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Matterport + SIMLAB SIM-ON + IBM Maximo
Application Suite for Asset Management
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Wednesday, 22 January 2025 at Noon ET
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'OBJ' Topics

TitleAuthorPostsLast Post
SIMLAB STAGES desktop platform supports point cloud! Jedrzej 1 2 yearsJedrzej (314): STAGES desktop platform for AEC professionals supports point cloud! The latest update introduces support for .XYZ files. Within a single project, the point cloud can be synchronized and overlaid with other 3D file formats supported by the platform: .OBJ, .IFC, or .FBX, as well as 2D plans in .JPG or .PDF formats. The available edition options for .XYZ are: • opacity • point size • amount of points STAGES provides a centralized...
New deadline for STAGES contest for the best Matterport scans time-lapse! Jedrzej 3 2 yearsJedrzej (314): I am glad you like the idea of STAGES. Our current target group is Matterport users, who pay for hosting anyway, and mostly b2b market on the enterprise level, where costs of multiple scanning and hosting are part of an investment plan. After all, the desktop version of STAGES works with any OBJ / FBX format, not only Matterport standard.
What is the deal with the JPEGS included with MatterPak bundle?? SkyGuys 3 3 yearsWingman (4390): It is so called baking textures that give your 3d model realistic look with colours and textures from a real space. As @Jamie has mentioned it is a part of obj package. app lets you explore 3D scans with friends MeshImages 5 3 yearsMeshImages (3014): @DanSmigrod Everything, that profits from many to many communication, can be a use case for this: marketing, real estate, e-learning and commerce. But in the end you have to focus on a specific industry and create a solution that adds up (said Steve Jobs) .
How to scan for a Matterpak OBJ file Pedrotex69 8 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31441): @Pedrotex69 Good luck with your Matterport project today. When you can, please do share how you approached the Matterport scan differently, based on needing the Matterport MatterPak and the feedback above. Best, Dan
Matterpak files still work if 3d Tour is archived? Pedrotex69 3 3 yearsPedrotex69 (307): Thanks Dan. Can you give me any advice if I have to do anything different when doing my scans? Does the camera as to be higher? Do I have to leave less space between scans, and so on. Thanks.