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Recurring Revenuex

'Recurring Revenue' Topics

TitleAuthorPostsLast Post
Matterport to Announce Subscription Prices Changes on Tuesday, May 16, 2023 DanSmigrod 2 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): Hi All, Just in case, I recommend that you upgrade to a Matterport annual plan by 10 am ET Monday, 15 May 2023 to potentially avoid a price increase for 12 months. Dan
Matterport to Add Recurring Hosting Charge for Archive Models? DanSmigrod 18 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): Matterport pricing announcement moved to Tuesday, May 16, 2023. Please see above post. Thanks, Dan
Matterport hosting 'the one who shall not be named' dave3d 5 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): @dave3d Thank you for your insightful post. WGAN Forum related discussions: ✓ Tip: Offer Hosting, Maintenance and Support Instead of Transferring Spaces ✓ Example of Charging for Matterport Monthly Hosting, Support and Maintenance ✓ Tip: How to do automatic monthly billing ✓ WGAN Forum discussions tagged: Recurring Revenue Best, Dan
Charging Monthly Fees? rhelling 6 2 yearsrhelling (344): @Wingman I've never liked charging clients "extras" or monthly fees. Typically all my work is lump sum, fixed fee. I like the idea of offering (90) days free - then charging maybe a 6mo or 12mo option to extend hosting. (I might need to have a trigger that alerts me after ~85 days to inquire if they want to extend...)
Video: How to automate monthly or annual invoicing of Matterport hosting DanSmigrod 1 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): 90 Images Edited [via USD $90 credit with CAPTUR3D] when you use this [b]WGAN affiliate link to create a free CAPTUR3D account. [To be eligible to receive WGAN-TV Training U (in Matterport) 1-Year Membership, send your CAPTUR3D receipt for $250 or more to:] --- ...
New Hosting Fees Service feature by CAPTUR3D AlexHitchcock 1 2 yearsAlexHitchcock (445): out our Hosting Fees feature video CAPTUR3D has just released a new Hosting Fees Service feature! This makes it easy for all Matterport users to set up and collect Hosting Fees from your clients. This includes: - Stripe secure payment gateway - Create & manage customer profiles - Generate recurring payments for different properties - Apply custom tax rates - Download invoices...
Example of Charging for Matterport Monthly Hosting, Support and Maintenance DanSmigrod 13 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): As of today (15 March 2022), that's $4.95 times 76 monthly payments = $376.20 and still going! We do incur a $0.44 monthly processing fee from Stripe (our payment processor) - and we do use MoonClerk on top of Stripe, but the charge to a credit card happens automatically and is automatically deposited to your checking out.
Pricing on scanning restaurant? AerialWayz 7 4 yearsAerialWayz (81): Hi @DanSmigrod, Many thanks for the links. Excellent info for me to go on. It was very helpful as the client is looking to pay a minimum of 3 years of hosting for about 7 different outlets. I am adding the GSV for the client. Thanks, John.
Anyone found an easy way to accurately bill for Matterport hosting? Expertise 7 4 yearsExpertise (1192): Thanks, Dan. This might be the way to go.
Is it standard within the industry to charge clients a monthly hosting fee? peanutismint 3 4 yearspeanutismint (27): Thanks for the advice but I’m not asking whether or not to charge hosting, but rather how much to charge/whether to make it different for one-off customers VS recurring listings such as in real estate?
Tip: Offer Hosting, Maintenance and Support Instead of Transferring Spaces DanSmigrod 2 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): Hi All, And this related WGAN Forum discussion: ✓ Example of Charging for Matterport Monthly Hosting, Support and Maintenance Best, Dan
Question of the Day: What tool(s) do you use to automate recurring billing? DanSmigrod 10 5 yearsGFHoge (162): Dan, Thank you again! It is good to see new posts of old subjects because your site is so rich with information, we don't always get it right away and new members get a reminder that it is there. Best $$ spent is your site with benefits I haven't used up yet! Geof
Matterport hosting question: if I set some of my spaces to private... Buschstu 9 6 yearsBuschstu (24): Dan thanks so much for your insights. I agree 100 percent on the recuring charge. Just hope i have not under priced the hosting so far .(At 10.00 for the year )That they will not want to pay higher monthly fees for hosting.Unless i lower the shooting fee.Nice thing is they cant make me re-shoot too much 1) they dont give much time before the move in to shoot 2) because once rented they have no acess
Monthly Recurring Revenue versus 1x Payments DanSmigrod 24 9 yearshtimsabbub23 (910): The way I see it is, real estate buying and selling will always be part of our society. Build yourself a network of realtors and be trustworthy, honest with your clients and yourself. save money for the "next big thing" because we all know even the biggest companies come and go. But for now these mountains are filled with pretty gold flakes!