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New Blog: 5D Floor Plans: The Future of Real Estate Visualization20653

Club Member
Suisun City, California
ScanYourSpace private msg quote post Address this user
New Blog posted...

When it comes to presenting properties to potential buyers, renters, or investors, first impressions matter more than ever. In the digital age, basic floor plans are no longer enough to capture attention or showcase the potential of a property. Enter 5D floor plans: a cutting-edge visualization tool that’s transforming the real estate industry by adding more dimensions of detail, interactivity, and information.

In this blog, we’ll explore what 5D floor plans are, why they’re a game-changer for real estate marketing, and..

Read more here.

Tom Sparks Scan Your Space (a Division of Sparks Media Group) Founder and CEO Tom Sparks | |
Post 1 IP   flag post
Melbourne, Australia
AlexHitchcock private msg quote post Address this user
Thanks Tom. Do you have any examples of 5D floor plans to share?
Post 2 IP   flag post
Los Angeles
Home3D private msg quote post Address this user
Members of this forum are pretty smart and discerning.

When you post something about a new / exciting service or product, please BEGIN THE POST by either showing the product or providing a direct link directly to the product.

I clicked on your "Read more here" link which opens a page with a long, long scroll of text talking about "5D Floor Plans" but lacking even a single image or link to one. And at the bottom is a link to a video "Interested in hearing more..."

No, I'm not interested in hearing more. I want to SEE IT.

SHOW US the product first. Then, provide description if needed. Please don't go on and on trying to convince us it's great while hiding it from view. Comes across as condescending.

If the product truly is great, we'll see that it is and tell you that it is!
Post 3 IP   flag post
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Suisun City, California
ScanYourSpace private msg quote post Address this user

Hi Alex,

I don't have an example I can share at this moment, however 5D Floorplans are created using a variety of tools.

Matterport or iGuide could be the foundation because they provide the visual aspect and interactive features (tags, on screen measurements, etc).

Also included would be the floorplan itself, ideally not the matterport floorplan view but an actual 2D floorplan like iguide or a 3D floorplan from a 3rd party provider.

It'd include measurements that are accurate (iguide is great for this as its highly accurate). This data would include room dimensions, ceiling heights, and sq ft clearly notated. In a commercial space or factory/industrial space it could also include measurements such as clear span and clear height.

Time dimension could be via a 3rd party like Simlabs Stages to show progression of construction projects or remodels for example.

Cost integration could be via a tool like xactimate, budget estimates for materials, upgrades, or remodels for example.

hope that helps.

Post 4 IP   flag post
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Suisun City, California
ScanYourSpace private msg quote post Address this user
@Home3D thanks for summarizing my post and providing feedback. If you want to see an example feel free to research it on your own more, i'm not a SME in 5D floorplans, I didn't invent the term, i just made a blog post about it.

If you have a layout for a blog style you'd like to see I'd encourage you to create your own! Not all of my blogs have to have photos, video, links, or a combination of the three.

The blog wasn't meant to be condescending at all, sorry you took it that way.

Post 5 IP   flag post
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Queensland, Australia
Wingman private msg quote post Address this user
There cannot be a 5D plan of anything as our world is three dimensional. You can may be create 4D plan making extra dimension from time.. like a timeline on a 3D plan. However it will be a 4D only if the plan is in 3D model and a timeline added to it with different versions in time. Otherwise it will be just a 2D plan in 3D perspective(still 2d and flat) Whoever created that term is dreaming :-)
Post 6 IP   flag post
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Buffalo, New York
GETMYVR private msg quote post Address this user
I spotted an ad/article/paid within the past week that spoke of 5D floor plan. It involved a 3D headset, and it was to let somebody see what their future house would look like with the floor plans. And basically created this immersive environment. I think that's a little like albeit different. I also went to a 4D attraction at Niagara Falls. Basically we were in our seats viewing the screen going down a white water river. They would splash the audience with water. It was kind of fun.
Post 7 IP   flag post
Club Member
Suisun City, California
ScanYourSpace private msg quote post Address this user
@Wingman ehhh think bigger!!

here's a company who addresses 5D BIM.

Read More.
Post 8 IP   flag post
Club Member
Queensland, Australia
Wingman private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by ScanYourSpace
@Wingman ehhh think bigger!!

here's a company who addresses 5D BIM.

Read More.

I think bigger.. in geometry and physics terms . We only have three dimensions(x,y,z if it is easier) and no more dimensions. Their term is kind of the same as a 5D floor plan, just a word without any real base. I won't read it all it is just pointless but scrolling it shows 3D perspective on a 2D image. So the way it is presented without an actual 3D model it is not even 3D. I know they have 3D pointing to BIN models and it is just a way to show it on a website but adding 2 extra dimensions that cannot exist at all does not make it right.

It is different in describing freedom of movement but only because they counting it as moving on one axis in one direction making moving up and down say on Z axis as two movements.

I know I may be nitpicking on terms but I do not like when it just comes to nonsense just to win a customer who thinks they are getting some extra using it.
Post 9 IP   flag post
Club Member
Queensland, Australia
Wingman private msg quote post Address this user
Originally Posted by GETMYVR
I spotted an ad/article/paid within the past week that spoke of 5D floor plan. It involved a 3D headset, and it was to let somebody see what their future house would look like with the floor plans. And basically created this immersive environment. I think that's a little like albeit different. I also went to a 4D attraction at Niagara Falls. Basically we were in our seats viewing the screen going down a white water river. They would splash the audience with water. It was kind of fun.

4th D here is for effects produced and it is not really referring to any real extra dimension. Even when your seat in cinema vibrates to make it more real it still vibrates in 3D world.
Post 10 IP   flag post
Club Member
Buffalo, New York
GETMYVR private msg quote post Address this user
@Wingman I agree. And a lot of this is for marketing sake. I'm sure we'll be seeing 6D shortly. LOL.
Post 11 IP   flag post
MeshImages private msg quote post Address this user

Everything starts with just a point of light and develops according to the expansion of consciousness.
We are beings who perceive the manifestation of reality in 3D. Three-dimensional space involves a physical intuition in which one perceives height - on a vertical axis that defines "up and down", width on a horizontal axis that defines "left and right", and depth on an axis perpendicular to the previous two, which defines the perceptions of "forward and backward".
Classical physics describes space in 3 dimensions that represent space. With the theory of relativity, Einstein reached results recognized by science on the existence of the 4th dimension (by studying accelerated movements and time, he realized that gravity was nothing less than a distortion in the geometry of the four dimensions).
Since we can’t normally perceive the 4th dimension, we cannot see time as a concrete dimension and we have instruments that can only measure the passage of time and understand it in an abstract way.
Geometry, in turn, is capable of creating representations not only of 4 dimensions, but of several dimensions through geometric shapes called polytopes.
A one-dimensional line is made up of dimensionless points. A two-dimensional polygon is made up of one-dimensional lines. A polyhedron is made up of two-dimensional faces, therefore a polychore (4th-dimensional polytope) is made up of three-dimensional cells.
In the image, the 4th and 5th dimensional patterns are projections of their forms manifesting in the 3rd dimension, as it is the dimension that shapes our perception. In other words, what we are looking at is 3D shading of 4th and 5th dimensional shapes across a two dimensional screen.
Post 12 IP   flag post
MeshImages private msg quote post Address this user
And this is the explanation of on this topic:

Let's break down dimensional geometry in a way that connects to what you've learned in math and physics:
Starting with Basics (0D-3D)

0D: A point - think of coordinates like (0,0,0) in your graphing calculator
1D: A line - like the x-axis, only movement back and forth
2D: A plane - what you've worked with in geometry class (x,y coordinates)
3D: The physical space we live in (x,y,z coordinates)

The Mind-Bending Part (4D+)

Here's where it gets interesting. The fourth dimension is typically understood as time (remember spacetime from physics?). Einstein showed that time isn't just a separate thing - it's actually woven together with space, which is why we call it "spacetime."

Think About It This Way:

If you have a photo of a cube (2D), it's just a representation of a 3D object
Similarly, what we see in the 4D and 5D parts of the image are 3D "shadows" of higher-dimensional objects

Real-World Applications:

Video games use 4D concepts for their physics engines
Modern physics (string theory) actually suggests there might be 10 or 11 dimensions
Computer graphics and animation rely heavily on understanding these dimensional relationships

The colored lines in the 4D and 5D projections aren't just for show - they're helping us visualize how these shapes would "unfold" in higher dimensions, kind of like how a cube unfolds into a cross-shaped pattern of squares.

This stuff becomes super relevant in:

Advanced physics
Computer graphics
Game development
Data visualization
Quantum mechanics
Post 13 IP   flag post
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