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Pro3Pro3 ProblemsQuestions

Brand New Matterport Pro3: visible stitch line. Should I be concerned?20541

mcrksman private msg quote post Address this user
Hi guys,

Just got a pro 3 last week. I've used pro 3's before, with the company I used to work for, and was generally under the impression that distortion and stitch line issues were pretty much eliminated - not counting defective units, of course.

The first tour I did was a test has some noticeable stitch lines. Mostly on the floor, but in some scans it affects the furniture as well. Its a relatively old house, so perhaps the flooring isn't as even, thought if it is, its not noticeable at all when walking on it. Or could it be the repeated pattern of the mosaic tiling throwing the camera off? I did not get any errors while scanning.

I looked at two other more standard units I shot after that and they both look perfectly fine.

Should I be concerned, or is this normal?

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bethereeu private msg quote post Address this user
try high density scan in similar environment. Matterport uses scan data to stich panorama, it was important with Pro1/2 beacouse of paralax error, bur Pro3 must be ok with stiching wihout 3d data. I have reported this to matterport but they are very slow in reaction
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