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'Yachts' Topics

TitleAuthorPostsLast Post
Yacht with Matterport & Insta 360 ? skyload300 9 3 yearsskyload300 (279): @Wingman I did a full university with insta360 and it turns out great ! My concern was that I have never done a boat/yacht so the scanning methodology is different.. hence my question 🤗 Your model looks amazing man 🙂.. how many scans is that ? Haiham.
Matterport 3D Tours of Boats/Ships/Yachts DanSmigrod 9 3 yearsWingman (4408): Here is one I have done
Horizon Yachts Standardizes on Matterport for Luxury Vessels Globally DanSmigrod 1 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): Matterport Media Release --- Digital Twin of Horizon FD80 | Matterport Digital Twin courtesy of Matterport Digital Twin of Horizon FD102 | Matterport Digital Twin courtesy of Matterport Digital Twin of Horizon FD102 | Matterport Digital Twin courtesy of...
Superyacht Creative Selects Matterport: Promote Luxury Superyacht Industry DanSmigrod 2 3 yearsThinkLab (387): This must be there first scan because it is not done very well. The navigation is very restrictive. Looks like a very lazy scan.
I have done a yacht tour for a private buyer some an agent using the tour Wingman 13 4 yearsWingman (4408): Thanks, there is my URL for "Presented By" already and I am sure out of 1700 unique viewers some of them could have tried to visit my website. The problem is the boat is in USA so it brings me very little value for USA viewers to come to my Australian website. Plus it is not going to be shown there for much longer. The boat has been sold according to the agent and the listing is going to be removed soon. BTW, that listing page...
Help! Need fix for Matterport's messed up floor learning algorithm botticelli 4 4 yearscraigsauer (1075): I have a weird suggestion to try. I discovered recently that something I'd "known" about Matterport for years wasn't exactly true. I don't know if it would help in your situation, but it might be worth a try. I had a job scanning a commercial bus where it was crucial to have an accurate dollhouse for the client. I used a high tripod to scan the top from the perimeter and then also put the camera on the roof via the emergency exit...
Yacht Matterport scanning & challenges Wingman 13 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): Thanks for letting me know. Dan
Scanning Boats Burak 1 5 yearsBurak (5): Hello everybody, I have questions to Matterport users,anybody shooting in boats?And do you know where can I find some tips or info about how to build space in boats/yatchs.Last week I made my first try and it was almost done.For example I opened flying bridge as a 3.floor but it didn’t work.Is it because there is no walls around? Burak
Big Yachts I Scanned with Matterport DouglasMeyers 6 7 yearsBryan (23): @DouglasMeyers Thank you for the replay! It is the best way to show a product online but the yachtbrokers in Holland are still a little scared or something, they don't really getting it yet. I dont know why. However i do work together with an rv broker, made 5 scans yesterday. And first international succes already happend, guy in switzerland bought an rv by seeing the scan, getting all the information he needed by phone and trusting the...
Any high end yacht models? GlennTremain 6 7 yearsDouglasMeyers (1282): Thanks... Hope your was Filling... food and family !!!
Yacht (Catamaran) Shoot with Matterport DroneProjects 17 7 yearsDroneProjects (7): Sorry @DanSmigrod I can´t edit my post :( .. just I want to tell that you can move the discussion to the right theme XD Thank you very much !!
Matterport 3D Tour of the Day: Frisky Lady DanSmigrod 1 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): Hi All, From the We Get Around Network Forum Gallery ... Frisky Lady | Matterport Pro: 3DOgraphy | Engage This Pro | WGAN Forum Member: @3DOgraphy --- To see hundreds and hundreds of Matterport Spaces around the globe, visit the We Get Around Network Forum Gallery. ...
Yacht tour please DouglasMeyers 2 8 yearscraigsauer (1075): Here's one I did:
Just wanted to share 2 of our last scans Olivius 11 8 yearsProperty3dNZ (617): Thats awesome! I would have been worried with the movement of the boat the camera might have fallen over!
Yacht Scanning and pricing Gregclicks 5 9 yearsOlivius (91): We are also scanning yachts in the French Riviera. Some are really complexe to do when shooting at sea. See our last one For info this have been done in 5 hours and around 200 scans it's not perfect, but will be fixed and completed in september with the new matterport features announced ;)
Boat 3D tour for client presentation? FloridaProperties 8 9 yearsFloridaProperties (85): Thanks CDM! That's so cool
$7 Mil Yacht Invelop 20 9 yearsDreammachine (35): Billionaire hangouts are cool, but you can't eat or pay this months bills with advice and small talk. So my question to you is.. Did the client invest: Over or under $1000 for your services? 💰💰💰
VR sample of boat and RV (sample to share) ? joelE 7 9 yearsjoelE (76): @DanSmigrod, you are in good contact with them, you should ask them too on your side, more power ;)
why a Sunken Living Room Becomes a Multi-Floor? Mikesobay 17 9 yearsMaria (106): I've had this issue pop up on occasion. Besides a sunk in living area become its own floor, we have also seen a floor of a split level home become an extension of the first floor. From my discussion with Matterport on the issue, they are tweaking their processing algorithms to prevent/reduce the occurrences of wrong floor issue. Back up your iPad scans so you can resubmit them later. Until then, turning of the floors is the best solution.