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Show & Tour Update: New Dashboard Design! 🥳14136

Show & Tour
Leawood, Kansas
JoshMais private msg quote post Address this user
Hey! 👋

We've updated the dashboard design for Show & Tour and added new tools to help our users manage their projects. This update includes:

1) New visual design. Projects now display the featured image and clients get their own list.

2) Project status icons. Each project displays it's latest status on the dashboard, such as: email clicked, media downloaded, invoice paid, invoice due.

3) New filter and sort options. Order by name, date created, and date edited. Filter by date and project status: sent, downloaded, invoiced, and paid.

4) Delete multiple projects at once. You can now select multiple projects from the dashboard and delete them all at once. This tool works great in combination with the filter/sort options.

5) New design in client profiles. The new project list design, project status icons, filter/sort options, and the ability to delete multiple projects is applied to client profiles as well.

Check out the full announcement below 👇

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Show & Tour
Leawood, Kansas
JoshMais private msg quote post Address this user
And don't forget... 👇

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Show & Tour
Leawood, Kansas
JoshMais private msg quote post Address this user
Here are a few tips to take full advantage of the new dashboard! In the video below I'll cover how to...

1) Efficiently delete projects.
2) Quickly see unpaid invoices.
3) Customize the layout for projects and clients.

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