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'Quality' Topics

TitleAuthorPostsLast Post
Matterport Capture - quality difference comparison Jedrzej 1 2 yearsJedrzej (314): To all Matterport users! Let’s compare the quality difference between Smartphone / Axis / Pro 2 / Pro 3. Compare view with the split screen within STAGES will give the answer! Have you got scans of the same space made with different devices? Or you can make some? Send us your Matterport links and let us combine demo project in STAGES to answer the most important questions for all of you: Which camera should I use? Links to scans send...
What is the email address for Matterport Customer Service? ron0987 4 3 yearsron0987 (3457): @DanSmigrod Here is the MP response, Hi Ron, Thank you for reaching out to us here at Matterport Support. The sharpness of the images being taken on the snapshots would depend on what images were loaded on the screen when you clicked on the Camera icon. I would definitely wait until the computer completely loads the image on the screen before taking a snapshot. Webgl is RAM intensive. Make sure to close excessive browser windows and any...
Matterport photo quality joecostanza 6 4 yearsHarlanHambright (2133): They’ve been run through photoshop yes but I wouldn’t say substantial, just normal, but then I used to do all my own color printing.
When 360 Tours HURT Real Estate Listings due to Poor Quality jericreson 1 5 yearsjericreson (84): As agents begin to adopt 360 tours it's vital to understand that quality matters. There are now a large range of tours - from DIY gizmos to beautiful professionally scanned tours using expensive equipment and upscale tour formats. Yesterday, I had the pleasure of stealing a listing from another agent. Coming soon to market, after it "rests" and we let time undo the damage the previous agent created with poor marketing. It was...
Bad Quality pictures with Insta 360 One X Pedrotex69 8 5 yearsandreabortolot (199): Hi Pedro! I own a Insta360R and had the same problem but then I discovered a software which is very useful when there is noise on a pic. Its name is I'd warmly suggest it.. it's only $69 for full version. I am also using the video plugin for Davinci REsolve that remove noise from 360 videos. Let me know if that works! Força POrtugal!
Quality of Matterport 360 Views Helen 18 5 yearsJuMP (2031): Another 2 years post POP up. Yes, we solved it two years later. We can do leveling to 16K x 8K pano now with our code right after the pano was generateed(16k x 8k for Pro2) , no need to ktransformou only need the leveled panos and their location information to rebuild the tours. You don't need to rotate the pano any more. Can save lots of time.
Matterport tour looks "Washed out". htimsabbub23 11 6 yearsizoneguy (468): @izoneguy - MPEmbed works fine on iPad and iPhone. Yes I stand corrected....It does work but on the iPhone the difference was not as dramatic. Thanks
Date Range for Overexposed Tours to now Re-process VTLV 3 6 yearsVTLV (2910): October 30th to November 10th
Quality vs Turnaround time fotoguy 5 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): @fotoguy My impression is that Matterport could speed up processing time by paying Amazon Cloud more money. If Matterport offered an option for one hour turnaround (if that is technically doable), how much would you pay extra when in a pinch (and could you charge your Clients more)? While requires a subscription: 1. All your credits roll-over each month: no penality 2. You can easily change and pick the number of...
Evolution HarlanHambright 2 7 yearsMeshImages (3023): Recently I have re-uploaded an old tour, which could not be processed two years ago (Pro 1). Now it could. Cloud rendering has significantly improved, too. This model is a 7.500 SQM (75.000 SQFT) "Matterport monster".
When is "good enough" good enough (for you)? DanSmigrod 1 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): Hi All, When is "good enough" good enough (for you)? In two related We Get Around Network Forum discussions in the last few days ( here and here), Members of the Forum debate the imagine quality of: ✓ 360º 1-click cameras for under $500 versus DSLR shot 360ºs ✓ Matterport Snapshots versus Matterport Snapshots after post production Rather than debating is the [image] quality good enough compared to [fill in the...