called SkinCMS - find more info here
How to Add A Roof 360 Image -or- Include A Roof Level Scan? rhelling 7 11 monthsDanSmigrod (31476): Hi All, Is this helpful? ✓ HOVER Secures a $60M Customer-Led Round: Build the Future of Property Data Dan
Use Matterport scans for demonstrative evidence in court. RSET 6 1 yearMeidansha (829): This is good to hear. Thank you.
Client interested in Scan Concierge sholder 14 1 yearHome3D (4170): @sholder - 3DVista is a phenomenal product. The learning curve is long, but worth every hour, day, month required for mastery. I'm not a master, may never be considering the pace at which they add new features, but I consider myself an advanced intermediate. Here is one to take a look at. This is a...
Recover Matterport Scan Files? AmitPapneja 5 1 yearAmitPapneja (10): Tha ks everyone for give me the solution I got my all tours back....its really helpful platform
Merry Real Time Game Engine and 3D CGI Christmas! Baezeni 2 1 yearDanSmigrod (31476): @Baezeni WOW! Thanks for sharing the Baezeni CGI examples. It's amazing what's possible for pre-built spaces. Happy holidays, Dan
The Matterport Revolution of Virtual Tours with 3D Renderings (CGI Tour) JPMoris 14 1 yearselder76 (111): Honestly I don't even think its good for the advanced user, meaning someone who wants to actually make money at this job :). Someday.
Real Home gets 3D Upgrade ftosolini 2 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): @ftosolini That's awesome! Thanks for sharing. And, more awesome with Paolo @Tosolini making a cameo! Enjoy your weekend (in your new virtual home). Dan
Options for Tour Deployment in VR i.e devices & offline DEGMedia 10 2 yearsSIMLAB (26): Hi.. SIMLAB still has the old version of STAGES - which was offline and was using Materpack for true VR effect and 3D glasses... Check it out, if someone is interested - we can help: and build similar experiences. Please notice that there is a significant difference between viewing flat 360 panoramas and 3D geometry when you use a VR glasses.
Any More Pay-Per-Tour Virtual Tour Software/Sites Out There? PhotographyByWasim 11 2 yearsron0987 (3457): @PhotographyByWasim Once your model is finished, I hope you can and will share the tour.
Openhaus Pro Product Update !! Carson 1 2 yearsCarson (302): Many other great updates coming during the next two weeks (:
Do more with Matterport 3D scans: RSET RSET 9 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): RSET | | Text Me 5 Minutes Before WGAN-TV is Live | WGAN-TV | Fight ZOMBIES ( in Any Matterport Digital Twin Mesh View powered by...
Elegant way to merge exterior 3D scan with internal 360 VT Saulius 5 3 yearsMeshImages (3017): @Wingman with MPSkin you can do it, too. Here is a demo. The cool feature about MPSkin is the visibility setting, so you can see the 3D model only from the outside, but not from the inside. You can check this here from the top of the tower.
new horizons for virtual tours eduandresc 7 3 yearseduandresc (24): Guys, thank you so much. After reading your comments I think that the solution will probably take the way of a camera/scanner + software pack that could met both local hosting regulation and data security. My partner now is consulting to a judge and a prosecutor in order to get more info about local legislation. If we make it to get to a prototype or any kind of pilot I will be sharing my experience here. Thanks again!
Video: Is the Matterport virtual tour ready for VR headset? DanSmigrod 1 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): Is the Matterport virtual tour ready for VR headset? | Video courtesy of Lama VR YouTube Channel | 20 May 2022 Hi All, Your thoughts? Dan app lets you explore 3D scans with friends MeshImages 5 3 yearsMeshImages (3017): @DanSmigrod Everything, that profits from many to many communication, can be a use case for this: marketing, real estate, e-learning and commerce. But in the end you have to focus on a specific industry and create a solution that adds up (said Steve Jobs) .
What other Virtual Tour platforms are compatible with Matterport cameras? HunsletRiviera 8 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): Hi All, DOWNLOAD360 service is no longer available. Dan
🚨Matterport Yacht Scan problems: can you help? 🚨 skyload300 16 3 yearsSdoughtie (567): @Wingman I’m just thankful that I noticed the cause. I’d much rather go the self help route. Now we know…
Which 360 platform enables open/close of glove box in this car tour? peterek87 Jump to first page32Jump to last page 3 yearsTosolini (4356): Some time ago, I shared this experiment which is based on swapping entire panoramas. Using 3D renders to simulate interactions in a 360 space The number of possible combinations can easily get out of hand, so it's not an efficient workflow. 3D Vista recently released a new hotspot type for virtual staging which seems to address this specific use case.
WGAN-TV: Developing Matterport Brand/Shop Experiences powered by RETAIL VR DanSmigrod 3 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): [retailvr][/retailvr] Retail VR Example courtesy of Retail VR
WGAN-TV Podcast: Matterport Brand/Shop Experiences powered by RETAIL VR DanSmigrod 1 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): WGAN 3rd Party Service Provider --- WGAN-TV Podcast | WGAN Forum Podcast [podbean][/podbean]Audio and Video Podcast | WGAN-TV: Developing Matterport Brand/Shopping Experiences powered by RETAIL VR Platform | Guest: RETAIL VR Partner International...
WGAN-TV eBook: Matterport Brand & Shopping Experiences powered by RETAIL VR DanSmigrod 2 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): [retailvr][/retailvr] Retail VR Example courtesy of Retail VR
Viewing Matterport Model in VR Viewer no longer supported? GETMYVR 6 3 yearsThinkLab (387): @GETMYVR you are very right. But maybe they are making money on Quest 2 , this is the only way they will be able to force people to buy into "their" metaverse , but there are way better options out there to get your clients spaces into the meta verses. And its evolving super fast , Matterport wont be able to keep up with what is being built. I still seeing Matterport selling your content on the Meta verse very very soon, as they own...
[R&D] Historical sites in VR - A ShapesXR prototype for Meta Quest Tosolini 2 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): @Tosolini I'm THERE! (Actually, I'm here! (But, I feel like I am there!) Thanks for sharing another amazing Matterport Mash-up! Best, Dan
Video>The Metaverse looks like this: Matterport + Avatar in VR virtual tour DanSmigrod 1 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): The Metaverse looks like this...Matterport + Avatar in a VR virtual tour | Video courtesy of Hopscotch Interactive YouTube Channel | 14 February 2022 Hi All, Video (above) from San Francisco-Bay Area Hopscotch Interactive Founder Emily Olman (@Hopscotch). Your thoughts? Best, Dan From the Hopscotch Interactive YouTube Channel We received an inquiry at the agency the other day from...
The Metaverse looks like this...Matterport + Avatar in a VR virtual tour Hopscotch 1 3 yearsHopscotch (207): clickable text #metaverse #avatars #matterport #virtualreality #virtualtours We received an inquiry at the agency the other day from someone who wanted to know if they could have an avatar inside of a Matterport model in each of the rooms. The answer is of course, "YES", but it begs a lot of questions about that experience and the many, many ways one could tackle that brief: 1) Is it live? 2) Is it photorealistic, or is it...
Retail VR Uses Matterport to Improve Retail Operations and Merchandising DanSmigrod 1 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): Matterport Media Release --- Retail VR Retail VR Develops Immersive Brand and Shopping Experiences with Matterport Digital Twins | Video courtesy of Matterport YouTube Channel | 28 December 2021 Retail VR | What do we do ? Reinvent retail and provide new...
How you think virtual tours provider will benefit from the metaverse ? Josequinones 11 3 yearsCharlesHH (640): Article in the Times of London where the journalist entered the metaverse and in minutes was being sexually harassed and offered pornography. Young kids should not be able to access it but apparently very easy to bypass controls. @Josequinones I remember Second Life (still exists) where a friend sold a lot of her art to be placed in Second Life homes - she made a couple of thousand dollars. Apparently, it is still in existence and is very...
Matterport CGI tour bethereeu 6 3 yearsWingman (4408): @CharlesHH it seems you have missed this thread Matterport new features(beta):Import 360 Images & scans manual placement
A WGAN Forum discussion about RVs and Museums? DiogoCosta38 9 3 yearsDiogoCosta38 (18): @DanSmigrod @Tosolini --- Google Translate added by @DanSmigrod --- I am immensely grateful for the collaboration of my noble colleagues. This has helped me a lot to broaden the horizon of possibilities regarding this project. I hope we have success here in this activation and as soon as I move forward with the proposal, I make a point of sharing the result with the group. Greetings. --- Agradeço imensamente pela...
2022 leader For live video chat within a Matterport tour? GlennTremain 5 3 yearsMeshImages (3017): @GlennTremain It would be an awesome feature for WP3D to allow the embedding of extra code to the individual models. For a chat like WhatsApp or a pop-up Google-Form or a Calendly-Button or anything else. Maybe via another wordpress-plugin.
Auctioning a Matterport NFT (for $187,000 or more) Worldof3D 22 3 yearsCharlesHH (640): @Wingman one of the weird things about NFTs is that you can make a video and post it on YouTube where it is seen by 10 million viewers. Then you can sell the original mp4 file as an NFT and keep the video on YouTube. Similarly you can sell a photograph as a nft. But you still retain the copyright and the buyer does not have the rights to make and sell prints from the image. But he owns it.
Interior virtual tour from Floorplan Liam_Tayler 6 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): @Liam_Tayler If you would like to end up with a Matterport Tour – either from floor plans or your architect's CAD drawings (such as REVIT or SKETCHUP), Listing3D offers this service. This topic is covered in this WGAN-TV show: ✓ WGAN-TV eBook: How to Make Money Offering Virtual Staging of Matterport WGAN Forum discussions tagged: Listing3D Dan
Matterport Invests in SIMLAB: Accelerate Building Design/Construction/MGMT DanSmigrod 2 4 yearsLuisMesquita (14): Hi, I've been trying to contact SIMLAB for several days. I've sent 2 emails...but no response so far. Has anyone been able to contact them and get more information about their app STAGES? Thanks
Integrating Matterport into Drone Video/Creating Navigable Midair Reality Benrk0385 28 4 yearsBenrk0385 (225): Wow, that is great!
Do I owned the copyright of my MP-to-360s published to Google Street View? GETMYVR 4 4 yearsWingman (4408): Have a look at the following thread I have 2 blue lines shown there and each displays "©Wingman Media"
Transcript: WGAN-TV Art of Matterport & XR Mash-Ups by Tosolini Productions DanSmigrod 1 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): WGAN-TV: WGAN-TV Live at 5: The Art of Matterport and XR Mash-Ups by Tosolini Productions with Bellevue, Washington-based Tosolini Productions Founder and Director of Innovation, Paolo Tosolini (@Tosolini) | Thursday, 6 May 2021 Video: Example of Tosolini Productions mashup. This video explores a #nocode​ solution to create dynamic pop-ups for immersive 360 virtual tours. When a tour gets populated with many...
What 360 virtual tour software has been used in this virtual tour? onafets 5 4 yearsWingman (4408): It is impressive but I am sure you can create the same with Pano2VR or 3DVista apart from virtual staging that probably has been used there.
Asked to be a guest speaker for landlords? Advice coulee360 5 4 yearsQueen_City_3D (3144): If I were presenting to landlords I'd focus on the Virtual Tour being not only a way to market it for rent, but the best way to document the shape of the building/unit prior to the tenancy. I had a personal experience myself where a tenant caused a bunch of damages. With the Matterport tour from before the tenancy started I was able to zoom in and take snapshots of the "BEFORE" and contrast those with the AFTER. The new accounts...
Why is the VR is not working in MPEmbed tour links? AhmedAttia 1 4 yearsAhmedAttia (220): Hello Guys Does anyone know why the VR is not working in MPEmbed tour links?
YouTube gearing up to host 3D content:? GlennTremain 1 4 yearsGlennTremain (2935): Login to your YouTube account and go to your studio and in the navigation "videos" has now been replaced with "content." The reason? Expect YouTube and Facebook to allow the uploading of more 3D media (Matterport like material) than they do now by the end of the 1st quarter of 2021. How will this affect the market? YouTube will dominate the...
The Captate Guide to Virtual Tours in 2021 Conor_Brady 1 4 yearsConor_Brady (8): 2020 saw major technological advances in the real estate development and asset management sectors, as the industry globally grappled with the effects of Covid. The use of virtual tours for customization and collaborative design of residential and office space has still not seen wide adoption. However, virtual tours are becoming a must-have in the digital marketing of presales & office leasing deals. Read more With that in mind, we...
Experiencing issues with Matterport VR via WebXR/WebVR web browsers? DanSmigrod 2 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): Hi All, An update from the WGAN Members that emailed me previously (above). Dan --- UPDATE: The only immediate solution to this problem is using an Oculus headset, Android device that supports WebXR or pre-iOS14 for Google Cardboard. Here is a link from support: From Matterport Support Team: Unfortunately we will be unable to support iOS devices beyond iOS 14 for VR. We were using an...
Matterport Video: How to edit the Virtual Reality (VR) Path in a Matterport DanSmigrod 1 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): Customizing your Matterport Model: Virtual Reality (VR) | Video courtesy of Matterport YouTube Channel | 17 November 2020 In this Matterport video, Matterport Marketing Content Manager Amir Frank shows how to edit the virtual reality (VR) path in a Matterport space (and how/why this will change over time with Oculus Go and Oculus Quest headsets. How do you leverage the Matterport Virtual Reality (VR)...
Virtual PFRE Conference 2020 is coming! andriystrebkov 2 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): @andriystrebkov Yes! I will be "there" ... WGAN Forum Members can save $50 with the WGAN Coupon Code here ... ✓ Save $50 on PFRE Virtual Conference 2020 | 20-21 November 2020 Dan
Jeopardy Question references Matterport Tour by Capture Capture 2 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): @Capture Alex, for $400. Which Digital Twin platform was featured on Jeopardy this week? (Wednesday, 11 November 2020) What is Matterport? Dan P.S. Congrats to the CAPTURE team in Greater New England!
Anyone have experience with the VR Platform, PROP VR? Pau 1 4 yearsPau (58): Hi, Anyone have experience with this platform Cheers,
Inman: From video to VR: why VR home tours are a must-have DanSmigrod 1 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): Inman (3 November 2020) From video to VR: why VR home tours are a must-have -- I encourage you to subscribe to Inman. Free 90 day trial of Inman with this WGAN Affiliate Code
Scanning big spaces + repetitive surroundings SuperScanner 8 4 yearsinmerso3D (126): @Home3D Hi kevin Great work on the aviation tour. An off-topic question, what camera did you use in the 360 aerial shot? Regards
Matterport services hamid167 2 4 yearsMW_VRS (16): I have 3 major add-ons that I offer my clients. The first is Aerial Drone Photography. The second is Full production exterior Video with Drone Footage and custom music. and the last is a question I give them. Is this just for the internet such as, or do you plan on doing flyers and other stuff, If so then you will want to consider adding High Quality pictures that I shoot with my DSLR. The pictures that are exported from Matterport...
Matterport with Oculus Go tmroberts 3 4 yearstmroberts (161): @DanSmigrod - thank you for the video - it sure answered my question. Seems the instant transition blue spheres are dated and now the use of the controller is required. There are sure benefits of the experience with and without the use of the controller. We have 2 Oculus Go headsets we use for demo's so as long as they work...they will work ;) I encourage all agents to at least experiment with VR whether it be something as simple as a BNext...
BoxBrownie Interior 360 Rendering EaglePrecision 9 4 yearsEaglePrecision (289): Thank you for all the info. Have you tried anyone else for comparison?
Custom Tour locally hosted jbsmoore 11 4 yearsGETMYVR (1940): [Scratching head] If you placed a hyperlink or you placed a i-frame code on a webpage hosted by the client, technically it's hosted on their site. You should let them know one of the benefits of using an iframe rather than self-hosting and sticking with matterport, is because matterport has invested millions of dollars to make sure that whoever requests to view the virtual tour on a myriad of different devices, maniport will make sure that...
3D Vista Virtual Tour Pro >> E-Learning skyload300 4 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): @skyload300 Is this helpful? Free course: WGAN-TV Training U | Intro to 3DVista Virtual Tour Pro with Kevin Dole The majority of this course is show and tell of Kevin's various tours showing what’s possible with 3DVista Virtual Tour Pro Software, as well as integrations that Kevin does with WP3D Models, Matterport, drone and other solutions that real estate photographers uses. This WGAN-TV course is not intended as a tutorial on how...
Someone Please Define 360 Tour vs 3D Tour homefinders3d 4 4 yearsWingman (4408): I consider Matterport and GeoCV as 3D virtual tours because they may not obviously using 3D data in their tours but they capture all data to generate a 3D model of a property. There is another one(I believe it is IGuide) that is using a lidar to capture in 3D but everything else which is not using LiDARs does not deserve a "3D virtual tour" term, it is just 360 degree photos linked together so they produce 360 degree virtual tours. I...
Which platform was used to create this 360º Virtual Tour? filinto 4 4 yearsTakedaSan (222): But you can use 3D Vista also to create a similar project. Takeda
VR Mode View filinto 1 5 yearsfilinto (31): With the Oculus Go headset I can now access the new VR mode view, but I can't seem to find an easy access to the floor plan view inside the VR model. With the previous interface it was just a matter of looking down to your "feet" and you had two options showing up, one of which was the floor plan view of the model. Does anyone nows a way to access the floor plan view while in VR mode?
Matterport Video: What is New and Coming in Matterport Virtual Reality DanSmigrod 3 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): Introducing Matterport's New VR Mode | video courtesy of Matterport YouTube Channel | 5 August 2020
Inman: How I sold an $18 million condo in 2 weeks with VR DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): Inman (27 July 2020) How I sold an $18 million condo in 2 weeks with VR - One agent’s approach to leveraging virtual reality and 3D tours to move listings "Empowered with this technology, we held an onsite party in 2017 to promote the Dancing Bear penthouse while it was still under construction. Without any mechanical or electrical systems installed, and only minimal furnishings, we set up viewing experiences in which prospects...
Leica's blog post about BLK360 + VR Tosolini 3 5 yearsTosolini (4356): @Harrycayman Thanks! We are constantly working on new explorations. Stay tuned :-)
Robot virtual tour guide GETMYVR 2 5 yearsJuMP (2031): @GETMYVR you tell a great idea, and we would like to imagine a new addon for Matterport showcase. Why not add a virtual robots within a normal Matterport showcase page, it will look like the one you mentioned in your topic. But a 3D object that be added to the Matterport showcase to be a robot guide for showcase viewers. This virtual robot can be added by Matterport SDK bundle.
Matterport Optimized for Oculus Quest: Walk Anywhere/No Blue Dot Limits DanSmigrod 10 5 yearsQueen_City_3D (3144): @ArchimedStudio No need to use a VR URL. If you load any matterport model in the Oculus Quest it automatically recognizes it and gives you an "Enter VR" option. It's a different experience, of course, for Google Cardboard.
Metareal V1.1 - In-tour minimap, rendered floorplans, custom dimensions... ysabelc 3 5 yearsysabelc (168): @Views4D We actually just started a new tutorial series to make it easier to learn Stage. You can watch the first video here:
Inman: Remember all that fuss about VR? What happened there? DanSmigrod 4 5 yearssean (5): For the curious, the BBC's Your Home Made Perfect website, which include sample clips.
Real 3D environments to explore with VR headsets? 6 DoF Levazland 10 5 yearsBoasxaner (7): If you use PreVu3D you can work with both matterport and LiDAR which generate even higher resolution using BLK360, Faro and RTC 360. It is also quite interactive, tried their demo the other week.
How do we see the 3D Virtual Reality Future - where we right? carloscardo 2 5 yearsCharlesHH (640): I so agree with your original thoughts and your expanded view. Thanks for sharing. Businesses, restaurants, hotels, schools - it's so perfect. Persuading them is harder, but I am building up a good set of examples. There is also high demand for tours of yet to be built properties.
What technology is this VR tour made with? skyload300 4 5 yearsHome3D (4170): 3DVista has the ability to set "live video" areas within fully active 360 panos, similar to how these people can be "clicked" to come alive. However in this case it's not using 360 panos but simply 2d photos. Probably not 3DVista, but if you're interested in this sort of thing, explore 3DVista. and you can do cool things.
Independence Day 360-3D Atriux 1 5 yearsAtriux (52): Happy Independence Day y'all ! Model is made with scans 360-3D Cortex conversion only and errors are inevitable due to complexity of the environment.What do you think?
1st VT with the Theta Z1 and wondering how to capture a "regular" still MCML 5 5 yearsMCML (8): Thank you for the info! I do have a DSLR that I could bring but was hoping there was a way to take the stills from the tour like I did with the Matterport. I have googled converting an equirectangular image to a normal image but that didn't return many results. From what I could see, yes, it would be quite complicated.
URGENT: help scanning this Penthouse (Matterport) skyload300 13 5 yearsExpertise (1192): Wish I was in Brickell right now! Happy hour at Trulucks, I'm buyin! Anyway- I'd be very concerned about that staircase. Hopefully, there are some differentiating features in there.
Virtual Exhibition made in Sketchup / Vray / 3dVista Marshallartsmedia 4 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): @Marshallartsmedia Ah! Correct. Thanks for the explanation. Dan
Custom built 360° rig in space? ArtisticConcepts 3 5 yearsbotticelli (97): This is the company contracted for the project... More info here
Converting Matterport to Video carloscardo 3 5 yearsahagert (141): Can you please share your process high level? Software system used?
Metareal B16: WebXR, Updated keyboard navigation, SDK Guided Tours, etc. ysabelc 1 5 yearsysabelc (168): We've just released Beta 16! FEATURING: - VR tours have been upgraded to WebXR - More traditional as well as WASD keyboard navigation - Tool tips for player menu icons - Extrusion volumes for drawing objects that can't be approximated by cubes or cylinders - Guided tours using the SDK READ MORE HERE: ...
new Matterport competitor jayrtfm 10 5 yearsMeshImages (3017): @Kumar this is like Matterport started with the early MP Pro1. Imagine Rescan with a clean, perfectly structured and textured 3-dimensional mesh in this wonderful player. Maybe you could also draw highres images from this (additionally with renderers like vray or octane). You could also stage these images with 3D assets. Of course we are talking about pro services here. In Berlin, Germany, I would scan 2 reference use cases with this...
[R&D] Mozilla Hubs VR chatrooms meet Matterport Tosolini 2 5 yearsandreabortolot (199): @paolo your mesh up are always at the top for innovations. Congrats!
Re: removing a article inside a matterport tour 3dvrwalkthrough 14 5 yearsbriangreul (684): I bet for $1200 the Queen of Sheba can move the fan and let you reshoot that room..... Of course I don't like to gamble, so your luck may vary.
Can this be done in Matterport? MortenKrog 11 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): @Home3D Yes. WGAN can save you 5 percent on the Insta360 Pro 2 Camera :cool: ... because you are a WGAN Standard Member. Please Private Message me for details before you make your purchase. Best, Dan
Panoskin to website jfchijf 1 5 yearsjfchijf (1): Hi there, Would anyone happen to know how to get the code to put the panoskin tour onto a website instead of google? Is it even possible? Thank you in advance!
Collecting 3rd party articles about 3D Virtual Reality - Have any? GlennTremain 2 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): @GlennTremain I encourage you to subscribe to INMAN for articles like these. When I post articles like the above to the WGAN Forum from Inman, I tag them: Inman You can get a $20 Inman credit on your Inman Select subscription with this WGAN affiliate code for INMAN. By the way: ✓ WSJ: Coronavirus is Forcing Real-Estate Agents to Adapt...Sink or Swim? Some additional WGAN Forum tags that...
My Virtual Open House Hack GETMYVR 14 5 yearsWingman (4408): I have checked it today and I actually like it. I do not like their prices though in terms of how many active tours they provide. They seem to follow Matterport example limiting users to 25 tours for $90/month However the good thing for me that they show their price in AUD so it makes it cheaper than Matterport.
Metareal: Save money & reduce time on-site with 3D virtual tours from 360s gareth 6 5 yearsysabelc (168): @Home3D Ysabel from Metareal here. Thanks for checking us out and leaving such a positive review! If you have any suggestions on how we can make the software better, do let us know :D
Matterport Announces Virtual Staging Partnership with VRPM - UK VTLV 22 5 yearsangusnorriss (747): The Dollhouse feature is under development review and not yet available in today's models.
Creating new portal BULLA66 4 5 yearsbryanhscott (843): @BULLA66 Your portal concept sounds like another way for a listing agent, or perhaps an unrepresented owner/seller to advertise a listing. Assuming your portal does bring the buyer, and further assuming the listing agent is under agreement with the owner/seller to offer a buyer-agent commission side, then you bring the buyer and get paid the buyer-agent commission at closing. This works if you, or someone on your team is licensed properly to...
Inman: VR Among 4 tech products every brokerage should invest in DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): Inman (29 January 2020) 4 tech products every brokerage should invest in "Virtual reality, better video, podcasts and agent analytics are helping some brokers bring in new business" Virtual reality "During the panel, [kwELITE CEO Jeff] Cohn pulled out a pair of Oculus Go glasses, which his firm uses to offer clients a VR tour of homes they like before they discuss showing times. While such a high-tech option may not...
*NEW* 360-Degree Virtual Staging from BLUE-SKETCH ashleighpaz 4 5 yearsashleighpaz (55): Hi @Skeeter! You can directly and easily place orders now on our website here! For a full sample tour, see below for embed code you may use <script src="" data-kuula="" data-width="100%" data-height="640px"></script> If you have any questions, feel free...
Matterport Included in Virtual Reality Content Creation Market Report DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): Grab courtesy of Contrived Datum Insights Contrived Datum Insights (9 January 2020) Virtual Reality Content Creation Market insights shared in a detailed report – 360 Labs, Blippar, Koncept VR, Matterport "Contrive Datum Insights has published an innovative data, titled as Virtual Reality Content Creation...
Video: Fata Morgana: Virtual Teleportation via Remove Presence Platform DanSmigrod 6 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): @Tosolini Nice pix of you. Hololens V2 looks more comfortable to wear. Ha! It's obvious that we are two peas in a pod: no tech required. Happy Turkey Day! Dan P.S. Almost time for Tango Tuesday. (Not Project Tango: Argentine Tango Class with my wife.)
Should I include hosting - or Add On - when quoting a Matterport 3D Tour? Burak 3 5 yearsBurak (5): Thanks for helpful answering Liam.
Blurring logo Harrycayman 3 5 yearsHarrycayman (439): I love the face drawn into it harry
[R&D] An interactive virtual portfolio showroom for Oculus Quest Tosolini 2 5 yearsangusnorriss (747): @Tosolini lovely work!
GSV19: Matterport Meets Teleportation in a Tosolini Productions VR Mashup DanSmigrod 3 5 yearsTosolini (4356): And here is a video of the actual experience...
Sotheby's Partners with Magic Leap for VR Experiences: RoOomy for AR DanSmigrod 5 5 yearsbryanhscott (843): @DanSmigrod .... except as a way to showcase the difference between a DIY app (used by the buyer/renter or broker) vs. an "already staged" property done by an operator.
3D walkthrough of a digitally rendered small condo ftosolini 7 5 yearsbryanhscott (843): @ftosolini Thanks for the info. Yet another option for floor plans!
Which 3D/VR Camera/Platform is right for my project in Syria? KlaraTT 7 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): @KlaraTT Contact: @Jonathan_GeoCV or Keep-in-mind that in addition to the smartphone needing charging, the rotator has batteries that need to be charged too. While GeoCV presently only sells/ships to USA addresses. The following might be an option: ✓ How to buy a GeoCV Kit if you live outside the United States Best, Dan
Sample of Everpano 3D izoneguy 1 5 yearsizoneguy (468): Yesterday KR Pano announced version 1.2 - and a companion to that is Everpano 3D. Everpano 3D uses depth maps and in conjuction with a pano you can get a walking feel. This is a sample page showing what is possible - the demo was shot with a Z1. You can play with the controls to get a feel for what you can do, Depthmap-Tour of the 'Little Temple of Abu Simbel' A...
[R&D] A comparison of GeoCV and Matterport 3D OBJ files Tosolini 8 5 yearsConvrts (240): Home3D - we just used the OBJ from a HD GeoCV tour to create a model and it was much the same. Compared to creating the model from Matterport tours as he's done previously my mate (the one who's better at this stuff than me!) said he found it so much easier to work with. Thanks for the comparison Tossolini, really great!
Independent App with vitual tour ArturKrawczyk 2 6 yearsWingman (4408): It(your link) seems to be done through If you need software to make custom self hosted tours or/and submitted a tour to GSV Pano2VR Pro can do it. Not sure about WelcomeAlbania app though. Somebody could write it for them to get their tour into an android shell to use it as an Android app.
Help Wanted! How to view GeoCV tour in VR on website Convrts 3 6 yearsConvrts (240): And that right there is one of the many reasons the GeoCV experience is so good.... you post a message asking for advice on this forum and you get a reply direct from Anton!! Thanks for the advice Anton, as I've posted elsewhere we don't really work in the realty sector and for many of our clients the VR experience is an important requirement, so yes unfortunately we very much sit in that couple of %! If we can create a VR experience from our...
3 Virtual Reality (VR) Thought-Starters for Pitching Matterport DanSmigrod 1 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): Hi All, Here are 3 thought-starters for marketing Matterport VR from @Convrts from this WGAN Forum discussion. Other great use-cases for Matterport Tours in Virtual Reality (VR)? Best, Dan
Waypoint Navigation with Matterport? DanSmigrod 1 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): Hi All, Cool use case for Matterport: Indoor Waypoint Navigation ... Join the discussion here: ✓ Best choice for indoor navigation Dan
25+ Matterport Mashups with AR/VR/Social/Touch Screens/ChatBots/Mapping DanSmigrod 1 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): Matterport AR Open House | | Video courtesy of Paolo Tosolini YouTube Channel (23 June 2019) Visualizing Real Estate listings in Augmented Reality | Video courtesy of Paolo Tosolini YouTube Channel (27 May 2019) Productions Founder Paolo...
Oculus Quest with Matterport VR? Tette99 9 6 yearsQueen_City_3D (3144): @RealityCapturer I had one Pre-ordered hoping to make Facebook Spaces videos with it, but unfortunately that app isn’t available on the device... at least not yet. Which is very surprising as Facebook owns Oculus. I will say that I absolutely love the Quest and almost every guest through my house is offered to try out one experience or another with it... but we haven’t discovered any Matterport applications yet.
How to Edit the Matterport Virtual Reality (VR) Experience in Workshop 3.0 DanSmigrod 1 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): WGAN-TV Matterport Workshop 3.0 Part 4 of 5 Short Story #691- Virtual Reality (VR) Path WGAN-TV Matterport Workshop 3.0 Part 4 of 5 Short Story #692- Tips For VR WGAN-TV Matterport Workshop 3.0 Part 4 of 5 Short Story #693- VR Hardware And VR Path View Discussion Hi All, Editing the "walk around" experience of a Matterport 3D Tour in Virtual Reality (VR) is very different than editing the "walk around"...
10Th Annual AWE USA "THe Most Essential AR/VR Conference and Expo" - FOrbes Jonathan_GeoCV 1 6 yearsJonathan_GeoCV (242): 10TH ANNUAL AWE USA "THE MOST ESSENTIAL AR/VR CONFERENCE AND EXPO" - FORBES Check us out at Booth S54 Thursday and Friday! #AWE2019 Follow AWE on Twitter (@ARealityEvent) and Facebook for real-time event updates and to hear what other attendees are saying ...
ONE FLOOR MISSING please help Michaela 4 6 yearsMichaela (18): I was contact support yesterday and I am still waiting for thier response. :(
My First GeoCV Experience Convrts 19 6 yearsMikhailBombin (21): I'd like to mention that the map you see on the device is not final, it only represents the basic alignment of panoramas one by one, and no actual alignment of the ones from different parts of the scan. But of course it's done during further processing, so in 100% cases final model would look better and more aligned then the one you see on the phone. Of course it doesn't mean you don't need to check it time to time, not to miss some serious...
is Matterport VR app (cardboard) gone? tresdepro 12 6 yearstresdepro (385): @DeeJ I will thanks
VR/AR tipping for commercial property angusnorriss 2 6 yearsGLARI_International (45): Looks like it would be great info, but I have to subscribe to read. Maybe because I'm not on the mainland right now. Anyway... Thanks for sharing!
Freebie! GLARI_International 3 6 yearsGLARI_International (45): While the AudioBook is on sale from (almost) all Audible sites, they only gave me marketing codes for those two places. I do not know the answer as to why, but I suspect it is because my books seem to sell more in those countries and have "earned" the codes there.
Cardboard VR Viewer - Branded BlueImmersiveMedia 6 6 yearsimmersivespaces (1229): @CharlesHH Our order was 250.
[R&D] Lake Bill at Microsoft HQ: from 3D scan to VR Tosolini 2 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): @Tosolini Thanks for sharing. Cool to see the data view of the space. Best, Dan
VR Video software solution with Menu option. alirizacil 5 6 yearsizoneguy (468): At $300-$500 per month and up that solution is not viable for an independent producer with a few VR projects per year.
"8% of US Broadband Households own a VR Headset: 25% are Familiar With VR DanSmigrod 2 6 yearsizoneguy (468): The Matterport VR "experience" needs to be enhanced if it is to be of any real value. Walking around rooms without any interaction is not that exciting. I am looking at some other solutions to offer some enhanced VR experiences to my clients.
[R&D] Take a tour of the secret MP dollhouse factory Tosolini 2 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31476):
Insight: Virtual Reality Changing the way we look at real estate DanSmigrod 1 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): Grab: Insight Magazine – The Voice of Real Estate in North Carolina – February 2019 - Virtual Reality: Changing the way we look at real estate Hi All, In the Insight Magazine – The Voice of Real Estate in North Carolina – February 2019 edition is the article: Virtual Reality: Changing the way we look at...
FYI to my fellow MP VR enthusiasts: WebVR RichardStanton 1 6 yearsRichardStanton (253): Just a heads up for any of you that have in the past or want to in the future incorporate VR into your workflow, I just finished testing the new WebVR release changes from Matterport last night and I am happy to say that the Oculus GO is once again usable for viewing your spaces via the WebVR integration! (performance was so poor previously that would stutter constantly when tracking head movement). This release also fixed some of the issues...
Forbes: Oculus Unveils Its New VR Headset, The 'Rift S' DanSmigrod 1 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): Oculus Rift S product video | Video courtesy of David Ewalt YouTube Channel Hi All, Forbes (20 March 2019) Oculus Unveils Its New VR Headset, The 'Rift S' While it may not seem obvious today, Virtual Reality (VR) meets Matterport will 'Matter' to you. When you create a Matterport 3D Tour, you are automatically creating a VR version too (though I would disable VR unless you are curating the best VR...
Mattertags showing content without pushing on Mattertag 3SevensStudio 9 6 years3SevensStudio (67): @DanSmigrod Do you know if it is possible to have the Mattertags showing their content with out hoovering over or clicking on the tag?
Sports Stadiums VR Houstonsummers 2 6 yearsDouglasMeyers (1282): I don't have that but maybe you can use these as a view of something close.
AWE - May 29-31 2019 in Santa Clara, CA | Save up to $700 until 28 Feb 19 DanSmigrod 1 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): Grab from an eBlast Hi All, Are you planning to attend AWE USA 19 Conference and Expo in Santa Clara, CA 29-31 May 2019? If you have any interest in AR, VR, MR, XR, Training, Games, this is THE event to attend. ( I made it to one day of AWE18. And, it was awesome! :cool: ) You can buy tickets here....
Navvis point cloud to VR simulation Naz 1 6 yearsNaz (58): Hi Looking for some expert advise and assistance to convert coloured point cloud data with 5mm resolution ( .pts/.ply) captured using Navvis M3 trolley into VR model for safety/fire simulation.
virtual staging inside matterport recommendations GlennTremain 9 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): RoOomy
MP Embed Premium Feature - Confetti VTLV 3 6 yearsRichardStanton (253): Here you go, modified with the Matterport Blue and Gold hex colors in M-like vector confetti shapes from public archives. ;) Unfortunately the forums do not support SVG attachments so off to MEGA we go. The URL below is a direct link to the SVG master file from which the PNG was exported. Richard!IRBhyQqC!KUj8WY_YqOUvNKJf66J-EYfIoWJInZD5aKCWUujg3W0 ...
Gary Vee's Pessimism on Real Estate & VR Shakoure 7 6 yearsericlien (82): @shakoure .... no question the sales cycle for this has been long. The agency I am working with now also has a couple of younger agents who get the tech, see the train coming and are able to help influence the more seasoned/mature tech adverse partners. In the end it is a proven value proposition where success needs to be measured, documented and proved with data. I will keep you posted on our success
VR FEST LA Voting and VR Inspirations mori 1 6 yearsmori (819): For the VR FEST there´s a public voting form which also lists Matterport (11. BEST VR REAL ESTATE EXPERIENCE ). VR FEST 2019 PUBLIC VOTING ENDS AT MIDNIGHT PST ON JAN 4th Besides that it contains a lot of selected experiences with showcase/example links. ...
Aleta S2C 12K 360º camera supports OSC API EricLiu 2 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): @EricLiu Thank you for the: ✓ Aleta S2C 360º Camera Firmware Update ✓ Video: How to upgrade the Firmware for Aleta S2C 360 Camera ✓ Aleta S2C 360º Camera User Manual ✓ Aleta S2C 360º Camera Quick Start Guide And, congrats on updating the Aleta S2C 360º Camera to include OSC API support. Hi All, OSC API support by 360º cameras helps enable platforms - like Matterport - to seamlessly integrate publishing to that platform. I...
Forecast: Global VR Headset Shipments DanSmigrod 2 6 yearsDouglasMeyers (1282): This is why I started a VR business on the side...
What Products are you eyeballing before 2019 arrives? VTLV 3 6 yearsVTLV (2910): @Richierichks - Great idea Rich! I have a scan at a local library where I can ask about that. Are you able to connect your certificates over to your LinkedIn account?
Help with Scanning objects, plants, animals etc. 3dscanbird 8 6 yearsTosolini (4356): I had mixed results with the Structure Sensor, although it worked for capturing a person standing in decent resolution. The next best affordable thing that comes to mind is photogrammetry. You may also check
NEW: Blue-Sketch Digital 360 Walk-through service PetraSoderling 3 6 yearsMetroplex360 (9436): Petra, The first version of this is pretty exciting. The full screen button loses all of the UI elements. In addition, I am not a fan of how the UI has elements centered just below the top as well as on the right - it's a bit crowded for my taste. I would hope that there will be continued work on the UI/UX as this is an excellent service to provide and there is a lot of demand for this. Will there be a pano only option? Does the bundle...
Will Matterport support Oculus for the 360 VR Experience? fear_knight 5 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): Related WGAN Forum discussions: ✓ Creating a split-screen video from VR ✓ Display vr on a screen ✓ Display the VR content on a TV ✓ View matterport in VR and watch on a screen? ✓ VR remote for device in headset? Related (Suggested by WGAN Forum Members in the WGAN Forum discussions above) ✓ Stream your Gear VR experience to your TV using Chromecast ✓ How to Cast Your Smartphone’s VR Experience to Your TV ✓ ...
Client wanting VR, how do i make money out of this Pgrim 5 6 yearsPgrim (10): Hi Thank you for taking time to respond. I kept my pricing simple by charging a one off fee for the scan and then annual hosting fee. If they come back a year later with a request, then its a variation to the original quote. So for the issue at hand with the VR request, i can see that i will be able to charge the client for editing/ curating the VR experience as Dan mentioned in the Question of the day: ...
Making Money Idea of the Week #9: Offer Matterport VR as an Add On DanSmigrod 1 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): WGAN-TV Matterport Cloud and Workshop for Newbies #183-Edit VR from the nearly 2-hour WGAN Training Academy Video Library: How to use Matterport Cloud and Matterport Workshop for Newbies --- Making Money Idea of the Week #9: Offer Matterport VR as an Add On Hi All, If you Enable sharing of VR links by default in Matterport settings, you will never be able to up-sell Matterport VR as an Add On. And, by E nable sharing of VR...
Question of the Day: How do you make money with Matterport Virtual Reality? DanSmigrod 9 6 yearsMetroplex360 (9436): It may be good to prepare a case-study of management companies that use Matterport Technology for leasing and succeed more with online leasing and over the telephone leasing thanks to Matterport. These are companies that are utilizing the technology for sales rather than asking weird questions that do not make a difference in the use-case.
Tip: Matterport VR Links - Editing VR Walk Through Experience DanSmigrod 1 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): Screen Grab. Matterport Cloud setting for turning on/off Matterport VR Links as Default Setting Hi All, If you have default setting on for Matterport VR Links – enables someone to view your Matterport 3D Tour in VR - I encourage you to use the Matterport feature to edit the VR links. While Matterport automatically...
Question of the Day: Do you have Matterport VR Links as Default Setting? DanSmigrod 1 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): Screen Grab. Matterport Cloud setting for turning on/off Matterport VR Links as Default Setting Hi All, The WGAN Forum Question of the Day for Tuesday, 2 October 2018) is: Do you have Matterport VR Links set as Default Setting? Best, Dan ...
Question of the Day: Do you demo Matterport at Events? DanSmigrod 3 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): @Metroplex360 Cool! Is NCTech now shipping its backpack rig or is that a different brand backpack that you are wearing? Best, Dan
Become a VR Reseller DannyBasting 7 6 yearsDannyBasting (1171): Hello @Helen, The turn around time depends on multiple factors, such as the size of the project, it's complexity, the clients requirements and the availability of files required to create the end product. For example, a simple townhouse project could be turned around a week, while a townhouse project with more requirements could take 2 weeks and a single room project could be ready in a day or 2. When quoting a project of which the...
Download your 360 immersive model on your local laptop or desktop indoorreality 3 6 yearsindoorreality (73): Use cases for .svg or .dxf is to estimate square footage for carpeting, preparing a house for sale, or rent, remodeling projects, etc.
Create a floor plan with your smart phone with an app indoorreality 4 6 yearsindoorreality (73): Hi, Here is the video that shows the data collection
Oculus Connect 5 Tosolini 2 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): @Tosolini Thanks for sharing. Our world gets more exciting everyday. Enjoy your weekend, Dan
Firefox Reality, a VR browser, is available for Oculus, Vive, Daydream leonvanzweel 1 6 yearsleonvanzweel (521): CNET reports: Mozilla released on Tuesday Firefox Reality 1.0, the first version of its web browser geared for three virtual-reality headsets, the Oculus Rift, HTC Vive and Google Daydream. The new browser uses voice control to sidestep the difficulty of typing while wearing a device that replaces your view of the real world, including your keyboard, with the immersive computer-generated...
Hair Nets Verse Alcohol Wipes BlueImmersiveMedia 4 6 yearsDouglasMeyers (1282): Oculus go is your best bet. We took cardboard and the Samsung to the Cruise Ship convention and both failed to give out clients a good and comfortable view the Samsung was soooo glitchy and the cardboard is a cheap version and customers know it. One of these days Matterport might go REAL VR and you can use Vive or Rift headset but they do NOT play on real Virtual Headsets.
VR Glasses to TV Monitor for viewing Integratedman 8 6 yearsIntegratedman (629): Thank You to everyone chipping in...GREATLY appreciate the feedback...
HistoryView VR Field Trip Program Raising Funds HistoryViewVR 1 6 yearsHistoryViewVR (7): We are raising money for HistoryView VR Field Trip Program! Click to Invest: Currently over 300 FREE experiences for teachers and students! We are looking to hire a call center and more WGAN content creators for the program. Please [Private Message me] directly with any questions. We are powered by Matterport and Leica Geosystems.
Tiger Pro is a Fraud company run by cheats!! Gulzarmalhotra 11 7 yearsGulzarmalhotra (4): I also heard that their cases are really great and hence ordered from them. I ordered directly from their website and paid about USD 270 including priority shipping! Unfortunately, I don’t have any number to all them on and am left with mails like this one!!
Apple Improving 360º Multi-Camera Video for VR Viewers DanSmigrod 1 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): Hi All, Sweet to see Apple innovating in the 360º space ... AppleInsider (16 August 2018) - Apple considers ways to improve 360-degree, multi-camera video for use with VR headsets Geeky stuff ... Your thoughts? Best, Dan
Any VR video software with menu alirizacil 8 7 yearsGarySnyder (2143): Once you get your head around Vista you can create a VT that looks and feels like a MP tour. You have to create your own floor plan but that's straight forward and easy to do. The advantages of Vista is it give you unlimited possibility in creating VT and VR production. You can also use Vista for all of your 360 video productions In both cases you can turn anything in the image into a hotspot to launch anything. 3DVista is the most versatile...
Matterport VR & Proper Orientation Shakoure 3 7 yearsHarlanHambright (2133): It [redacted] me off that MP does not enumerate all the little nuances about using the platform.
How matterport tour transitions work? janci 2 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): Video: 3D Mapping The Exploratorium with Matterport! | Video courtesy of Tested YouTube Channel @janci You might enjoy this excellent, (super-geeky), interview with Matterport Co-Founder Matt Bell that helps explain the magic behind Matterport. Dan
Hi from Uruguay 3D Oculus problem Fmarta 2 7 yearsKoaWare (106): Hey Federico, Have you tried updating the start location within the Matterport Workshop view of the scan? This may not be an issue with your Oculus Go - just a quick update on the Matterport site. I've attached a screenshot of where you can do this on the scan. Best, Alex
[R&D] Amazon Sumerian VR Platform Tosolini 1 7 yearsTosolini (4356): In our latest storytelling exploration, we tried Amazon Sumerian new VR platform as a potential narration medium. While this is not our traditional MP mash-up, we chose a more generic topic for this experiment (Seattle homelessness). This prototype was developed for us by Marisa Erven and I asked her to share some thoughts on the process: Some First Impressions: Overall, very viable for...
Agents back tool which claims to create "most accurate" floorplans GarySnyder 6 7 yearsGerhard (1484): BLK takes way toooo long to scan, and home buyers don't care so much about dollhouse view etc.
2d Floor Plans made from 3d Tour Logan 9 7 yearsscott_cupix (272): Cupix can do this as mentioned Learn more here: Learn more here: Cupix AEC Pack Tutorial on Measurement tools from Cupix: Here is a related support article: @PetraSoderling is a great resource for doing this for you if you do not have the magic CAD hands. She's built a number of floor plans including the...
Google Cardboard VR eggardner 8 7 yearseggardner (411): I sit my real estate license in a couple of weeks and my plan is to buy a couple of hundred and will give some to the other realtors who work under the same broker that I will eventually work under, and will give them to the home owners in the hope that the experience will get them to leave me a good review and refer me to other homesellers.
Wunder360 S1 360 Photo/Video Camera; AI to Edit Video DanSmigrod 1 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): Hi All, Yet another 360º photo/video camera is "coming soon" ... It's the Wunder360 S1: world's first AI Camera. What's different? ✓ Artificial Intelligence to automatically edit video. ✓ Scanning to create 3D models (Minecraft format.) It will be priced at $129 for early-birds on Indiegogo on 3...
AWE2018: 3D Tours + Full Body Motion Controller Haptic Feedback HoloSuit DanSmigrod 5 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): @SailAway Did you checkout their kickstarter page? Best, Dan
3D modelling from Matterport? Walkabout 17 7 yearsJuMP (2031): @Walkabout Refer to below page, it is similar to the blue one in your photo. Maybe you can contact with the author and get some information about it.
AWE18 WGAN-TV: How XR Storytelling will Collide with Other Emergent Tech DanSmigrod 1 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): WGAN-TV: How XR Storytelling will Collide with Other Emergent Tech: AWE 2018 session on Friday, 1 June 2018 in Santa Clara, CA. Hi All, We use to think of storytelling as a TV show or movie. Now imagine mashing up AR/VR and other technologies. That was the discussion of this panel discussion - How XR Storytelling will Collide with Other Emergent Tech - at AWE 2018 in Santa Clara, CA on Friday, 1 June 2018. Panelists: ✓ Anarghya...
Glamour Photography Meets Matterport and Google Street View DanSmigrod 10 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): [streetview][/streetview] Glam Gamer Girl meets iSimu VR in Google Street View by We Get Around Chief Photographer Dan Smigrod Hi All, Will my art project living within Google Street View – Glam Gamer Girl meets iSimu VR – go viral? Your thoughts? Dan P.S. From The New York Times last month (Tuesday, 1 May 2018), Virtual Reality Asserts Itself as an Art Form in Its Own Right
Matterport Meets Oculus Go @ 2018 GSV Summit DanSmigrod 3 7 yearsPhotoAndVideoEdits (258): Any Updates on this? has anyone looked at their own models through the app yet (Taken with the series one camera)?
BLK 360 + matterport> 3D CAD 3dR 9 7 yearslauks (19): i was wondering if the BLK360 added any accuracy to the model (it should, but as MP does a lot of decimation, I am not sure about this. The BLK360 could make it possible to use the spaces for BIM, but I am not sure if the 3d space as it is now is acceptable. (ok, MP is about visualization, not about precise survey= :-)
360 Pano exports and send to client stephdolloff 3 7 yearsDolloff (131): Thanks, Dan. I feel a little silly. I completely confused this and made it more complex than it needed to be. I am chalking it up to Friday before a long weekend... Thank you for your help! Stephanie
Matterport 3rd Party - White Label Panix84 4 7 yearsPanix84 (1): Hello, I believe it does solve the challenge Dan. Thank you very much for helping me out on this matter. I had't come up with the MatterPack concept so far in my research up until you mentioned it on this thread. So thank you once again for helping me out.
Is this a VR? Alex_iGuide 1 7 yearsAlex_iGuide (361): This KS project sets out to test if we live in a simulation: If we do, who will care about a VR headset - your eyes and ears provide a much more hi-def experience. Computers can be used for augmenting that experience and not just replicating it - to do things we cannot do in real life, like teleportation, such as used in iGUIDE navigation or Google Maps and...
research for good result of using Matterport jpark423 11 7 yearsangusnorriss (747): There are 2 key things based on deep research across U.K. market which can be reflected in other buying patterns in other markets: - FLOORPLANS Buyers love floorplans. Properties without floor plans often don’t make the cut. - VIEWINGS More viewings = more offers More offers = better price for seller Buyers often want more viewing and most offers are made at 2nd or 3rd viewing. If they could ‘live virtually’ then they could expedite...
First impressions: $199 Oculus Go VR hesdset DanSmigrod 10 7 yearsJamie (2034): Anyone had any luck loading their own content on it yet?
Oculus Go - Matterport MarkCantu 7 7 yearsTosolini (4356): @3dvirtualview The Go works with WiFi. I did two tests on MP tours. The MP app runs fine using the default content provided in the app. I'm not sure if we can load our own content on the MP app in the Go yet. Then I experimented running a MP tour in the Oculus browser (just type the URL or navigate to a MP embedded into a page). The experience is not immersive, as the browser is just a rectangle container in front of you. But you can click on...
Flipboard: Dan Flips Mixed Reality DanSmigrod 2 7 yearsMaxdemartino (35): With this flipboard you lower my productivity by 95% ;)
VR Stats Maxdemartino 1 7 yearsMaxdemartino (35): Hi everyone. Do somebody as a link to some statistics of VR device use in the global market? Also some stats of VR/GSV use (the most recent study Google shares is from 2014) could be helpful. Thank you! max
All in one headsets Tette99 3 7 yearsTette99 (69): That’s great to know, can’t wait to get mine. Also, how’s the screen viewing experience compared to the Samsung Gear VR if you have one. Thanks
Augmented World Expo Day Pass $49, 48hr sale Hopscotch 2 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): @Hopscotch Thanks for sharing the discount code for AWE USA 2018. :beer: I will be at the 2018 Google Street View Summit and Friday at AWE USA 2018! Hope to see you (all) there (and there)! Best, Dan
Google's First 360º Spherical VR Doodle DanSmigrod 3 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): @Tosolini Who knew that a Google Doodle could have such a big production. (I guess, if any one knew what it would take to do this, it would be YOU!) Dan
Viewing VR on a private model? tocha 1 7 yearstocha (166): Does anyone know how to view and test the VR when a model is marked as private?
Help with My Matterport/GSV Art Project? DanSmigrod 7 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): 3D Tour: Glam Gamer at iSimu VR in the greater Atlanta Area Hi All, Should I add a highlights reel or let people discover the Glam Gamer? Best, Dan
Kuula Pro and Matterport MarkCantu 11 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): @MarkCantu The Co-founder, CEO, Lead Developer at Kuula read your post (above) and emailed me today (25 April 2018): "...we launched an update to the [Kuula] app addressing a lot of the issues that your forum members have been discussing." "Here's the [Kuula] announcement blog post [24 April 2018] with a list of what has changed." Best, Dan
Embed living 360 photos - PanoMoments + WGAN dustinkerstein 12 7 yearsdustinkerstein (25): Hey! I just wanted to share that we opened up the iFrame embed functionality to all users (Free and Pro). Previously, in order to embed here on WGAN you had to have a Pro account. That's no longer required :) We also just "soft-launched" non-360 PanoMoments, so you can upload any video and convert it into a living photo. Go play around. [panomoments][/panomoments]
[R&D] Business storytelling meets Tilt Brush Tosolini 2 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): @Tosolini I always :heart: seeing Tosolini Productions mashups of Matterport, VR, AR and more. This is a fun example of Tilt Brush meets marketing. Keepem' coming! Best, Dan
Virtual tour of the moon Radie842 5 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): @ron0987 IR-2017-204, Dec. 14, 2017 WASHINGTON ― The Internal Revenue Service today issued the 2018 optional standard mileage rates used to calculate the deductible costs of operating an automobile for business, charitable, medical or moving purposes. Beginning on Jan. 1, 2018, the standard mileage rates for the use of a car (also vans, pickups or panel trucks) will be: 54.5 cents for every mile of business travel driven, up 1 cent from...
[R&D] MP model meets Tilt Brush artist Tosolini 3 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): :heart: it! Especially the FBX version on Google Poly
Matterport 3D Virtual Tour of a Large Ship DennisQ 14 7 yearsProperty3dNZ (617): @DouglasMeyers Thats a fancy pants ship! The one I used to work on was a complete dive in comparison!!
21% of Households with Kids have a VR Viewer DanSmigrod 1 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): Screen Grab: Source Hi All, VR is starting to become a thing. 21 percent of families with children under 18 own a VR Viewer, according to a national survey of 12,000 adults. ( Source) How might you leverage this statistic? Best, Dan P.S. The Study: Virtual Reality 101: What You Need to Know About Kids and VR
Kansas City VR Club Richierichks 2 7 yearsRichierichks (715): Wow, that makes the picture really big!
Collaborate in Innovation Briski2208 4 7 yearsangusnorriss (747): The chaps earlier have answered the the crux of your enquiries yes. As context, I recently completed some large scale scans for a cement factory seeking to step up their automation by introducing robotics. We created before and after scans and then introduced virtual staging displaying the new factory layout. It was captured with Matterport and integrated with the Matterpak and AEC packages. A fantastic project and part of their digital...
Has anyone monotized a tour? VirtualView 7 7 yearsShakoure (568): @808virtually Sounds like an option... until the people purchasing the password start sharing or selling it themselves. The passwords would have to be associated with an email sign-in or unique user ID.
Google Welcome to Light Fields MeshImages 1 7 yearsMeshImages (3017): For everyone interested in Reality Capturing Google has released a must-see VR app called "Welcome to Light Fields". In a Light Field image viewers can move their heads through 3D space within the capture and see the scene from varying perspectives. ...
MSP acronym:Fingernails on the chalkboard Nerdvice451 8 7 yearssrennick (373): Proud to be a Matterport Service Partner. We are providing a service to the clients we serve. There is so much more service involved when you hand over a virtual tour to a client. It's an ongoing relationship if we use the 3D technology, the deliverable, to its fullest capability. Also, we are bound to the Matterport ecosystem, so why not be a partner with them? Partner also speaks to the idea of partnering with the client, to come- on-...
[R&D] Slicing a Matterport 3D model in VR Tosolini 3 7 yearsJamie (2034): Awesome mate. Always cutting edge, love it :)
Top VR Goggles Matt19 7 7 yearsimmersivespaces (1229): @DavidHothersall I ordered 500 of them from Mushang Silicone & Plastic (+86-769-831-88549). If you have someone who speaks Chinese, it's much easier to negotiate with them. It took some haggling to get the price point.
How to watch VR (Samsung Gear VR) joelE 2 7 yearswhereareweat (172): Hey Joel, not sure if you've figured this out yet but I think these two pages should help with both your issues. Defaulting to Oculus - just need to change the default app I can't open a Matterport VR Space? Downloading to the Matterport App How do I download a new VR Space?
Facebook Social VR App for Groups DanSmigrod 2 7 yearsTosolini (4356): I was thinking you could do a WGAN-TV live episode right in VR :-)
City uses VR to attract visitors GlennTremain 18 7 yearsimad (184): @mori Thanks for sharing, Dubai's Tour looks like something from the future.
Matterport Virtual Reality Charge 2018? VTLV 5 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): Source: Matterport
Matterport Virtual Tour Field Of View? VRimpact 8 7 yearsVRimpact (121): @Tosolini thank you for the video clips. Looks like what im trying to do on a smaller scale! Its surely possible. Ill do some more research and test to get there. Thanks for the point in the right direction
WGAN-TV Live: Matterport CEO Bill Brown DanSmigrod 8 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): WGAN-TV Live from Inman Connect - Matterport CEO Bill Brown and GeoCV Co-Founder Anton Yakubenko, PhD Hi All, Here is the video from Inman Connect NY 2018 session featuring Matterport CEO Bill Brown and GeoCV Co-Founder Anton Yakubenko, PhD. Best, Dan
Load up the Matterport app with your scans angusnorriss 2 7 yearsimad (184): That's actually a good and luxurious idea .. I believe that this type of service is mainly suitable for Local Realtors and Local Clients, so the agent could provide the service of sending a loaded VR Headset to a VIP client bringing many property choices to where he/she is, instead of taking the client to see all available choices, then when the client likes something he/she can then visit that choice. However i imagine that sending a...
Restricting Matterport VR content? VRimpact 12 7 yearsProperty3dNZ (617): @VRimpact @dbuck Hi there We have been using the collection link (which can also be a pain when you have 20 links and constantly adding to it - therefore have to update it and redownload all of the links/open them). This particular client is using a Samsung Gear (as advised by us) so this totally ties our hands in regards to them having to use the Oculus app. Its all incredibly annoying!
Matterport follows iGuide®, again Alex_iGuide 11 7 yearsRichierichks (715): @Metroplex360 Hilarious! I had no idea Google had so many funny videos out there!
Matterport Adds Floor Plan Navigation to VR DanSmigrod 7 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): Screen Grab: With iGuide, an interactive floor plan view enables you to see on the interactive floor plan where you are in the space and which way that you are looking. Yes and No. Virtual Reality is a different media than a 3D model viewed on a smartphone, tablet and desktop. Unlike Matterport CoreVR without the...
Matterport VR (GEAR VR) without the OculusVR VRimpact 2 7 yearsArtisticConcepts (681): Have you tried SideloadVR?
Matterport Showcase App on iPhone for VR? DouglasMeyers 10 7 yearsArtisticConcepts (681): @Metroplex360 😂😂😂. So, how do you really feel? 🤣🤣🤣
Airnnb Meets Virtual Reality RPOceanic 5 7 yearsTrustedPhotoDC (1108): Old news from a month ago with a thread already. clickable text
AWS launches Amazon Sumerian to build AR, VR Naz 5 7 yearsMetroplex360 (9436): I think that the RoOomie partnership somewhat satisfies that goal in a realistic manner.
WGAN-TV: vCAD for Pre-Built Spaces>CAD to VR DanSmigrod 4 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): WGAN-TV - vCAD for Pre-Built Spaces - Convert Your CAD File to VR with ImmersaCAD (vCAD) CTO Jon Huber-Gallery Hi All, Above is the recording from WGAN-TV Live at 5 earlier today (Thursday, 4 January 2018). @JonHube ... thanks again for visiting with us today. Best, Dan
Youtube VR interactive 360 video creation Liam_Tayler 9 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): @Liam_Tayler Plus, some of the We Get Around Training Academy videos do a deep dive into specific cameras. Best, Dan
[R&D] MatterPortal: MP + Portals in VR Tosolini 8 7 yearsMontreal3D (202): Mori, I also believe that the mesh / point cloud quality from the MP could be much better. If we could get access to the Raw Data from the Camera, this would give us to opportunity to try it out. Since the Point Cloud format does not include scan location, it is very hard to use it for remeshing....All we can do is use it has a template for remodeling. Guess that's the price to pay for a turn-key cloud based solution.
View matterport in VR and watch on a screen? 3dvirtueletour 6 7 yearsFoundry45 (34): We used Chromecast back in 2016 (centuries ago!) and screen casting, but it was super hard to setup and didn't work at all if there was any traffic on the WiFi.
Customized VR Viewing Devices srennick 2 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): @srennick ✓ Which VR Viewer Artwork do you like best? Happy holidays, Dan
AirBNB Press Release leonvanzweel 6 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): Hmmmmmmmmmm...... Surprising to see Airbnb press release NOT mention Matterport. WOW! Especially, since Matterport and Airbnb did a trial a million years ago! Will Matterport EVER get a deal with Airbnb? Dan
Car Dealership Showcase w/Car Interior Views iTours360VR 6 7 yearsiTours360VR (74): @GETMYVR Thank you for sharing your second scan job of the Lotus Dealership. I think it looks great so far, and the inside views will make it even better! I also like how you and others have used shots at different camera heights to capture and showcase some of the nicer viewing angles and perspectives of the vehicles. Good luck with the inside additions and please keep us posted on the completion of the showroom.
VRX Conference/Expo 7-8 Dec 17 San Francisco DanSmigrod 1 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): Hi All, If you attending the VRX Conference and Expo Thursday and Friday (6-7...
Let´s do it: European Alternative mori 4 7 yearslauks (19): Hi, always interesting, keep me posted Luc
Tell a Story for sales results - Matterport GeorgeK 1 7 yearsGeorgeK (958): This could be my best story yet for Matterport, there is not the Traditional intro approach but it sure conveys that MATTERPORT and great advertising can be for EVERY HOME! Let me know your opinions.
Services for Pre-Build and Pre-Construction JonHuber 9 7 yearsmori (819): Great news and coverage of this topic can be found in Kean´s Blog (Autodesk Research):
Fast Growning VLOG and Matterport TRENDING GeorgeK 2 7 yearsGeorgeK (958): Someone who also follows me on Instagram suggested that I share the very short instgram promo I did for this episode. This will bring more traffic to the video and shows the greater overall advertising promotion possibilities.
Matterport Custom VR(Fly-through)& CoreVR srennick 2 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): @srennick Much thanks for clarifying Matterport's CoreVR and its no longer offered CustomVR solution. Happy Holidays, Dan
No 1 Sells 2 Realtors Like Realtors 20sec. GeorgeK 2 7 yearsjudysmithre (95): Well done!
New Samsung 360 Round Camera Radie842 1 7 yearsRadie842 (254): This camera is 10,000 YSD over priced
Can "Cardboard" be used 2 promote Matterport GeorgeK 1 7 yearsGeorgeK (958): This is one of my vlog entries to promote Matterport and VR to both the Realtor and Public. Do you figure you could hand these to a client / Realtor and get them to use this video.
One Picture tells Story - Thumbnail 4 Utube GeorgeK 2 7 yearsGeorgeK (958): Just established my own custom URL on Youtube for my channel. You can see all my work at Http://
Link into Matterport Tour by Room? Dolloff 6 7 yearsrpetersn (2010): All sounds great! Thx Stephanie. :)
[R&D] Facebook Spaces and Matterport Tosolini 3 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): @Tosolini WOW! M-A-G-I-C-A-L!!! (!!!) Thank you for sharing your AMAZING-EXCITING-CREATIVE mashup of Matterport and Facebook Spaces meets Oculus Rift. Dan
Matterport + Shopping Experience DanSmigrod 1 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): Hi All, Imagine mashing up Matterport plus a shopping experience, using to embed Amazon, for example. I could imagine Matterport AI mashed up with shopping links. I could also imagine a Matterport Mixed Reality experience that mashes up Matterport VR with the real world ... What do you think about Matterport integrated with shopping? Here's some inspiration on this topic ... VentureBeat...
Matterport + Google DayDream: fail? ELAN42 5 7 yearsmori (819): I also have a Daydream and still the experience is very bad as there is no native daydream app. To get the MP cardboard app working you need to turn of NFC. The WebVR version with the "huge tedious baloons" IMO is not very good compared to the cardboard app.
Samsung VR vs Daydream? Queen_City_3D 2 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): @Queen_City_3D I have used both. I prefer Samsung Gear VR. With Daydream, there is a remote control that you hold (something else to keep track of) and I did not find the jumping ahead with the remote satisfying. Heading out to dinner. ... Enjoy your weekend, Dan PS buy alcohol wipes for either between different people using ...
Alway and I mean always Sneek in Matterport GeorgeK 2 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): @GeorgeK Nice hat. Amazing that just 9 percent of real estate agents use video. Keep those videos coming! Great inspiration. Best, Dan
Zillow creates new ‘3D Home’ iphone app iTours360VR 11 7 yearsfullpreview (163): @EileenB - what you have said is very true and practical, for Zillow. And, you're right - because of the simplicity of performing the video and its inherent "Zillow" value, it should be done... if for nothing else, it's a value proposition. For all the MSPs, please ALWAYS mentioned one, if not the best, USP for a Matterport Tour - dedicated property detail pages! These are the best way for an agent to market the property outside of...
Introducing the vCAD 2.0 Mobile App JonHuber 3 7 yearsJonHuber (25): Hello. Thank you for being one of the first to try it out. The first time you open a web browser, there is a one-time download of 50 MB. After that, things are much faster. Also, just for thoroughness, it's best to use Chrome, Firefox, Safari, ... anything but Internet Explorer. Edge does work, but I just don't trust it. I hope this helps. -Jon
[R&D] We turned our Web site into a VR space Tosolini 6 7 yearsTosolini (4356): @jc3dcx @Richierichks Thank you! There are many opportunities to tell your business story with MP. We are just exploring a few.
WGAN-TV Live: Lightfields and Volumetric VR DanSmigrod 9 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): Video of this Meetup courtesy of Kevin Kunze
Earth VR with Streetview mori 1 7 yearsmori (819): Just had a look at the latest blogs from an old Adobe fellow, now at the Google Team: The main facts: This update lets you explore Street View imagery from 85 countries right within Earth VR. Just fly down closer to street level, check your controller to see if Street View is available and enter an immersive 360° photo. You’ll find photos from the Street View team and...
New virtual tour platform jpuma 9 7 yearsjpuma (10): Thanks for the feedback everyone! In terms of the tour quality, it is all dependent on the quality of the photography and not on the platform processing - still testing out the best cameras/settings to use. 8k Insta360 example We are aiming to make Wizio the most automated virtual tour player on the market. That will mean automatically adding navigation points/hotspots, editing photos, creating floor plans etc. I will keep posting updates...
Insta360 Pro Review Bale100 14 7 yearsJamie (2034): Did anyone have issues connecting it via the ethernet? I've connected ok to a wifi, but ethernet is giving me dramas
CoreVR for Free Until December 2018 mori 8 7 yearsmori (819): MP updated it (fixed typing error in the headline) and it now says "DECEMBER 2017". So in 2018 we should be for a in my opinion still not really great working VR versions, especially not the WebVR base ones. Still it´s a mess to explore MP spaces with Daydream. See:
Nice project from Berkeley Labs mori 3 7 yearsmp2fp (509): I like how they have like multimillion tonnes of electronics and then just random floor fans everywhere. Would´ve thought they could afford some proper ventilation :D:D:D:D
San Diego Realtor VLOG on Matterport GeorgeK 1 7 yearsGeorgeK (958): This is meant to be broadcast and was crafted so it could be shared with multiple audiences. Reality as I see it Matterport is not being used in my market place like it could be. Cost is the big factor with the Realtors that I talk to. They all want it but they want it for free.
Google Tango is dead. Welcome, ARCore! Metroplex360 9 7 yearsPeterMcCready (232): Interesting times! It's probably not the cleverest time to buy an Asus ZenFone AR but Manuel Clément's demos have... seriously considering acquiring one to cater for scenarios where portability is essential.
Can you create and offline gallery in VR? tomasdunbar 1 7 yearstomasdunbar (88): Hi all, I recently created a collections vr gallery for a large project I just finished. It was a museum that is split into 20 seperate 3D tours. The collections vr gallery worked great as the client wanted the galleries labelled 1 - 20 in sequence so a viewer could view one vr tour and then press back on the gear vr headset and then go into the next gallery. They need them stored offline for conferences and events. I downloaded them to...
Matterport mash-ups featured on Tosolini 2 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): @Tosolini I look forward to reading. Super that they included your videos. Wished SPAR3D also embedded your Matterport Spaces 3D Tours. Almost time for Monday night tango class with my wife. :cool: Dan
VR: HTC Vive or Oculus Rift htimsabbub23 2 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): Video: People experiencing Matterport VR for the first time. Video courtesy of We Get Around @htimsabbub23 How about using this video on a flat TV screen so you can focus on talking with people? Dan
WGAN-TV Live: Microsoft VR Viewer DanSmigrod 4 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): Video: WGAN-TV Live: Atlanta Hololens Meetup | Microsoft VR Viewer
Extremely excited about Cupix new VR service yoon2366 4 7 yearsCelisNet (233): Thanks for sharing this option but I've seen no difference between the other inferior options like inmoviewr, iguide, etc. Dorky transitions, no dollhouse view. Is there more features that I missed? Once the clients are used to matterport quality we can't present this solutions. IMHO.
Offline Fair-Solution with Oculus or Vive mori 2 7 yearsmayoli (1): I don't have an answer to your question but I could use your quick help. I haven't been able to get the Vive working even online through webVR. Firefox version 55 with webvr support is running SteamVR is connected to the vive and running firefox.exe I visit Still no image on the Vive HMD Click the View In VR goggles on the bottom right, only cardboard option comes up click Enter VR anyway Still no image on the...
WebGL: Matterport vs Sketchfab on iPad 360ProsBoris 3 7 yearsmori (819): I would assume this due to Apple´s bad browser engine and old models. On the iPad all browser vendors are forced to rely on the safari engine. the examples work on my iPad: Nice user profile: Here a MP capture:
MP WebVR Support for Oculus Rift & HTC Vive mori 1 8 yearsmori (819): Just found this post: Matterport WebVR Support for the Oculus Rift and HTC Vive "As a platform, WebVR is new. WebVR for PC is extremely new. While we here at Matterport have done our best to minimize issues, there will be bugs. Sadly, many of these bugs we will not be able to address as they might be issues with Firefox, Oculus, Steam, or other settings/drivers on the end-user’s PC. You may need to do a fair amount of troubleshooting...
Virtual Reality Customisation tomasdunbar 5 8 yearsmori (819): Without a API and SDK this is very difficult. Are there any updates from MP to this? The "It´s coming" status is announced since 24+ month now.
Matterport VR - Distortions mori 1 8 yearsmori (819): We recently made a capture for real estate object and with the latest VR updates from Matterport (Daydream & Pixel, Samsung Gear VR) experiencing the place in VR looks somehow distorted and also the impression of objects or room height feels different from the real space. Has anyone experienced similar issues? What´s your recommendation for the height, when capturing for VR and the...
VR Viewers in Quantity for less than $3 Each HarlanHambright 5 8 yearsJonJ (1760): Type "vr fold" in the search box. A couple of choices come up.
Moxie FutureX Live Atlanta DanSmigrod 1 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): Promoted Post Hi All, I am the organizer of the Atlanta Mixed Reality Meetup. So thrilled that we are running a Meetup at the second annual, Moxie FutureX Live Atlanta. The 2016 Moxie FutureX Atlanta was AMAZING. Moxie FutureX Live ATL is Thursday, 5 October 2017 from 8 am until 5 pm at the The Woodruff Arts Center in Atlanta. Conference: 8 am to 5 pm | Tech Expo, Cocktails and Network: 5-7 pm We Get Around Network Forum...
Australian Matterport users help ! Sabrina 12 8 yearsJAX1979 (52): For me one of the biggest attractions to Matterport is the hosting. Lets say you charge a hotel 2k to photograph their lobby and bar, they can then inbed this on their website and use it for marketing. If you charge them a hosting fee of £50 - £100 pm you will get an extra 1.2k p.a. EVERY year. They will not look to re-shoot with another provider as they do not want to pay another 2k Most successful service providers are set up as...
Franchise Buying with VR help...Cool! AndrewWilliam23 3 8 yearsnat_vanveen (598): @AndrewWilliam23 Yes that's really a great idea! Thanks for sharing :D
Matterport APP for VR Not Working walk360 2 8 yearsJamie (2034): Perhaps because of the country/language? Could that have something to do with it?
Facebook taking VR Mainstream leonvanzweel 5 8 yearsBale100 (175): I agree - they feel intrusive after a few minutes. They're also hot, sweaty and unhygienic in shared environments....think make up, sweat, hair, skin problems etc. The Japanese and other providers are selling disposable face pads on Amazon. This still does not overcome the other issues including portability and looking 'uncool' with an oversized box strapped to...
Matterport with Oculus Rift mikerodin 4 8 yearsmori (819): No - currently no way exists as the 3D is too bad quality.
Need Quotes for Book GLARI_International 1 8 yearsGLARI_International (45): I am looking for a couple of quotes to use in a book that I am writing. I wold like to include some quotes on how the adoption pioneers here feel about the adoption curve, where you feel the trends are heading, and how it has changed you business model. All quotes will be properly sourced, so you will become famous to the dozens and dozens that will read it. :) If you have time for a quick chat, please [Private Message me]. Thanks!
watching my spaces in vr fotoguy 5 8 yearsQueen_City_3D (3144): You found it. Good. Yeah, it's on the main screen of the model in the "sharing" area, not in the workshop itself.
Matterport CustomVR default settings Change DanSmigrod 4 8 yearsnat_vanveen (598): @GarySnyder Kudos to you and thank you! :D
Display vr on a screen Jamie 6 8 yearsJamie (2034): Great thanks guys
Did we almost miss this Gear VR upgrade? ArtisticConcepts 11 8 yearsDannyBasting (1171): No problem. When you do, let me know so that I can back you up with a vote ;)
Samsung Phone for Gear VR AndrewWilliam23 7 8 yearsTrustedPhotoDC (1108): @andrewwilliams23 checkout this early demo with ARKit and a model room.
3D Property Renderings Exteriors - Offplan Bale100 6 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): @Bale100 We Get Around Network Forum Related Discussions ✓ 3DVUE (All Discussions) ✓ InventiveCG (All Discussions) ✓ Archilogic (All Discussions) ✓ 3rd Party Service Providers ( Renderings) ✓ Blue-Sketch (All Discussions) ✓ MP2FP (All Discussions) Special Landing Pages ✓ 3DVUE ✓ InventiveCG ✓ Archilogic ✓ Blue-Sketch ✓ MP2FP All five of these companies offer special savings for We Get...
AR/VR Headsets to Hit 100 Million in 2021 DanSmigrod 2 8 yearsDannyBasting (1171): VR can't go mainstream fast enough in my opinion! For those of you that have been following my work in this forum probably know that I really believe in VR, and that it will be huge in the near future. I absolutely love working with VR, and the reactions of people trying the Vive for the first time are priceless! While I myself am not a big Apple fan at all, it is always good to see Apple get behind something, as it will have a big...
Audio guide playing in Matterport VR? tomasdunbar 2 8 yearstomasdunbar (88): I guess there is no solution then!
VR error on iPhone grmngrl 1 8 yearsgrmngrl (942): I get an error when trying to use the VR link. It says model is not available. I have VR enabled. Anybody else having that issue before. I wonder if it is the model itself or the iPhone and the app.
GoPro Fusion FlightMedia 3 8 yearsFlightMedia (77): Sorry Dan Have not watched them
NCTech Made a Small $500 3D-Capture Device Max_Sodomovskiy 7 8 yearsLetMe3D (143): @TrustedPhotoDC Thanks for the info I don't own Matterport (but very interested) so not that much up on everything they're doing. I made a typo/grammar error, (fixed it) thanks for the heads up. I give clients a flat rate for my time. Variables would be equipment and processing time. If use a Nikon D810 and shoot HDR or a ???? (haven't figured that one out yet) or a one-shot camera, quality is everything to us but I found not so much to... is going to help us judysmithre 13 8 yearsViewing (589): We've built a 3D listings and bookings site for all of us. Sectors away from real estate will be monetised and proceeds shared 50/50 to start with then the more you list the bigger the share you get (Power Pros). It's worldwide and we need to populate the real estate category to build public interest to ensure all other categories like hotels, rentals etc have enough public awareness to get bookings. The exact workings will be revealed on...
Core VR - What happens after the 1st June? tomasdunbar 6 8 yearstomasdunbar (88): Great. I will worry about thinking about an upgrade when it settles down haha. For now I am just happy that the Core VR has remained free for the time being :)
Video in VR DouglasMeyers 2 8 yearsIanx (58): Me neither ...I figured it was simply not an available feature but I'd be delighted to find out I was wrong! And please tell me 360 video can behave like what one would want 🤔. Ps. Nobody knows me here (yet) but don't be deceived, I'm reading every word and taking it all in 😎.
Newbie - Changing the start point in VR BobbyG 3 8 yearsjustinv (1044): @BobbyG You know you have a scan point but cannot pass through the door? You can go into workshop and use the pull down menu to enter mesh mode. You can usually find the source of the problem. Look into the capture app and make sure everything is marked correctly. It could be the door is marked as window, mirror in another area not marked properly. Or do the easy way, in capture app, use the trim tool. First make a copy of model so you...
Virtual Reality Run Around to get app again VTLV 4 8 yearsVTLV (2910): I sat with the client and the issue came straight from the website on an S4 smartphone. I tried the same with my S6. Both phones got cycled into get the Matterport app with no tour showing up on the app. Tried it again this morning on my phone and it worked fine. Called up my agent, just got a text saying it works. Went straight to the Matterport App with the tour. I'm taking a guess that someone at Matterport came across the issue posted...
Matteport VR model featuring live chatbot Tosolini 4 8 yearsDannyBasting (1171): Great job! I've looked in to speech recognition myself briefly a while ago. While it seemed pretty straight forward to integrate it, I had to put it on hold though due to a lack of time. Saying "change flooring material" for example, and have a material palette pop up in front of you in VR would be a great addition. I may have to dive back in to it after reading your post, thanks for sharing :) Danny
3D Vista Software - 360's Alternative VTLV 19 8 yearsDanielDI (10): I am glad that I found this. I have been digging and comparing PTGui and Giga for past few days. It is frustrating when comparing products that is similar. I finally purchased AutoPano Giga + Krpano + AutoPano Tour Pro. Started using it for few days now. So far everything is smooth.
Vr Video Android App suggestion alirizacil 1 8 yearsalirizacil (162): Hi, Does anyone know any mobile vr video program that compatible with bluetooth remote controller, which allows you to play-pause the 360 degree VR video with the bluetooth remote controller? Thanks...
Matterport Pro>3D-VR-360º-Google Street View DanSmigrod 6 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): @Richierichks Almost time to wish you a happy birthday. :cool: Nice to have a memorable event to remember your birthday. Best, Dan
Best Goggles for iOS Matterport VR? bellyjelly 5 8 yearsProperty3dNZ (617): We also have the Zeiss which we purchased well in advance to the release. Headset is amazing the quality of the iPhone Screen - not so much. Incredibly disappointing in fact!
Custom VR pricing matthew 8 8 yearsmatthew (25): Maybe @DanSmigrod can enlighten into this? Thanks in advance :)
[R&D] Matter-Bot: a chatbot prototype Tosolini 4 8 yearsGLARI_International (45): I really like this idea. Looking forward to hearing more as it develops. Let me know if you're looking for beta testers.
InventiveCG High-End Visualizations DanSmigrod 1 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): Promoted Post ---- If you have been following @DannyBasting 's posts since Winter 2016 about Matterport meets Game Engine, you already know that Danny has been doing innovative work using Matterport in the AEC space. Danny's company, InventiveCG, offers at least six different AEC solutions. Here's one of them ... InventiveCG High-End Visualizations For high-end visualizations, animations, and interactive...
We are excited to ​launch iGUIDE VR! Chris_iGuide 3 8 yearsAlex_iGuide (361): We also support older phones that have WebVR working, not only Daydream phones. The experience is smoother on more powerful phones, obviously.
Facebook's New 360 Cameras for VR Woods 2 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): @Woods Thanks for sharing ... From Engadget (19 April 2017) "But before we get into all that, let's talk a little bit about what sets these cameras apart from normal 360 ones. With a traditional fixed camera, you see the world through its fixed lens. So if you're viewing this content (also known as...
VR / screen is getting dark alirizacil 2 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): @alirizacil Matterport offers two VR creation/viewing solutions. The one without the "black" transitions is Matterport Custom VR. We Get Around Network Forum Related Discussions ✓ Matterport Virtual Reality (VR) 101: Jump In ✓ VR transition question Dan
Can you view 360 degree scans in VR? tomasdunbar 5 8 yearstomasdunbar (88): @OpenHouseOptics I have worked with a provider who creates apps for museums and they are adding the virtual reality services that I provide as an add on because they don't want to buy a Matterport camera themselves. I have done two whiskey museums so far. @craigsauer @nat_vanveen sorry I don't think I was clear. I will be using Matterport outdoors in a theme park for example. So I will only be using the 360 photos option and creating a 360...
Maps + 3D Tours CartoBlue 5 8 yearsCartoBlue (43): Hey forgot to mention we can white label all of our maps, or brand it for either your business or your client.
VR not coming up on model? mike02h 1 8 yearsmike02h (19): Hey everyone! So I've been using the Samsung Gear VR to show clients their homes in VR but just yesterday I noticed something... the VR button was not showing up on the models on my phone. Has MP made any changes that I'm not aware of? Cheers!
Custom VR Conversion Charges Networker 1 8 yearsNetworker (157): Good morning to all, A few quick questions. What is Matterport currently charging us to convert the models to Custom VR? Also, does the number of scans affect the total charges? And finally, what is the turn around time? Thanks in advance!
How does Real.Vision measure floor plans? khaled 2 8 yearsJuMP (2031): @khaled I am not a user of RealVision, can't answer your question. But I am working on how to measure floor plan for Matterport space. If you are Matterport user you can try our measure tool JuMP-ME at We use the OBJ result file from Matterport which include a real value of dimension in it. After loading it into Chrome browser we calculate the projection area for the measurement. BTW "Magic...
New for Pre-Built: CAD to VR on a Smartphone DanSmigrod 3 8 yearsJonHuber (25): Hello all, One of our users, Paul F. Aubin, was interviewed on the podcast "BIM Thoughts". Lately, their discussion have been about VR and Paul used it as an opportunity to showcase how he's using vCAD. It's a great product demo if you'd like to see how some other users are adopting vCAD as their solution to interact with and distribute their CAD files to a webpage or mobile device. A quick note on...
Free Gear VR + Controller with Galaxy S8 DanSmigrod 2 8 yearsnaga (10): Broken Link?
VR remote for device in headset? craigsauer 10 8 yearscraigsauer (1075): I just received and tried out a Bluetooth remote for my phone. This is the one I got: (I figured I could invest $9 in trying it out.) It's good but not perfect. What I wanted was to be able to work the menus of the phone while someone else wears it in a VR headset and I'm mirroring the phone display to an external monitor via Chromecast. The good news is that it basically does that. It works best for that purpose in... Listings add Matterport Spaces Gransky 14 8 yearsEricThomas (175): If you read the entire article it appears Zillow is hinting at their own 3D product they are developing....
Innovative Use of Matterport VR: Showrooms DanSmigrod 5 8 yearsFurnitureScanner (64): Thank you, nat! We've deployed these models to the field's iPads so that can have them offline. We also have multiple Samsung Gear VR that we share through the company as well as have some custom printed Google Cardboard printed off to show everything in VR.
VR Changing How Buyers Shop for New Homes DanSmigrod 1 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): The Washington Post (24 March 2017) Virtually changing how buyers shop for new homes This is a "must read" in-depth article. I found this article on the @immoviewer Facebook page. :cool: Excerpts “Technology is changing rapidly, but we think the use of virtual reality will reshape and transform how new homes are designed, marketed and sold,” says Tim Costello, founder and chief executive officer of Builder Homesite Inc....
Are you writing a thesis on Virtual Reality? DanSmigrod 1 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): Hi All, If you are working on a thesis on Virtual Reality – and related 3D/360º tech – and, in particular, includes references to Matterport, kindly Private Message (PM) me. Thanks, Dan
3D painting a Matterport model in Tilt Brush Tosolini 3 8 yearslisahinson (785): Paolo, that's cool!!!!!
Samsung Gear 360 srennick 3 8 yearsnat_vanveen (598): @srennick @Property3dNZ Hi ladies, I'm using the Ricoh Theta S after reviewing both and watching several YouTube vid reviews, and I'm really happy with the ease of use and quality. :)
VR, AR headset shipments to increase tenfold leonvanzweel 3 8 yearsnat_vanveen (598): @leonvanzweel Thanks for sharing this information! :)
Google Cardboard Leads Headset Shipments Marcel 3 8 yearsnat_vanveen (598): @Marcel Thanks for the great share! :)
Engel & Völkers and immoviewer Team Up DanSmigrod 6 8 yearspixelray (1059): I have seen some pretty bad immoviewer jobs too...I don't understand why exactly they are pushing this over MP - MP is way better imo
Stereoscopic? in VR mode vgarcia 6 8 yearsfrstbubble (639): Matterport VR FAQs
Android App VR Full motion mode not working vgarcia 2 8 yearsfrstbubble (639): Look into the differences between the Core VR offering that is available to all tours for free and the CustomVR offering. Matterport VR FAQs
There'll soon be a major new player in town GarySnyder Jump to first page38Jump to last page 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): Hi All, Please continue this discussion here ... ✓ NCTECH IRIS360 PRO 3D IMMERSIVE Thanks, Dan
Display the VR content on a TV garyben 4 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): Video: ImmersaCAD CEO Lee Martin's interview with Local Channel 8 News WVLT about vCAD | Video courtesy of WVLT, Knoxville, TN -- @garyben Great question ... [url=New for Pre-Built: CAD to VR on a Smartphone]vCAD[/url] offers one unique view versus two separate views like this. The vCAD solution works best for CAD to smartphone (iOS, Android) for un-Built spaces. While you can upload the Matterport...
Virtual Interior Construction Products? reality360imaging 4 8 years3DVUE (40): Sent Email! :)
360 Video camera on a robot? craigsauer 9 8 yearsfrstbubble (639): I am waiting some time to implement 360 video walkthroughs for the following reasons. #1 I don't think the quality of the video is good enough for the perceived standard we would like to convey. #2 The amount of data required to play these videos. I am looking at the fact that a large percentage of people would be viewing it on a mobile device over a cellular connection with limited data. Although data packages are growing, I do not think...
Client asking for Virtual Furniture davidpylyp 9 8 yearsMontreal3D (202): There are many ways to do it if you work with the OBJ or Point cloud. I don't think you could do much with the actual Matterport WebGL tour. Here's a way to do it with the point cloud. Use Agisoft or Meshlab to create a cleaner OBJ file than the one available from the Matterport service. You can then use the OBJ in many different 3D modeling app. I saw a neat asset for the game engine Unity to do it with the HTC Vive in real time. Load your...
New! Vimeo Supports 360 Video DanSmigrod 7 8 yearshometakes (1134): Someone help me out here. I can't see any advantage of this 360 video over Matterport when it comes to seeing inside of a home. Unless you can move through the home the same way as you can with a video cameras with walking shots, a static shot of 360 video isn't different to what Matterport does. And then you are dictated to following where ever the edit of the video takes you where as with Matterport, you are free to go where ever you like. ...
Free Online Course: Intro to VR & 360º Video DanSmigrod 5 8 yearsTrustedPhotoDC (1108): See you in class @dansmigrod
vCAD Technical Info and Product Comparisons JonHuber 2 8 yearsJonHuber (25): I received a question via email from a user currently using Archilogic. I've summarized the conversation: There are a few differences between Archilogic and vCAD. I want to take some time to communicate the differences so I understand your expectations. File Upload: For Archilogic, you upload a 2D floor plan that is converted into a web viewable 3D file. For vCAD, you upload a 3D CAD file and convert it a web and mobile viewable 3D/VR...
$99 360º Photo/VR Kit: 8K 360º Spherical/HDR DanSmigrod 6 8 yearsmcatino (118): @petervaughn most small businesses have prosumer needs as well up-selling MP was difficult for me to grasp and a unstable peer group price wise too boot. For the record I still believe 100 % in MP technology but just like my first mac I'll wait to see what happens to Matterport and until then support you all fully. The digital age is what made me sell all of my darkroom equipment, 4x5 camera, 2 1/4 camera and all of my nikon film cameras for...
StereoStitch: Stereoscopic 360º Live/Record DanSmigrod 1 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): Hi Al, A look at the future of 360º live / recorded video. StereoStitch is the secret sauce behind the magic of 360º stereoscopic 360º live or off-line video. In this video (above), I chatted with Dermandar and StereoStitch Co-Founder and CEO Elie-Gregoire Khoury on Friday (3 March 2017). Here are my notes from this video: Video Highlights ✓ Desktop VR Solution ✓ Multiple Cameras ✓...
Need info about this virtual tour? abalkhail 13 8 yearsSeekBeak (61): No, thank you @nat_vanveen :) You're correct, SB doesn't have the depth that the MP camera provides, but can still make a very immersive tour using boring 'ol 360 images. The amount/frequency of images is up to the tour creator. Of course you don't get the fancy dollhouse/wireframe view of a house or structure, but SeekBeak isn't designed for Real Estate, it's more of a general creative toolbox... as you've discovered. Yes, the automagic...
VR Controllers for Samsung Gear & Daydream Woods 2 8 yearsMetroplex360 (9436): @Woods, yes, Daydream's controller does work with Matterport's recent, modestly rolled out update that includes a full version of Showcase built on WebVR specifically for Daydream. Hopefully they'll be adding support for Gear VR Controller on the same platform. As one of our other forum members has pointed out, the Gear seems to 'take over' the phone when you slip it on, so unless they change that behavior, the WebVR version of Matterport...
New! Photo Realistic 3D Walk Through Service DanSmigrod 1 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): Promoted Post ---- Video: SurrealVR by 3DVUE luxury home visualization for custom home builder client, Centex Homes. SurrealVR is 3DVUE’s flagship 3D walk-through service for unbuilt spaces. Premium visual quality with the added functionality to dynamically change: ✓ materials ✓ furniture ✓ fittings ✓ operate doors/windows/electronic equipment ✓ play video on tv/cinema...
Un-Built Spaces: New 3D Walk Through Service DanSmigrod 1 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): Promoted Post --- New for Un-Built Spaces: 3D Walk Through Service from 3DVUE SparkVR is 3DVUE’s web based walk through service for unbuilt spaces. Using client provided PDF floor plans and/or CAD files 3DVUE is able to create detailed visualizations of: ✓ apartment units ✓ office spaces ✓ townhouse units ✓ and more All SparkVR visualizations are WebVR compatible and supported on multiple platforms from...
CNN Coversge of Matterport. How old? justinv 3 8 yearsChemistrydoc (1930): As a point of art, I would pop the Matterport showcases into another browser window....but other than that, the message is just as fresh today as when the CNN Money article came out (2015, I believe)
Best Practices Thread: Working w/ Government DovrMedia 8 8 yearsTrustedPhotoDC (1108): With security work you can't fake it 'til you make it. You should either hire a specialist or a company that has a history with InfoSec and understands OPSEC.
Integrating Matterport in Unity 3D? Yokra_Marketing 2 8 yearsmori (819): Technically yes, but for this MP needs to provide more access to the captured data.
360 video before and after renovation craigsauer 1 8 yearscraigsauer (1075): I posted here a while back with a very simple 360 video I made from a Matterport OBJ file that just spiraled around the exterior of a model, and everyone seemed pretty underwhelmed. But I've moved on to bigger and better 360 videos! I made a few videos of flythroughs that ended with the original exterior dollhouse view, but I held off posting them here because I had an idea for an even better idea: a 360 video that transitions back and forth...
Embed virtual ad spaces inside walkthrough Amaury 12 8 yearsmori (819): The other way round would also be very interesting. Allow a visitor to explore the space and maybe even buy even if it´s closed. A great showcase for that is the adidas window shopping-project:
VR Non Matterport Tech srennick 4 8 yearsAmaury (16): Here is a sample tour with sound, as you notice, sound goes up and down as you turn around making you feel you are facing a noisy area or not: Also, you might found the 3dVista software capable of doing lot more like their new "LivePano" feature. Hope this helps.
"VR only" option? ArtisticConcepts 3 8 yearshometakes (1134): The Trouble with that is that you will set any of the clients that you manage to 'sell' with this VR promotion and their expectations will now be made higher for the better VR tour. If you dont give them the tour that you sold them on, they will be disappointed.
Poll: Just 26% of You Are Showing Clients VR DanSmigrod 8 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): @DannyBasting About de-duping, our Polling Service Admin writes: "The de-duplication is a 'best effort' process based on the user's IP address and the user's ID (if they are logged in). We can remove obvious duplicates and prevent abuses like 'stuffing the ballot box"' but it is indeed likely that votes by some users are counted twice. That is not ideal but we can still draw useful inferences from the data because the sample size...
Virtual Tour versus Video Kevin_iGuide 19 8 yearsKevin_iGuide (142): I believe the last 2 posts speak directly to the challenges faced among virtual tour providers. Are we marketing our services to agents or home buyers? The agents are our paying clients but should we be promoting the services agents (think they) want or the service that we know buyers want. I refer to the annual study published by the National Association of Realtors - Profile of Home Buyers and Sellers. For a number of years, the features...
Matterport WebVR + Google Daydream VR Viewer DanSmigrod 9 8 yearsUserName (586): @DannyBasting - I used to do that when I first got my Gear VR. My first mobile VR experience was seeing Cardboard Street View on a Gear VR using the plastic snap method. Then I graduated to the Package Disabler and finally to the Samsung Mobile browser. The Oculus startup screen does not appear when you use that browser. Even using that browser is slower than simply putting your phone into a Cardboard headset that plays immediately....
Matterport to Launch VR Viewing without App DanSmigrod 8 8 yearsUserName (586): This is an interesting speculation topic .. "Apple's VR secrecy should have Google, HTC and Microsoft worried" == An Apple headset is coming, and it's going to leave the competition for dead == The article says that Apple wasn't the first to come out with an MP3 player, smartphone or tablets. Yet, when they finally released a smartphone, the iPhone, it helped change the world. It does seem strange that Apple seemingly hasn't done...
Which VR Viewer Artwork do you like best? DanSmigrod Jump to first page34Jump to last page 8 yearsVince_MccrayT (5): Why hasn't the reviewer posted about the upcoming OSVR HDK2? Thats open source VR same capabilities as the Oculus upgradeable unlike the Oculus and evolving quickly with hand gesture etc oh and for much less money. Check the distributors out RazerZone. This should be on the radar of pcmag surely.
Matterport VR Step in the right direction RobinLycka 5 8 yearsVince_MccrayT (5): This is such Great News! Does anyone know when the iOS app for cardboard might be available. I heard through the rumor mill that Apple has a large team working on the VR stuff. I hope we see a Matterport Announcement soon that all of us Apple people will be in the game as well.
#ICNY17 Video Interview: Matterport VR iOS DanSmigrod 6 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): @UserName @RobinLycka found the Matterport official announcement after your post and posted in the Forum here ... ✓ Matterport VR Step in the right direction Dan
Problems with Unofficial Cardboard jmprop 25 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): @benn1973 Great suggestion. Time for a "time out" ... I will disable posting to this discussion for two days. You can PM me if you think otherwise ... Dan
#ICNY17 Change Your Lens on the World: VR DanSmigrod 2 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): Here is a transcript of this video. Best, Dan --- Intro: Virtual reality is changing our view of the world. Please welcome Jake Silverstein [Brad Inman replaced Jake as moderator], Jenna Pirog and Marcelle Hopkins of the New York Times and Aaron Luber with Google. Brad: Oh my God! Unbelievable. Now, we’ve got a serious group here. New York Times, that’s so serious – and Google. We’re going to sort out what VR is...
VR Headsets for iPhone jmprop 7 8 yearsBiggles (43): I email the link to myself and open it on my iPhone
Finally experienced Matterport VR Integratedman 6 8 yearsbenn1973 (157): Great what is your building company? Ive been doing a couple obuilders myself?
Showcase v2.14.3 released - It's Big. Metroplex360 12 8 yearsJC3DCX (823): @Metroplex360 , I have read it that way, otherwise youre the "undercover" programmer, :-) :-) Maybe its a small setting that changed the way it displays, its even better on my iPad, the screenshot was taken on my iMac, mmm, hope it will be soon, I'm very curious and at least not a cat, hehe
Invitation to VRARA Event 1/31 with Scoble Hopscotch 5 8 yearsmcatino (118): Not on twitter yet.
Matterport VR iOS App: Official Announcement HarlanHambright 12 8 yearsProperty3dNZ (617): So this is obviously what many of us had been waiting for with baited breath!! I was OVERJOYED at the final release but have been crazy busy so only just catching up on all the posts and discussions now. I started testing it on iPhone last week. Months ago we had the Zeiss VR One Plus shipped in from the US so we were ready to go and what a horrifying experience that is!! The lens are so good it makes the pixels look terrible! But I...
#ICNY17 Video>Matterport VR: Google Daydream DanSmigrod 4 8 yearsMetroplex360 (9436): Hi Dan, #1) I've used a pointer system with the HTC Vive -- it's pretty cool. Usually you can walk freely and use the pointer to reposition (As you can only walk so far before hitting a wall). #2) The DayDream demo above is -not- a demonstration of the VR SDK :) -- it's a demo of the new Showcase Web VR player that has appeared in the code for Showcase v2.14.3-0, released midnight 1/31/17..
#ICNY17 Video: CEO on VR DanSmigrod 2 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): Some Key Quotes from Move, Inc. ( CEO Ryan O'Hara speaking with Inman Founder and Owner Brad Inman --- We’re making sure that through our global platform, we’re developing products that are really differentiating and special. There are a number of homes that sell where the buyer hasn’t even been in the location. There’s been listings in New York in particular where brokers and realtors have sold properties without...
Virtual staging AAS 7 8 yearsneeravbm (49): I am curious whether home buyers would like to see their own furniture staged virtually? Currently it's probably too expensive because it's manual but in future, if matterport could place the buyer's furniture staged in VR by click of a button, do you think it will increase inclination for the buyer to buy?
Do I need a Custom MP VR App for this? ArtisticConcepts 5 8 yearsArtisticConcepts (681): Thank you guys! What about mattertags in VR?
#ICNY17 Video>Imerza VR Pre-Built Space Demo DanSmigrod 2 8 yearsTosolini (4356): Very cool @dansmigrod. One of my friends works at in Seattle. They started using HoloLens to envision how a building will look like.
How to View 360 YouTube Video on Gear VR DanSmigrod 5 8 yearsFloridaProperties (85): I love this forum! Thank you Lord Dan!
How to View 360º YouTube Video on an iPhone DanSmigrod 1 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): Open thread to view post.
Inman Connect NYC 2017>Dan Smigrod Reporting DanSmigrod 4 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): Hi All, For We Get Around Network Forum coverage of Inman Connect New York 2017, please see this tag: ICNY17 As of 5 pm ET, Saturday (21 January 2017), I uploaded (some) of the videos. I will add this week. Dan
#ICNY17 Video: 1st Public Use: MP VR SDK? DanSmigrod 1 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): Video: Move, Inc. ( CEO Ryan O'Hara interviewed about the company's initiatives with Virtual Reality (VR) by Inman Founder and Owner Brad Inman at Inman Connect New York 2017. Was this the first public demo using the Matterport VR SDK Beta to integrate Matterport VR in another company's VR app? Best, Dan
Press Release: Matterport VR iOS App DanSmigrod 1 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): Matterport distributed this press release 7 am EST onFriday (20 January 2017) - the last day of Inman Connect New York 2017. For discussion about Matterport VR iOS App, please visit this Forum discussion: ✓ Matterport VR iOS App: Official Announcement Thanks, Dan --- Matterport Virtual Reality (VR) Content Now Available on Apple iPhone Over Two Billion Mobile Device Users Now Have Access to the World’s Largest...
VR & Iphone - What is the a good headset? ChadLatham 4 8 yearsDmitriyReev (43): @ChadLatham hi! I have this one rgds, Dmitriy
Matterport VR for iPhones by 17 January 2017 DanSmigrod 28 8 yearsRPOceanic (215): That he did. Spot on! I suppose my tendency to hope for the best, prepare for the worst wouldn't lead me believe it. (that and the extending of free Core VR until June- thought we'd see it then) I am quite happy to be wrong.
Lockdown Oculus Rift and Matterport App immersiveprop 10 8 yearsVince_MccrayT (5): These are the kind of exciting yet grounded articles I like on this sub
Sharing Matterport Core VR srennick 4 8 yearsVince_MccrayT (5): "feel how poor you are strolling around sf tech-douches apartment in VR!"
VR with Oculus Rift or HTC Vive xavierchardon 3 8 yearsVince_MccrayT (5): As for the price difference, obviously they will be much closers in price once the rift controllers are purchased.Also,can anyone imagine the ps4 or Xbox one being released without controllers,and I don't mean a stand in Xbox one controller until your actual equipment is ready.
Proceed With Caution: Atome 360 Pano Head Gransky 8 8 yearsGransky (103): @chemistrydoc - Please let me know if you receive anything. I too received a notice that it shipped without a tracking number. It's been well over a month for me and NOTHING!
Samsung Marketing Head: VR to become Social DanSmigrod 2 8 yearsUserName (586): Thanks for the link. Interesting dilemma. I'd like a Google Daydream phone -- the Axon 7's pretty cheap. But after paying over $1000 on my Note 5 and S6, I'm not ready to spend more money just to experience VR on a different platform (Google's). In addition, there are rumors about an Apple AR or VR device in development. And in March, 300 million Windows devices will become VR devices and five manufacturers have shown headsets to run in...
Twitter report about VR at CES Tosolini 3 8 yearsfrstbubble (639): @Tosolini Thank you for the updates
Is Matterport VR Available on iPhone? DanSmigrod 2 8 yearsProperty3dNZ (617): Its interesting that MP haven't followed through with one of their promises once again!
Reopening Matterport Space & VR Core Networker 5 8 yearsNetworker (157): @Helen. Thanks for the heads up. Once you pointed me in the right direction-I explored it. The answer is yes. Each scan point becomes a VR scan point and you can leave it or hide it. Thanks for the pointer!
Plymouth Rock and Plymouth Plantation Scans RGO 2 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): @RGO Please do share your Matterport scans of these historic locations. Please see this forum post: ✓ Is Matterport VR Available on iPhone? There are no other options today (6 January 2017) for converting Matterport Spaces to VR. Samsung Gear VR + Matterport VR app + your scan: is the best way to showoff Matterport VR. Best, Dan
Matterport Spaces 3D Tour: USS Hornet CIC George_WALKINTOUR 4 8 yearsSpencerLasky (407): Yes reminds me of being on the USS Enterprise, great use of this technology!
Matterport in Film/TV and Power Stations DanSmigrod 4 8 yearsSpencerLasky (407): These are all great responses - yes "have a vision where you want to go" that's probably the best advise - through the varies phases of disruptions I'm probably guilty of being a little untethered. My Panavision Gold package and 10 to 1 lens just does not mean much any more - film ... she's gone it's a new day! Having said that I do love the direction of 3D and do look for new innovative ways to work and create in the future. Perhaps...
Matterport VR iOS: Matterport versus MP2VR DanSmigrod 6 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): Please see this related We Get Around Network Forum discussion: Matterport VR for iPhones by 17 January 2017 Dan
Matterport to Sketchfab? AAS 10 8 yearsMetroplex360 (9436): @AAS Download the OBJ, then upload to Sketchfab. If I remember correctly, I had to disable a few options for the tour to look right and then position the view inside of the tour.
Inman: 3D/VR listings to skyrocket in 2017 DanSmigrod 8 8 yearsfrstbubble (639): Although some don't believe that clients will come into the office, I think you are able to take the office to them with VR and MP tours. You take a buyer show them a house, they don't like it so you pull out the iPad or Gear VR and show them a few properties right there. Then they can disqualify some properties and find a few that they do want to go see. So you save time and money (and gas) from running all over the place and only showing them...
2 different VR views. is there a difference? ThreeDImaging 2 8 yearsDannyBasting (1171): The difference is in the offset. In order to see depth in real life we use both eyes. The closer an object is to our eyes, the more different the images for each eye will be. The brain will then blend these images and create a sense of depth. In VR the same principle applies. Each eye will look at a different image. In the top image 2 lenses where used (slightly offset just like our eyes). Creating a unique image for each lens. Therefor...
Creating a split-screen video from VR DanSmigrod 4 8 yearsDannyBasting (1171): @DanSmigrod These kind of video's are super easy to create. All you need to do is cast your phone's screen to a TV using a Google Chromecast. You'll then record the TV screen and make a video of the person using the headset at the same time. After that you can take both video's on to a video editing software, put them next to each other and make sure the timelines are in sync. Hope this helps.
What ever happened to Matterport 3D Studio?? sstarkey 30 8 yearsmatthew (25): @JonJ This is a great platform!
Travel Trends in the coming year. VR photosbyhopsing 1 8 yearsphotosbyhopsing (22): Aloha Gang, Going thru my daily emails and updates. This following link has motivated me to pursue some other arena's Hopsing
Matterport iOS VR: New Googles or Cardboard? Chadcloses 9 8 yearsterrygrant (34): I used a cardboard with my Samsung and the image was not great but then I tried an slightly more expensive one and it was much better. The main difference seemed to be that the more expensive one allowed me to adjust the focus whereas the cardboard required you to hold the headset a little further away from your head to get the focus right (for my old eyes at least :-)which wasnt ideal. So my suggestion is to spend a few more bucks on the...
Trade Shows: Matterport VR Demos by hotels DanSmigrod 3 8 yearsVTLV (2910): I wouldn't make any effort to have the Matterport camera on. I tried shooting a space at a trade show once and couldn't keep the connection alive. Flourecent lighting, too many wifi signals and having an open wifi signal everyone's phone wanted to jump onto kept killing then connection between the camera and ipad. I like "Usernames" suggestions above with multiple Gear VR or cardboard idea to preview each room. Show how the agents can...
I see very few final sites WHY? GeorgeK 5 8 yearsStevenHattan (1513): I hope you didn't pay for those pictures.
Now we're talking! Goldman Sachs selling... lisahinson 4 8 yearsJC3DCX (823): Quite interesting and its the way forward,
How to change the VR path and starting view? samgaetz 1 8 yearssamgaetz (49): Hi everyone! Struggling to figure out how to edit the VR path. I can't figure out how to change the starting position either! Any help is appreciated :) Sam
Custom Printed Google Cardboard VR Viewers DanSmigrod 10 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): My VR Viewers from Unofficial Cardboard arrived Wednesday night (30 November 2016). #super-excited We will use the multi-colored version at the 2016 Holiday Showcase at Atlanta Tech Village on Monday, 12 December 2016. Happy holidays, Dan
Google Cardboard VR Viewer $5.99 AmazonPrime DanSmigrod 9 8 yearshometakes (1134): @metroplex. From what I understand, none. Its for the design of your logo I think. Please anyone correct me if I am wrong.
Matterport Gear vr help!!! Does not see app Bobby 15 8 yearsFloridaProperties (85): It just worked for me
Unofficial Cardboard lisahinson 1 8 yearslisahinson (785): Received my order from Unofficial Cardboard this past week. They do a beautiful job of putting these things together! I have a question however. It is sometimes confounding to load a VR using Google Cardboard vs. VR Gear (for me) ... and I'm really having trouble getting the UOC to load up. So, what's the trick? Thanks and hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Storytelling using HoloLens Tosolini 4 8 years360Verbeelding (352): Hi Paulo, nice job. Yesterday i received the Hololens fir testing. Is a fantastic piece of kit. I think we are going to have lots of fun with it. Happy scanning Grtz Rene.
The Virtual Reality Report: $1 Billion 2016 DanSmigrod 1 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): Promoted Post --- Reprinted from Business Insider by Jessica Smith The virtual reality (VR) market has made significant strides throughout 2016. New VR headsets like the Oculus Rift and the HTC Vive debuted amid great consumer anticipation, while VR content launches kept pace, with Batman: Arkham VR and Chair...
"Stereophonic" in Matterport VR Cabrahams 7 8 yearsfranmts (181): @Cabrahams I believe your question is already answeared, but reinforcing, this model you talked about Juarez Filho Art Exhibit was converted by Matterport (it was done via the manual costly process). They approached me months ago asking to include it in the VR gallery and convert it for free. Was glad to accept.
A moaning real estate agent onepsg 4 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): @onepsg Matterport does not offer security of digital assets. Even if you password protect your content, it's easy to discover your links. Dan
Holographic Model Helen 5 8 yearsDannyBasting (1171): @Helen We can do that right now actually... Just posted about it in the other thread you mentioned this. AR media
Edit VR 3dshowcaseuk 3 8 years3dshowcaseuk (1355): thanks 3DscannUK
Headset News: Oculus Rift, Samsung Gear VR DanSmigrod Jump to first page187Jump to last page 8 yearsbobophoto (1): is one able to walk through models once wearing headset to is it just a 360 degree view of a certain space?
Alcatel targets Windows phone with VR GarySnyder 1 8 yearsGarySnyder (2143): Will this be enough for someone to buy a Win 10 Phone or is it a move by Microsoft and Alcatel to test the waters of a traditional VR solution.
10 Recent AR/VR Investments You Should Know GarySnyder 3 8 yearsUserName (586): Thanks for the news. Maybe one day shopping for a VR headset might be like shopping for car. With a zillion types out there, no one model will capture the market. Apparently no legitimate company in the world has the parts needed to fix a Note 5 with a broken LCD/digitizer. So I had to buy a new S6 for Gear VR testing and dev. If anyone has a Note 5, I'd try not to drop it until Samsung replenishes it's Note 5 LCD replacement parts. Univrse...
How to configure vr? How is it used? mcarbonell88 1 8 yearsmcarbonell88 (1): How to configure vr? How is it used?
Asus to unveil Google Tango-enabled smart GarySnyder 3 8 yearsGarySnyder (2143): Over time there will most likely be many VR apps for the Realsense camera for this phone as well as the phone from Lenovo and others that will be released in 2017. I have a HP Spectre which also has a Realsense camera that has an app from Google.
Alcatel jumps into the virtual reality GarySnyder 2 8 yearsJamie (2034): Looks like a nice package
iStaging LiveTour - Anyone Used It? ChrisH 10 8 yearsChrisH (55): Please let me be clear I still promote and film most of my stuff with Matterport. I was just looking around online for ideas one night and came across this product. For the money it was worth playing around with. Essentially its a web based software platform you enter all the info into. Nothing too difficult or complex. If you read there website and watch their YouTube clips you will see. The $60 literally gives you access to login to the...
Going to NAR in Orlando Kevin_iGuide 23 8 yearsExpertise (1192): I just figured that out. :(
Showing Matterport VR Space to a Client? DanSmigrod 1 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): Just 26 percent of We Get Around Forum Visitors/Members have showed a Matterport VR Space to a prospective client. Just 32 percent of We Get Around Forum Members - signed in - have shows a Matterport VR Space to a prospective client. Just 21 percent of We Get Around Forum Visitors - those not signed into the Forum have...
Google launches Tango AR smartphone system GarySnyder 23 8 yearsUserName (586): @JC3DCX - That was my concern not only about price but feasibility. A realtor would probably have to keep adding office space just to hold his physical dollhouses unless the realtor could print dollhouses on demand AND make them vanish when they're no longer needed. I keep forgetting we're still living in the 21'st century but maybe in the future, every tech device we think of as amazing may sit in the antiquated devices section of a...
Matterport on iOS in Virtual Reality conVRts_JB 6 8 yearsVRealExperience (115): Does anyone know how? I assume will be through the Cardboard App? Apple needs to do something soon...and I think they will and it could be good. But it will be the first time the company will be staring the next mega trend in the face without Jobs calling shots. Since has passing, the big thing was just maintaining their dominant posture in the mobile game.
Matterport Virtual Reality (VR) SDK Sign-up DanSmigrod 21 8 yearsUserName (586): @DannyBasting - I tested a converted Matterport point cloud in Unity a long time ago. Things didn't work out too well. I might give it another try. Even with a model, I'm not sure we can move to any point in a model since the Matterport camera didn't capture all views from all possible coordinates in a room. Meaning I probably can't, like in a real video game, move 9 inches to the left to see what a table really looks like from that point or...
VR Experience srennick 5 8 yearsDolloff (131): I have not experiences VR yet. Can anyone tell me if any of the Matterport features can be seen in VR such as Mattertags? Floor plan view? Dollhouse?
Samsung Gear VR Headset User's Guide immersiveprop 5 8 yearsfrstbubble (639): Thank you for providing that!
Matterport is the Gold Standard davidpylyp 3 8 yearsVRealExperience (115): I agree with the product and solution, but their support is lackluster. This is not a personal shot at the people they have in support, but more the way their support is structured and operationalized Forget 24x7 which I think should be a given for them - but how they offer support in general. It's really only email and in some cases 4 days go by. Does anyone know a single real estate agent who is also patient? Most "Sales"...
VR glasses symbol and MLS 3SevensStudio 18 8 yearsHelen (769): Do any Canadian users know if this rule applies to the Canadian MLS system?
CoreVR Starting Points/How They Select Scans Property3dNZ 3 8 yearswalk360 (79): great news! thanks for sharinng
VT Vs 360? E3D 4 8 yearsJohnLoser (305): We have chosen to call our Matterport service "3DTours" and use the "Powered by Matterport" logo.
Exporting Equirectangular Matterport George_WALKINTOUR 8 8 yearsgrmngrl (942): @Metroplex360 I can not understand how this can be legal. The 360 sphericals don't need to be hosted. And at the point in time when they where made available I do not have a choice but accepting the t&c. Could Nikon, Cannon etc just update their conditions and not give us the raw files either? I really think it was a bad choice from my side to buy the camera. I would not be so upset if Matterport would provide me with the service I...
Connecting the dots - home improvement hanske 4 8 yearsJamie (2034): Depends. Are you wanting people to walk through an existing home to think about ideas of improving it? Or using a virtual model as a renovation tool for visualization of a final product?
How to charge clients for Matterport CoreVR? DanSmigrod 9 8 yearsProperty3dNZ (617): We are charging $50 NZ dollars for the VR. We decided on this number for a number of reasons - we want people to use the service, therefore it needs to be achievable. We are still struggling to really get MP off the ground with Real Estate with a constant number of scans weekly so having this small additional cost will hopefully not scare them off! We need to cover ourselves for the NZ dollar getting weaker as well.
Matterport Custom VR vs Core VR Integratedman 8 8 yearsVRealExperience (115): @UserName TL : DR - If you dont care about the VR industry as a whole, know CustomVR is better due to a better transition and more of an "immersive" effect...not much more to say. I am not necessarily an expert on VR, yet; however, I have founded my business on the concept of Virtual Reality. It's something I jumped into, invested an a few different areas (Mostly, building a brand and evangelizing the many positive benefits,...
Examples: MP CoreVR & Stereoscopic and MP2VR DanSmigrod 5 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): @Metroplex360 Yes. Excellent. Great catch. Four Matterport VR solutions: not three (though Matterport shut down Matterport to Google Street View that offers the addition VR solution). I am very happy with the Matterport to Google Street View conversions that you did for We Get Around before Matterport asked you to take down Dan
Using VR after manipulating my MP space? OGH604 4 8 yearsOGH604 (25): Thanks gents. I'll share the end result; it might take me a while. Cheers, -Olivier
Matterport VR Transitions immersiveprop 7 8 yearsimmersiveprop (168): Here is the response from Matterport on this topic. It looks like they charge $500+ to do instant transitions. It looks like we are doing the fade to black transitions moving forward. ------------------------------------------------ If you mean changing transitions with VR gear, then there is two options: -CoreVR which fades to black and is currently free for your models. -Instant transitions which needs to be configured and the starting...
VR Gear advice needed 3dshowcaseuk 9 8 yearsfrstbubble (639): @Jamie literally hehe
Google Announces Daydream VR Headset DanSmigrod 7 8 yearsHopscotch (207): I agree with all of the comments about the functionality (yes, Matterport VR Spaces should be Daydream compatible asap), AND must also say that it's important that the Daydream viewer looks like hipster-wear and that goes a long way with large segments of the market. Look at the Diamond Rio vs. iPod. Design is just so important, and I think Google has made a very smart move with Daydream from that perspective.
Special Thanks to @GarySnyder with MP2VR DanSmigrod 5 8 yearshometakes (1134): Isn't Matterport only charging $19 for VR conversion(starting in January)? Is there that much of a difference between MP2VR's conversion for $75 and Matterports $19? Most agents normally opt for a cheaper price over quality unless the quality is really bad. Also, I hear that Matterports conversion doesn't transition the way they show on their sample VR showcase on the Oculus site. Am I correct in saying that they are using black transitions...
Use a dolly under the tripod davidpylyp 8 8 yearsMarcel (387): I love using a dolly. Granted I mainly do commercial scans on average 10000sq ft/1000 sqm. Just push and move. I'm a big fella, but lifting and moving a camera 200-300 times can give you a pain in the biceps. You also very seldom have to re-level the camera. I highly recommend a dolly with big wheels.
Matterport Virtual Reality CoreVR: Home Run DanSmigrod 19 8 yearscraigsauer (1075): @Metroplex360 I like the idea of Chromecast mirroring the VR display!
Injecting logo into photospheres? Alex_iGuide 1 8 yearsAlex_iGuide (361): Is there free software to cover nadir/tripod in photospheres with a custom logo? I could not find one. The requirement is that it is straightforward and quick to use.
WP3D Models: Matterport CoreVR "Wish List" DanSmigrod 4 8 yearsrpetersn (2010): Thanks for the notes here @DanSmigrod & yes...this is very much on our radar for a forthcoming release of WP3D. Cheers!
Models Shared with you.. limit? Acomeau15 3 8 yearsAcomeau15 (52): Dan, Thanks for your response! answered my question completely. Will note format for future to make interpretation a little easier. Cheers! Alex
VR for large spaces BrettMtn 9 8 yearsRobinLycka (727): @BrettMtn With a 360 VR tour with a manual camera, you can move further. Pricing would depend on the layout of the venue. If it´s just one large hall, for trade shows etc, it´s obviously a lot easier to do than if there are 70 rooms you need to show. Either way, I would´t have enough experience with manual tours to price it either.
Matterport VR in Three Flavors of Conversion DanSmigrod 3 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): How to view the Matterport Spaces - converted by 3rd Party Developer MP2VR - on the MP2VR app [GearVR or Google Cardboard (presently, Android only)] 19 July 2016 Hi Dan Thank you for your quick payment. Please find below the VR Conversion link to [Matterport Spaces 3D tour name redacted]. Just download the file from your phone and it will...
Matterport VR SDK Announced 3 October 2016 DanSmigrod 3 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): @JohnLoser Good to know ... You might try reaching out to Matterport Support directly. This Matterport Support Request Form will create a job ticket for tracking. Dan
Weird pink image when starting a VR model jfantin 3 8 yearsjfantin (1733): Thank you @JC3DCX, apparently this is one of the problems that Matterport says it can happen with older telephones. I checked my models with a newer Android phone and they all work fine. So, despite the fact that the Matterport VR mode is compatible with Android 4.4 and beyond, its functionality will depend on the telephone's processing capabilities and some errors may occur.
Matterport CoreVR is Now Live in 3D Showcase Metroplex360 2 8 yearsUserName (586): Thanks. One new Gallery model worked fine. However, the Venice Beach model appeared to load but stalled when the progress bar reached the end. I exited the Matterport Showcase app, went back and now it say the Venice Beach model may be corrupt so I can't view it. Maybe trying to delete it completely might help -- I'll try that. I'll also try another model to see what happens. It's handy having the gallery right there in the Gear VR.
How will you position VR? htimsabbub23 7 8 yearsUserName (586): Transported VR, now in beta testing, seems to put a lot of focus on the realtor. Here's what they said in a newspaper article, "The most ideal way to use virtual technology is to think of it as a way to eliminate potential properties. Transported’s software is made for the buyer’s real estate agent, who would need a VR headset set up in their office. "You can go through 20 homes in an hour in your agent’s...
10/3/16 - Matterport Announcement: CoreVR Metroplex360 4 8 yearsQueen_City_3D (3144): This will be a more powerful tool when we can use it for iPhone. I have a google cardboard that I have used with my iphone for stuff (simple VR games and videos). It's not as great as having an Android device, but it still works... but for this VR we need to download the Cardboard App which can't be done on the iPhone. Looking forward to when it works with iOS devices.
VR Is Now Live. Shrkfin 3 8 yearskaybaum (88): VR for all of our models or is there still the extra charge and a two week wait?
Matterport to Release New VR Service? DanSmigrod 23 8 yearsDolloff (131): Ok, thanks guys. I signed up for the program, if and when it becomes available, I will stay tuned. MP2VR is a good option as well. Thanks!
Matterport Space 2 360 degree Video bonduell 6 8 yearsRobinLycka (727): @bonduell I´ve seen the rumours, still think 360 video is interesting. Combining it with other 360 video clips etc.
WP Matterport Shortcode 'VR Ready' Bug Metroplex360 3 8 yearsMetroplex360 (9436): No, the plugin was setup long ago to add an icon if a tour had vr capabilities. In theory this would work for tours that were manually converted by matterport. Now for no good reason my uploads from yesterday are all flagged as having been converted to vr.
Using MP to scan SR-71 in museum DSPhoto 8 8 yearsPieroBortolot (230): Yes. When you do multi-level scans from the scaffolding you have a model with one level
Create own VR Showcase. timbaland 6 8 yearstimbaland (25): Cheers Gents!!
Pano2VR Vs. Livepano (Kolor) ShahBatroukh 6 8 yearsdavemckean (52): Hi ShahBatroukh. When I first started my business I tried to avoid switching to MP as I had invested all of my capital into my drone technology and tested many 360 tour software before finally settling on Kolor's suite. I too loved the idea of the live video in a static panorama. There is a pretty step learning curve on how to make it look half decent. The one of the school is really good and I see few stitching errors around the video. An...
Floor plans into 3D virtual tours valen_felipe 3 8 yearsvalen_felipe (19): Hi Tim, Archilogic works only with a 2d floor plan. You just need like the blueprints or the floorplan in PDF file and upload it to the website. You also can attach as many details as you want in images (wall color, floor size or material, etc) so Archilogic team can create an accurate model. Time takes only 24-48 hours. You also can have a pro license where you can draw from scratch the models or import 3D data (.obj files) if you want to do...
MP2VR Now Delivers VR Conversions in 24HR GarySnyder 23 8 yearsMetroplex360 (9436): @bonduell Absolutely, it's insane that Matterport do not have a turnkey solution and are not offering this for free with their processing. It's a promised feature that is just a different way of viewing the same tour. And for anyone who does't understand where we are coming from. MP2VR - Custom App with VR User Interface; entire tour rebuild for custom platform on multiple devices. Worth every penny to allow MSPs to provide the VR experience...
ICSF16: InsideMaps 3D/VR/Photos v Matterport DanSmigrod 30 8 yearsHelen (769): @JonJ Thanks Jon on their website the 3D pack is 49.95 I was wondering if that included the model. With the pricing you shared it would not. It would be another $40. As I am in Canada add on about an 30% exchange to that pricing it becomes very expensive! I think I would have to charge more for that than I do for Matterport. I would like to offer the service along with the other service's I offer but I am not sure if I had to pay extra for the...
MP2VR's Gear VR Conversion App is Now Live GarySnyder 15 8 years3Dwalkmethru (289): @GarySnyder thank you ...
MP2VR: Quick Start With Matterport VR DanSmigrod 2 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): Hi All, If you are thinking about getting started with Virtual Reality - and you should - the check-list above is a great way to get started for less than $100. Dan
Buying a Matterport demo phone for VR ScanMan 26 8 yearsUserName (586): @GarySynder, I got it to work by taking a few different steps. I put on the headset, went to my library and scrolled through it. I noticed a small gray box whose name I could not read so I clicked it. The box zoomed and revealed that it had MP2VR on it. I then had the option to install it from within Gear VR. I clicked "Install" and Gear VR downloaded and installed the app. Maybe yours installed automatically after you entered...
Outdoor Scan dizzicam3D Jump to first page33Jump to last page 8 yearssmcclell (156): What about an upside down glass fish case? Just make sure u get a good glass cleaner!
ICSF16-Video: Matterport Google VR/360 Views DanSmigrod 12 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): At 3:08 pm EDT today (18 August 2016), Matterport sent the following email to it's customers. For the Matterport User Group Forum discussion of Matterport 360º Views, please visit this MUG Forum page. Thanks, Dan ------ Take Matterport Pro Camera outdoors. The upgrade you've been waiting for has finally arrived with...
Can someone share an MP2VR link? CarlosFHdz 4 9 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): @CarlosFHdz If you decide to order a Matterport VR conversion via MP2VR - to get the $74 rate instead of $99 rate, please see the We Get Around Referral Network Member Welcome Onboard letter (new) (benefit #10) for the form to request your unique Member promo code for MP2VR. Thanks, Dan P.S. If you need the password for the Welcome Letter, please PM me.
Trade Show Advice Acomeau15 5 9 yearsProperty3dNZ (617): @Acomeau15 Hi there! We had a booth at a conference earlier this year and hired a large touch screen tv which was incredible! It meant that people had the ability to interact with our MP scans. We also had a swivel seat and had a VR headset - after we had them interacting with the screen we showed them the next step and had them sit down and experience the headset. It worked brilliantly!!
HTC VIVE Max_Sodomovskiy 7 9 yearsfranmts (181): It is possible, I've done that before, but the quality of Matterport 3D models ins't satisfatory enough even to the low bottom of exigency standards. HTC Vive justifies itself well when you have good quality rendering of a complete 3D environment, usually through a game engine. Check this work I've done recently for a developer from Miami: With HTC being used at a conference:...
Vendors that will do virtual remodels? Sedry 5 9 yearsSedry (10): Thank you everyone. I am ideally looking for something that, after the remodeling, can still be used as a walkthrough/tour. So I'll check into Archilogic. If anyone thinks of anything else, please feel free! :)
ICSF16-Matterport CEO Bill Brown on VR DanSmigrod 5 9 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): Facebook Live Stream Video
ICSF16-MP Adds VR Cardboard/Outdoors/URLs DanSmigrod 13 9 yearsjanci (25): I think the stereoscopic VR tour will be still a paid premium service by Matterport, since it has to be more or less manually converted/remodeled. The geometry needs to be cleaned up, so that there's no "jaggedness" from the obj model However, the non stereoscopic version, the 360º view cardboard tour, will be free. It requires no manual input if done by MP, and can be generated more or less automatically. Similar to the service that...
New/Live! Matterport VR for Google Cardboard DanSmigrod 9 9 yearsNfinitevr (67): @Metroplex360 hey Metro I'm sending you a PM... you are a geek, I'm kinda a geek, but I have a solution for something... want your input
VR and how this is being used? Cabrahams 7 9 yearsMetroplex360 (9436): Matterport VR should be free. It's a bell and whistle feature that they need to offer to stay competitive. Upload a Street View tour with Ricoh Theta S and you can view in VR with Street View.
Build your own VR Matterport Branded Space popupmedia 1 9 yearspopupmedia (1): Hi all, I would like to build our own branded space with with VR models made from the Matterport. The idea is to be able to group them in folders (Rent / Sale, sector, etc.). Any suggestion of how to do it and what app to use for that purpose. Thanks
Buying a set for VR any suggestions ? Wyzlo 3 9 yearsWyzlo (100): I found this one coming soon ZEISS VR ONE
Shooting Differernt Buildings Szwed87 6 9 yearsfrstbubble (639): Sorry was looking at this post to reference. Posted to wrong on. LOL
Matterport Pros: Also Buy a Ricoh Theta S DanSmigrod Jump to first page44Jump to last page 9 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): Why you need to ditch what you learned with cameras to shoot 360 video
Infographic: Facebook 360 Pictures DanSmigrod 2 9 yearsGlennTremain (2935): nice job
Matterport VR for Cardboard in BETA Metroplex360 6 9 yearsMetroplex360 (9436): @ListAmerica I believe you are correct. You still have to pay Matterport for the conversion. It is my hope that @GarySnyder will still retain his niche for MP2VR as his product will be cheaper and offer advantages over this. IMHO, Matterport is going the wrong way with this. Cardboard should be built into Matterport Showcase on the web.
MP2VR VR Demo with Realtors in Atlanta DanSmigrod 1 9 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): (360º Video recorded with the Ricoh Theta S) We Get Around Associate Photographer and Architect @YairYepez and I did a Virtual Reality demo today (Wednesday, 20 July 2016) with some of the Village Reality (tech savvy) agents in Atlanta. On Friday (15 July 2016), @YairYepez scanned the space below ... On Monday, we sent the Matterport Space to MP2VR. On Tuesday, we received the MP2VR conversion to...
Free Matterport VR Class>San Francisco 1 Aug DanSmigrod 3 9 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): Registration is now open for a morning masters class on Monday, 1 August 2016 in San Francisco at the Hilton San Francisco Union Square: We Get Around Matterport 3D Scanning Masters Class Registration is now closed for the afternoon class ... We Get Around Matterport Virtual Reality (VR) Masters Class Thank you! Dan
Ricoh Theta S Google Maps Attribution Metroplex360 1 9 yearsMetroplex360 (9436): Hey All, I've ordered my Ricoh Theta S to serve customers who want photography + Matterport + Street View. I am already a trusted google photographer and when I submit tours, they are submitted as 'Metroplex 360'. I'm concerned about submitting with the Google Street View App. I don't really care for them to be submitted as my Google account that I use for street view as it has my photograph on it. Do you guys setup a new Google account...
Matterport VR Masters Class 1 August 2016 SF DanSmigrod 1 9 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): Promoted Post ---- Photo: We Get Around Founder, CEO and Chief Photographer Dan Smigrod (right) demos Matterport Virtual Reality to AOL co-founder Steve Case. Image courtesy of the Atlanta Journal=Constitution | Photographer Hyosub Shin Free! We Get Around Matterport Virtual Reality (VR) Masters Class in San...
Samsung Gear 360 Photos Showcas3D 18 9 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): Samsung Gear 360 review
Matterport Versus 360º Spherical Photography carissa0316 10 9 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): Moving this topic to the top of the MUG Forum since it is a frequent discussion topic. Best, Dan
Multi cam vs Single lens 360º video cameras Bill 3 9 yearsBill (285): Thanks Carlos - you're absolutely right about the 4K and aspect ratios. This is an emerging technology and good to see some major players like Nikon, Samsung, LG, Kodak etc getting into the game. People will always be demanding of better and better image quality. For the time being we are left trying find the best user friendly low cost solution. We have one high profile client requesting this so we're sourcing solutions. We have the GoPro rigs...
Samsung S7 vs S6 willoreilly 12 9 yearscraigsauer (1075): I'll post here rather than start a new post. I've been working with a museum (and with Matterport) about having a couple of Matterport Spaces converted to VR for use in the museum for a special exhibit. One concern the museum has is keeping people from trying to use their VR setup to do things other than view the two VR spaces they created. Anybody with an S7 know if there's a way to "lock" users into the VR app? I know of Android...
Upselling Matterport VR? Hopscotch 2 9 yearsCLE3D (193): I'm curious what others have to say about this as well. I have been playing with a few things with VR but haven't started charging or actively selling any VR solutions yet. Any experiences out there yet?
Matterport VR Conversion for $800 Alex? DanSmigrod 17 9 yearsron0987 (3457): Thanks for the info, Dan
Media is coming to 3D see this article. GeorgeK 6 9 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): VR venture capital alliance forms $10 billion investment fund
What do you think? GlennTremain 30 9 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): @Tim WOW! So cool. Thanks for sharing. Sweet to see how you integrate the aerial with the Matterport Spaces and hear which tech you use to assemble this. Dan
MP2VR's Google Cardboard VR Conversion App GarySnyder 9 9 years3Dwalkmethru (289): Perfect...
Seattle VR Hackathon debrief Tosolini 10 9 yearsDanielDI (10): Great info, thanks for sharing this.
Hack for navigating a 3D model in Cardboard Tosolini 8 9 yearsDanielDI (10): I can see what your saying but it seems one of the docs knew there might be a way around the issue and decided to give it a try. It worked and now by the looks of things it may be adopted as a better way to do things.
MP2VR & Matterport API Foundry45 7 9 yearsDanielDI (10): After we exchanged some pleasantries about the conference and lunch, he asked what We Get Around did, I shared with him that we create 3D and Virtual Reality experiences using Matterport.
Blueprints -> VR Cardboard OR Gear VR objekt360 4 9 yearsobjekt360 (4): Thanks!
Matterport Spaces->Google Cardboard $74.25 DanSmigrod 8 9 yearsGarySnyder (2143): Vicent, the process which MP provides is far more complex in regards to stitching that why we can offer it at such a low price compared to a minimum of $500 which MP charges for their service. For the average user our solution is more then acquitted. Don't forget just like a MP's VT almost no one has ever experienced VR so they will be more then pleased with our solution.
Facebook Virtual You can control GlennTremain 5 9 yearskaybaum (88): Anyone know why it's not viewable using Safari and Internet Explorer?
Not 3D, but hey the quality! KPunsvik 8 9 yearsKPunsvik (41): Wonderdawg: I am a fan of Scott Hargis. I started doing real estate photography with his technique and the basis of all my lighting skills I learnt from him. But I am sorry, to say, everything you see in this 360 is very good processed HDR and is not lighted in any way with speedlites og other lights. It is all a question about good tone mapping in Photomatix/Enfuse and post processing in LR/PS.
Disruptive Technology GarySnyder 15 9 yearsRRapp (46): @GarySnyder and @smcclell Great input. It might be worth noting here that most of Faro's (and other companies') technology pertains to laser scanning, versus photogrammetry (which MP is using). Both technologies have benefits and deficits of course. And while laser scanning was developed in large part to overcome the accuracy issues with photogrammetry, it certainly seems that photogrammetry's continuing evolution is making it increasingly...
Video>Google Street View Meets 1-click 360ºs DanSmigrod 4 9 years3Dwalkmethru (289): Dan I have a couple of questions. If anyone is allowed to scan a place and uploaded to google maps it means that only one person and that is anyone with the proper equipment can claim that location correct, what if someone does not know it has been claimed would it accept two videos? Is there a pricing criteria that google offers merchants or are photographers cleared to charge what ever they want? Finally, as matterport provider how would I...
360 Video for virtual tour (kinda) VR_Vision 4 9 yearsVR_Vision (4): Hi Joe sorry for the late reply. I use whatever the achitect or designer uses and then have a budget tour service that I use revit to create them or I use sketch up to create the model in the demo above. Facebook 360 videos are completely separate from YouTube and does the gyro is enabled by default. I've got it uploaded there now if you want to check it out the Facebook link is in the profile. I find 360 has an awesome presence in Facebook....
IVRPA: Google VR/Engineering Speaking... DanSmigrod 13 9 yearsWashingtonState360 (40): Thank you Dan! :)
[Coming Soon] GarySnyder 1 9 yearsGarySnyder (2143): [Please check back on Wednesday, 1 June 2016. Thank you, @DanSmigrod]
IVRPA: 1 Camera 360º Spherical Video Tips DanSmigrod 6 9 yearsRobL (10): Notice that 4K is the way to go. The additional resolution allows for a sharper viewing experience, close to HD, and YouTube makes 4K delivery a joke.
Video at VRPA: KonceptVR and Freedom360 DanSmigrod 1 9 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): On Tuesday (24 May 2016) at IVRPA in Quebec City, I chat with a representative of KonceptVR and Freedom360 and demo an immersive, Taptic VR rock launch experience. Have you ordered a Matterport VR of one of your Spaces yet? While there's no Taptic "jetpack" to wear, it's also a trippy experience. Dan Smigrod and Freedom360 / KonceptVR Chief Marketing Officer Alvin Ho Young ...
How VR-Ready are these 360-Degree Camera? DanSmigrod 2 9 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): Announcements at IVRPA by Google Street View about 360º spherical cameras meets Street View amplify this WSJ article 10 fold. I will edit this post later with my commentary about "why" ... Dan
IVRPA: From 360º Panos to 3D Point Cloud DanSmigrod 8 9 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): 2D photos can be combined with 3D Texture
IVRPA: Sebastian Sylwan on VR Narrative DanSmigrod 3 9 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): State of being: not a spectator The importance of presence in VR. Be in the middle of the interaction. Spatial audio to put you in a dream-like state. Interactivity: always protecting the experience as it is. Even with other potential interactive elements, careful not to break the state of being in narrative.
IVRPA: VR Panel Discussion-Yahoo/Kolor/GoPro DanSmigrod 8 9 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): Audience Question: How to get started with 360º video with low budget. Get started with Ricoh Theta. Good. Fast. Cheap. Pick two. Can not have all three. To learn and explore, Ricoh Theta is fine.
IVRPA Quebec 2016 360º Conference | News DanSmigrod 4 9 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): Speaking now: 10 am EST Tuesday, 24 May 2016 Jeremy Doig VR/Engineering Google About to speak on all things: Google VR Just showed a Google Cardboard as a cereal box. Dan --- 1. Google Cardboard: "What is good enough?" = authenticity and trust of experience = immersion --> Consumption --> Audience --> Brand 2. Example: School kids - "field trips" - visiting the world via Google...
How to Share a Matterport VR Showcase DanSmigrod 2 9 yearsShaslip (4): So, do we think there will be a non "Samsung" solution anytime soon. iPhone or Ipad would be awesome. Yes, oculus rift is a little more expensive, but worth it. I would hate to have to buy a unlocked Samsung phone ONLY for this purpose. I am an iPhone guy. Scott
VR Conversion Service GarySnyder 10 9 years360Verbeelding (352): Hi Gary, sounds great. you have seen some of our work. Manly not Real estate but a little more experimental 😜. if you are interested in one of more of the Showcases fotbtesting please let me know. Would be great to coorperate. Happy scanning, Grtz Rene.
Google cardboard HarlanHambright 3 9 yearsArchimedStudio (708): I was asked this very question 3 times this week. I'm pretty sure MP will work on Cardboard eventually... the question is when? As for the Gear VR experience, is it just me or do the ceiling look like they all are 20'? Everything looks so big (after a while, it seems like our brains manage to scale it back down to "regular" size). Matt
Facebook's 360 Degree 3-D Cameras Unveiled DanSmigrod 6 9 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): Nokia OZO camera adds live virtual reality broadcasting
VR : Samsung S6 and VR BabluN 5 9 yearsRobinLycka (727): Cost is USD 500 pr model, turn around time is at least 2-3 weeks. The converted model has to be installed as a sideloader to the Matterport app on your device.
VR to enable public distribution RobinLycka 4 9 yearsRobinLycka (727): @CLE3D @OpenHome I´ve emailed you both and look forward to hearing from you. Thanks!
Mayo Clinic and VR APN 1 9 yearsAPN (57): Here is an interesting article from Mayo Clinic in Rochester, MN
News Articles: Real Estate Agents Meets VR DanSmigrod 4 9 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): The Wall Street Journal (24 March 2016 Personal Technology: Why You Should Try That Crazy Virtual Reality Headset
Now you can stream VR with new webcam WebEye JacobVR 1 9 yearsJacobVR (10): Hey guys, want to share with you the news that our team has built virtual reality webcam Webcamera is great because it provides realistic perceptions of people and things on distance in real time. Right now it is on Kickstarter so you can find full information and watch videos about it ...
Matterport VR: Why Demo When 3D is Hard! DanSmigrod 5 9 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): @jscottsmith @Jamie While Matterport VR Beta (presently) does not support Google Cardboard, it's likely that Matterport will (though the timing is unclear). "With millions of content creators scanning amazing places, we’ll soon have a YouTube-sized collection of real-world spaces, available to everyone to browse and experience on platforms like GearVR and Google Cardboard, in addition to our current in-browser player," says ...
Importing MP model into Unity bamir 1 9 yearsbamir (10): It seems the Matterport support page which documents the recommended process to import into Unity is no longer available. There are a number of tools that one can use in addition to a number of different processes and settings to use in the conversion process. So, it would be nice to know what MP suggests is the optimal...
Matterport Virtual Reality Masters Class '16 DanSmigrod 1 9 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): Promoted Post ---- Photo: We Get Around Founder, CEO and Chief Photographer Dan Smigrod (right) demos Matterport Virtual Reality to AOL co-founder Steve Case. Image courtesy of the Atlanta Journal=Constitution | Photographer Hyosub Shin Free! We Get Around Matterport Virtual Reality (VR) Masters Class in San...
VR Beta costs Noel 4 9 years360Verbeelding (352): Hi, I understand that MP wants 500 US for processing a file to VR and it needs 2 weeks to process. Is this correct. My question is, why so expencive and why do the need al that time to process. As i wamt to convert my regular 360 shootings to VR it takes me not more then a day including touch ups of the footage. I do this in Kolor, that sells for under 200 US, more then half the cost of on MP VR. I think MP should think about who their clients...
Matterport Cloud and File Downloads BDPelton 3 9 yearsron0987 (3457): Hi @BDPelton, the actual models are all hosted in the cloud/Matterport server and accessed thru their access portal and there is no way to download a finished model. You can download an OBJ file which can be used with other software programs but in that format are useless to show as a model. An OBJ is more of a 3D modeling format that can be converted to be used for again other programs. I hope that helps. Ron
New in Thousand Oaks, CA BDPelton 11 9 yearsDaveJohnson (1): Glenn, glad to hear you have a solid contract!
MUG Members Doing Matterport VR Demos/Events DanSmigrod 4 9 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): Nic the Realtor was thrilled with the VR demo in his booth at the Georgia Bridal Show. He got a lot of solid, hot leads. The VR demo helped get people into the booth and relaxed them to chat with Nic (and his colleagues Debbie and Jackson). On the TV, we looped the video below to show a 3D Tour that's included with his listings. ...
Matterport Virtual Reality (VR) 411 DanSmigrod 1 9 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): If you are thinking about getting started converting existing 3D Showcase tours to Matterport VR Showcase, here are: 10 Steps to Getting Started 1. Close your eyes and jump into the deep-end of the pool 2. Capture a 3D Showcase like this (or use an existing 3D Model) 3. Join Matterport VR Beta program 4. Order 1 VR (that will help you get VR clients) 5. Duplicate Model. Label VR1...
Amazon Merge VR Headset pheller 5 9 yearsJoeMontaleone (22): I just did a home builders show and had the VR Gear with me and everyone was lining up to experience it. There were people come by wanting to see it because someone in the show had told them that they had to see it. I agree that it is too early in our business to use on a day to day business but it does bring the Wow factor in on how advanced our Marketing is when Listing their home with us. I am also scheduled to do a Chamber of Commerce event...
Pixels skewing on walkthru video kmjennings 16 9 yearskmjennings (1): Congratulations Alex! @alx3D
Novelty in VR world - stereoscopic 180 VR we JacobVR 1 9 yearsJacobVR (10): Found this videos yeaterday - I did not think that it would be possible so fast. Want to try that webcam. Video quality is really cool, i’m impressed.
Apple Meets VIrtual Reality Headset DanSmigrod 4 9 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): Apple Has Plans For Virtual Reality And Augmented Reality
Samsung Gear VR 2 CKC 10 9 yearsMetroplex360 (9436): If you upload your OBJ file to, you can view it in 3D using Google Cardboard. Now I realize that it's not ideal as there is no way within to control if one wanders through a wall -- and it's the 3D Model, not the photographic model. However, due to the novelty of viewing Matterport Tours in 3D, I could see a potential use. I uploaded this: Someone...
Free Matterport VR Showcase App for Gear VR DanSmigrod 6 9 yearsGarySnyder (2143): It is fantastic, there's nothing like it. The images on my Note 4 with the Gear are not super sharp but you soon forget that as you get lost in the incredible world of VR. :D I'm hooked I just hope I don't get sucked into VR a world and never want to come out again.:eek:
Super-virtual (CG) tours jscottsmith 4 9 yearsjscottsmith (110): Nope. 3dsMax
CES 2016 Virtual Reality/Augmented Reality DanSmigrod Jump to first page38Jump to last page 9 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): CES - Move In Virtual Reality With Your Feet With 3DRudder
VR Gear mask cover recommendations? Queen_City_3D 4 9 yearsJamie (2034): Tell everyone you have a disinfectant app installed
Matterport VR Showcase + Samsung Gear VR DanSmigrod 9 9 yearsQueen_City_3D (3144): @Jamie Upon my original inquiry I was told: "At present, a typical model can take up to two weeks of calendar time to convert to VR. Though most models are converted a bit quicker than this. Larger orders of 5+ models may require additional time." That was back in mid-October. It wasn't until early December that I put in my request for the VR conversion at which time I was told, "since the launch of the GearVR this past week,...
Any way to increase quality for VR? Dennis_N 4 9 yearsDennis_N (91): very enlightening Dan. Thanks!
2016 will be an explosive VR year davidpylyp 3 9 yearsjessetutt (67): I agree VR is gaining a lot of traction. There are also many more Matterport providers (more than ever before) which is great...and also challenging as this dilutes revenue for existing providers. The main challenges for VR is the lack of access to the VR devices and secondly the fact that almost half of the people I tested the solution with felt nauseous. Regarding Matterport, I wonder if they will release a new device to resolve the...
Is the Matterport GearVR app only monoscopic 3Dmatters 10 9 years3Dmatters (1): Hi All, (Dan asked if I could replace the image with a family friendly one) so here's the original image It does not benefit from the slight touch-up that the previous finished image had, so there might be a stereo anomaly when looking toward the Apartment's main door.
VR sample of boat and RV (sample to share) ? joelE 7 9 yearsjoelE (76): @DanSmigrod, you are in good contact with them, you should ask them too on your side, more power ;)
New Interactive Virtual Tour andreabortolot 6 9 yearsjoelE (76): Yes Kolor is usually heavy, if you go with 100 panos, it means between 1 to 2 go on the server and it's around 15000 to 20000 files
Photos-MUG Members Geek-Out with New Gear VR DanSmigrod 20 9 yearsjoelE (76): I see on BH that next delivery of Gear VR is january only, so will have to wait. I will probably participate to a show in Montreal so hope I could have this demo set up for my booth (in March)
Will matterport ever become a designer tool? Dennis_N 8 9 yearsDennis_N (91): Well, if Matterport allowed some expansion to their software through 3rd parties, other companies would be able to do this. These expansions are called "plugins" and no software can thrive in a competitive market without them. It is totally fine if Matterport doesn't want to continue developing in any other direction. Just give power to other companies to expand their software toolset for a fee. I've bought a $3,000 design package in...
Matterport User Group Forum Meetup in 2016 DanSmigrod 5 9 yearsron0987 (3457): Message to all to resurrect this thread. Trying to see how many are considering attending this conference. Ron
The Future of VR RenderingSpace 1 9 yearsRenderingSpace (607): It's hard to know where Matterport and Virtual Reality in general is taking us but we've all, to some extent, boarded the train and have already drunk the kool-aid. Here's a look at a not so far-fetched future of virtual reality. The lines between what is real and what is virtual might become blurred. Kind of disturbing!
New VR-bril made in Dutch :-) 3dvirtueletour 3 9 yearsPieroBortolot (230): Price?
Chromecast+VR2+S6: frozen pricture on TV Andrew 12 9 yearsTosolini (4356): @franmts Thanks for the R&D on this solution. It worked for me too. Before using MirrorOp, I tried with Reflector 2 which supports both AirPlay and Google Cast, but the image froze after a few seconds, like it has been reported by others using ChromeCast. My setup is a Gear VR + Galaxy S6. Thanks!
How was this done? Les Stroud VR Video BrianM 5 9 yearsBill (285): There are many 360 video rigs (PM me if interested) and here is an inexpensive 360 video camera:
Google Cardboard & Matterport DoyleRealtor 19 9 yearsNiels (1): Any updates by now?
Screen Mirroring Samsung Gear VR Dennis_N 3 9 yearsAndrew (224): Some info in this thread:
Virtual tours for un-built spaces OpenHome 8 9 yearsVertexVR (7): We use Unity to create interactive 3D visualisations, for example here: or This is also ready for the Oculus Rift. If anyone is interested, please contact me.
VR tour questions? AndyDalby 2 9 yearsCarlosFHdz (605): Andy, the examples provided by the matterport app should be enough for demos. Selling VR models is still too early due mainly to its cost to produce it. Also, search for gear vr on the search bar and Dan had a great guide that answers most questions pertaining to VR.
How to view Matterport on Samsung Gear VR? Realescape 10 9 yearsMarcel (387): LOL @Jamie, I quoted a client for 10 models the other day.... needless to say never heard back from them. Prices need to come down to make it viable. It's not even worth promoting atm.
?? tightrope walker with panovideo?? cdpmedia 3 9 yearscdpmedia (52): THANKS!!
MUG Feedback: Matterport's VR Beta App DanSmigrod 6 9 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): @Queen_City_3D Wi-Fi only is fine. See Buy Matterport Gear and Acessorories link just below the map to make sure you buy exactly the right Galaxy S6 and Gear VV. Best, Dan
MUG Feedback: Matterport Online Gallery + VR DanSmigrod 2 9 yearsTravis (1): Will this be available for iphone users as well?
Amazing new tech justinS 10 9 yearsDoyleRealtor (528): I have owned many phantoms and currently fly a inspire 1, what would you like to know?
Newest VR from HTC justinS 1 9 yearsjustinS (13): I know some of you will like this. Start saving $ HTC has new goggles that is making giant leaps in VR technology Below is some links the first shows their promo for the device. Second link shows a demo of the super fast low latency head tracking. The third link shows a game called star citizen. I encourage you to YouTube HTC vive. It's leaps and bounds over the oculas rift. Very exciting stuff. ...
Looking for Matterpeeps in Sydney, Australia AdamplatinumHD 9 9 yearsMitchell (7): Thanks Adam
World class white label 3D Arch rendering co Conor 6 9 yearscdpmedia (52): Thanks Dan, Really great stuff. you are a prolific contributor and stand out leader in this new Matter-realm!
Artwork Using Matterport - Need Your Votes! rpetersn Jump to first page36Jump to last page 9 yearsrpetersn (2010): @JamieSher - Thank you for all of your hard work on the video addition to the project. So cool. In case anyone didn't see what Jamie's created with the OBJ file from our Matterport scan, check it out here:
Shooting Outside for VR Purposes BradRogersOrlando 4 9 yearsron0987 (3457): This is a space we did and it was only done outside, I did it at sunrise. The space is a common area for residents. Shade and walls are your friends, no inside scans here. But like everybody has said if I am doing an interior space with an exterior area I plan it out, but definitely do a few inside then move to the outside at he right time. Ron
Google Cardboard? Please help for info 3dvirtueletour 6 9 yearskc1302 (16): pthor is right and the numbers are impressive. Matterport Cardboard presentations are possible through Unity and cardboard SDK but at the cost of visual quality. Setup is relatively fast and easy to follow compared with GearVR. Unfortunately there are some visual...
Oculus intergration inna 4 9 yearskc1302 (16): Better to build it maya, 3dsmax, modo or whatever you use. Should be easy and fast. Just make clever use of substances (SBSAR)and your good to go. Performance The mesh chunks are randomly cut. The mesh have holes not very suitable for frustum/occlusion culling. The mesh will require decimation especially if you wish to port it to gearvr, cardboard etc. Where the limit is currently set at 100.000 vertices / 100.000 triangles / 100...
Getting Showcase ready for Gear VR headset Rik 7 9 yearsQueen_City_3D (3144): @kc1302 I agree that cardboard will be VR for the masses and I hope that Matterport VR Showcases will be available in that format. You can order google cardboard kits out of China for as little as $2.19 shipping included, which would make it affordable to buy several hundred to brand and hand out as promotional tools. Only effective though if the VR Showcases will work with Google Cardboard. That said, I've used some Google Cardboard apps...
Scan Data & Gaming - obj's & Unreal Engine 4 JamieSher 8 9 yearsvrealstudio (103): Jamie, Thank you. I imported fbx from blend to UE4 successfully. It works normally shadow on wall and ground. I will try to make a game. Many thanks :)
Matterport VR Showcase Beta with Gear VR DanSmigrod Jump to first page68Jump to last page 9 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): Our We Ge Around blog post: Matterport Pro 3D Camera Photographers Prep for Virtual Reality (VR) best, Dan
eJournal from AP uses MP 3d showcase Andrew 5 9 yearsadrien_grs (4): Awesome ! Who made them ???
Matterport won't launch on Gear VR Frederick46 11 10 yearsAndrew (224): Hi! Anybody tested how MP VR works on Gear VR2 + Samsung Galaxy S6 (Lollypop)? Andrew
NSFW Could VR porn be any better? pronto 2 10 yearspronto (4): Another few links: - virtual reality bookmarks - actual VR porn
New startup: Sphericam 2 Built For The VR Er Andrew 14 10 yearspronto (4): it's definitively booming. there're like a few dozens of Kickstarter VR campaigns atm
NEW FERRARI 488 GTB #AWESOME 3dvirtueletour 12 10 years3dvirtueletour (94): @JOhn Beck i was a car dealer but it s not important for me but YES it is a 488 GTB :-). THANKS. Scanning the car , I have done around and put the door open at the back and then scan inside . @31Queen_City_3D The standard is an CAMLINK pro series CL-TPPRO28-SL . Please note if you do this the camera can rotate. Does anyone know if we all soon the matter port link in a VR goggles to post ..? Then the world is open to us ... I am...
Competitive landscape: RoundMe iOS app Tosolini 3 10 yearsTosolini (4356): I bet the best panoramas were created with professional gear and uploaded through the web interface. That said, the workflow is viable with the phone alone, just maybe not as high quality.
VR showcase svensson 6 10 yearssvensson (10): thanks @dan @CarlosFhDz
Click and Mortar Showroom Rik 4 10 yearsRik (19): Exactly, I thought so too after I seeing this demo. It was one of the reasons I stepped in but can't find anything how to do this. And if MP has other things to do on their priority list, why do the still use it as an unique selling point. It is clearly on their website. Thanks for sharing your thoughts
Funny Matterport Wannabe RenderingSpace 3 10 yearsgrantmuller (28): #Motionsickness
Matterport VR + Unity 5 + Oculus Rift -> ??? DanSmigrod 6 10 yearsalx3D (719): You can view a few examples of what the mesh MP looks like and what kind of resolution you get here: I do not think MP will ever make the 18 images or pano data avalible from what I can tell. The obj files are not protected but the obj is made up of layers (approx 1 per scan) but the layers are not organized to correspond with info taken at a specific location. A layer may contain information...
Matterport VR Showcase Wish List DanSmigrod 6 10 yearsDoyleRealtor (528): one client whom demo'd it said instead of having dots to stare at she would prefer to have a controller. I'd take it a step further with Omni! oh man that'd be cool
New AR companion APP for Matterport scans Aaron 13 10 yearsCKC (85): Really cool, keep up the great work!
NYTimes tries out VR Foundry45 3 10 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): WIRED (27 April 2015) How The New York Times is Sparking the VR Journalism Revolution
Recording Samsung Gear VR for YouTube DoyleRealtor 9 10 yearsTim (355): @pthor yeah right, good one! Cheers mate.
Matterport+Samsung Gear VR powered by Oculus DanSmigrod Jump to first page75Jump to last page 10 yearsDoyleRealtor (528): The 3 demos in Samsung Gear VR are retail space, a art gallery, and canyon. None of which are really fitting for real estate, and honestly those samples kind of suck. I just got my beta version of the app with a model that we scanned and it turned out great. We're going to be doing demonstrations here in MN on Thursday and will see what kind of response we get. Currently the cost is $400, but I heard it'll be under $50 once they can get it...
Up Periscope on VR meet Journalism at #ISOJ DanSmigrod 1 10 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): I will be doing a live stream via the free Periscope app 9:45 to 11:15 am CT (Austin, TX) Saturday (18 April 2015) from the International Symposium on Online Journalism. [ Working on getting journalists excited about Matterpeeps to help with visual storytelling for journalism ( backstory).] Download the app and follow me on Twitter: @DanSmigrod The arrival of virtual-reality journalism: Using immersive 3D devices for experiential...
AD-Virtual Reality Solutions DanSmigrod 1 10 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): If you offer virtual reality solutions (using 3D Showcase or Mesh View or Other related), please post to this thread. I anticipate sending an eBlast to all Forum members by 15 May 2015 that lists all the value-added services Forum members offer to other members and include a link to threads like this. If you have questions/comments about solutions posted here, please also post in this thread. Thanks, Dan
Moggles- VR Mobile Goggles in Your Pocket DanSmigrod 2 10 yearsjessetutt (67): I'm in! Matterport+VR=Game Changer!