We're pleased to update the forum on some new features that are either live or slated for release in February in AgentRelay, the leading agent-accompanied virtual viewings platform for Matterport:

- Google Maps API integration: will allow real estate agents and their viewing guests to co-view dynamic Google Maps content and co-browse Google Street View virtual tours. This will transform virtual property viewings in offering both a guided viewing of the internals of the property and also to tour neighborhoods and community amenities.

- Self-registration for Open House Viewings: will allow interested parties to register for virtual open houses by clicking on a link that is auto-generated in AgentRelay and by adding their name and email address. Registration confirmation emails will be generated for guests and the agent.

- Co-Viewing Matter Tag content: Matter Tag content will be activated for guests in sync with content being activated by the presenter in the viewing, or if control has been handed to a guest, for guest-activated content to also be activated for other attendees. This will particularly benefit expert guided tours for cultural spaces, including museums where matter tag video and imagery is used.

More details on AgentRelay can be found here: https://wgan.info/agent

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