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'Showcase' Topics

TitleAuthorPostsLast Post
Matterport Showcase iOS not downloading models Sdoughtie 3 8 monthsSdoughtie (564): I was just using it for access to models when I can't get data coverage, like on a plane. I would never recommend it to a client.
Matterport Showcase Plugin: Add Salesperson Pop-up Info/Photo/Company Logo DanSmigrod 3 1 yearBuster6070 (259): Use cases are endless. Could be contact info for an event coordinator if it's a wedding venue, ballroom, or conference center. A sales person for any type of theater, music hall, dealership. What would be cool is if it could change depending on your location in the model. For example, Microcenter has Matterport scans of their store. What if the contact person and info changed as you moved from one department to another.
Next Level Virtual Showcase with WP3D Models' All-New Gallery Page Design! DanielBenion 7 1 yearlilnitsch (5794): @DanielBenion Correct, same overall look as the skinned just sans any branding
SIMLAB SIM-ON transforms Toyota showcase into digital twin experience Jedrzej 9 1 yearJedrzej (314): @samwoolford Great work! The red Esprit is a blast! By the way - just checked your website. You guys do serious things within Zuant.
Matterport Showcase Loading Issues | 12:45 PM ET Tuesday Oct 25, 2022 DanSmigrod 3 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): eBlast: 2:38 pm ET Tuesday, 25 October 2022
Need help! Matterport scanning issue Amphotos 3 4 yearsJuMP (2031): @Amphotos Please provide the showcase link here, so that we can know the problem in detail and maybe we can help you out.
WGAN-TV: Matterport Capture and 3D Showcase Apps for Newbies (Demo Show) DanSmigrod 7 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): WGAN-TV Matterport Capture App and Matterport Showcase App for Newbies
What do you like best about the new Matterport Showcase? DanSmigrod 9 6 yearswhereareweat (172): That it works and can be fully used on an iPad! I saw a comment on the facebook group about the limited edit features not available on ipad/mobile version of showcase/workshop whatever! I responded with a solution there, so apologies for the duplicate, but thought i'd share with this wider group, was cool if you didn't already realize this was possible, saves lugging a laptop and just an iPad! if you select 'request desktop version' in Chrome...
All Matterport Tours Automatically Update to new Showcase/Workshop 1 Jun 19 DanSmigrod 4 6 yearsRomainReparage (161): Editing is much much faster. i will not go back
Matterport Newsletter: Now Available-Next version of Showcase and Workshop! DanSmigrod 2 6 yearsosakadave (80): I have been very happy with the beta version. Streamlined and efficient I have not experienced any downside as others have reported. I like the build as you go Highlight Reel, seeing all scans in a list, I do not miss the overall wonkiness of navigating with old system.
INMAN - Do 3D Home Tours Matter? Home3D 5 6 yearsMetroplex360 (9436): It's funny how we have these expectations of RJ Pittman to create a paradigm shift. Matterport Tours have a value for some realtors, because some of them use them effectively to differentiate themselves. There are different ways to look at everything. It's a tool and it works well in many industries. Matterport is a platinum sponsor at Inman this year. Interesting that such an article would be posted right now...
MP 360 and WT graphics, ugly! BlueImmersiveMedia 5 6 yearsBlueImmersiveMedia (303): @hometakes I'll post one. On the road now.
Measurements in Matterport Showcase instead of Matterport Workshop? DanSmigrod 10 6 yearsJuMP (2031): Hello All, JuMP team had released a POC (proof of concept) long time ago with the function of in showcase measurement. In this POC you can use mouse right key to measure within the showcase anytime. >>1st click to set the start point; >>2nd click to set the stop point and get the result; >>3rd click to start a new...
Showing Off DouglasMeyers 13 7 yearsRedRock3D (46): @DouglasMeyers That turned out clean. I thought you might take us down the slide! Nice.
Detail Info Disappeared lcorbett 4 7 yearslcorbett (43): Thanks Dan and JuMP. It's weird, I only see it missing when I'm using Google Chrome. It looks like it did before when I use Explorer... I also can't find the links to the scans using Chrome, but can find them in Explorer. I just checked it again so I am not sure if they were doing updates it seems to be okay on Chrome now. Thank you for you prompt response!
Alert for Safari Users|Burnt white showcase LeventeSolczi 16 7 yearsJuMP (2031): @LeventeSolczi Did the safari brightness issue still exist now? Do you get any solution? Thank you.
I need a screen cap of Mac Showcase Bug Metroplex360 2 7 yearsfrstbubble (639): What is the Safari bug? :O Is it the blown out color you are talking about?
Matterport: (Beta) Showcase 3.0 Metroplex360 6 7 yearsShakoure (568): The navigation ring is a bit smaller, which is good. So are the smaller icons. But I really didn't see much of a difference in the transitions or movements from one area to another, much less any improvement in the imaging of the space. What I would like to see, however, are smaller Mattertag icons. Sometimes, depending on proximity or viewing distance, they cover a huge amount of space or portions of furnishing that the viewer is looking at....
TidyingUp Outside Matterport Dollshouse View skyblue1 5 8 yearsjustinv (1044): @skyblue1 I have never tried to remove everything just the overspray and I use window trim.