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'Terms' Topics

TitleAuthorPostsLast Post
Matterport ToS Changes Regarding Moral Rights: Who owns the IP? DanSmigrod 5 4 yearsShakoure (568): Not surprised. Looks like they'll keep pushing the envelope until someone sues with a class action lawsuit. But since greed isn't illegal, they'll probably find safe haven in some commercial statute that exceptionalizes copyright.
Example of an MSP Getting Paid at Closing: 1/2 Price if Listing Cancelled DanSmigrod 5 6 years3dVuz (507): Outstanding strategy when you’re trying to break into a new marketplace etc.
Question of the Day: What are the Pros and Cons of getting paid at closing? DanSmigrod 9 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): How about the price is based on 120 days payment and the agent can take a discount for paying either upfront or within 10 business days? The pricing is the same - either way - but the positioning is taking a discount rather than paying an additional fee. Your thoughts? Best, Dan
Question of the Day>Do your T&C include a lien on the house if not payment? DanSmigrod 4 6 years3dVuz (507): Guy don’t pay me I put a Lein on the side of his head... Brooklyn. Just kidding... or???
MSP Terms Change Email jasondavidpage 6 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): Above is the email Jason references ... Dan
Client Contracts for MP services Snap 10 7 yearsmori (819): I would highly recommend a section, where your clients agree to the Matterport terms as on normal photography jobs a transfer of rights and unlimited use of the images is possible. That´s not the case with Matterport as they only allow you to use "their" content as long as you pay.
Matterport: Terms / Help Line adds Clutter. Metroplex360 3 7 yearscraigsauer (1075): Yes! A thousand times yes!
Stupid Terms Link craigsauer 8 9 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): @craigsauer YouTube and Vimeo ar great 'models' of how this should work. Dan
Is there a NEED for the TERMS in 3D Showcase tejas_mithapelli 9 9 yearstejas_mithapelli (32): I did & this is the reply that I've received - "Hello Tejas, I will pass your feedback and concerns on to our Production Team. Thanks for input."
Matterport Logo Returns... Tim 1 10 yearsTim (355): Not sure if you have noticed but it's back...and we still have terms. Easy go, easy come...