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'Monopod' Topics

TitleAuthorPostsLast Post
9 Tripods/Monopods to Consider for Your 360º 1-Click Camera DanSmigrod 23 1 yearDanSmigrod (31476): Best360 Monopod via Amazon | $112
Video: The Best Way to Set Camera & Monopod Height for Zillow 3D Home Tours DanSmigrod 1 1 yearDanSmigrod (31476): The Best Way to Set Camera & Monopod Height for Zillow 3D Home Tours | video courtesy of @Hopscotch Interactive YouTube Channel with Emily Olman | 28 August 2023
Gear of the Week: Best360 Backpack with Monopod holder for 360 Cameras DanSmigrod 1 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): WGAN Gear of the Week Best360 Camera Backpack Best360 Camera Backpack Hi...
Video: Best360 Monopod Aluminium Edition - 10 Things You Need To Know DanSmigrod 7 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): 360 Rumors (6 January 2022) BEST MONOPOD for 360 cameras: 3 ways to use Insta360 Extended Edition Selfie Stick (in stock and on sale)!
Video: Should you use a MONOPOD for Real Estate Photography? DanSmigrod 3 3 yearsExpertise (1192): First off, you can shoot daylight exteriors handheld. We always do this. Anyone who shows you "examples of the quality" using a white interior and nice, even lighting is trying to fool the gullible. Show me your "one weird trick" on a darker interior with no window treatments and we'll talk, Jordan. Why is this knucklehead using a $3500 camera and a $1500 lens and then apparently delivering single exposure ambient...
Comparison of Monopods by Mic Ty with DanSmigrod 1 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): (11 December 2020) Best360 Monopod review and comparison vs. Insta360 Invisible Selfie Stick and Bushman Monopod Related WGAN Forum Discussion ✓ 9 Tripods/Monopods to Consider for Your 360º 1-Click Camera Dan
Cheap alternative for ricoh theta monopod? Rusty 14 4 yearslilnitsch (5794): @GETMYVR I use a bit of plate weights when needed for additional stability outdoors
Wich tripod for the Ricoh Z1 ? FXS 4 5 yearsPaulM (75): I've been using this - clickable text it's 4' and the base is 15" I'm also looking at a mike stand with a weighted circular base
If you could design a monopod somd4522 3 5 yearsWALES (34): Take one of the Ifootage Cobra models then: Add leveling to the head. Replace the hand grip with one that longer, thicker, softer & still waterproof (Similar to an extension pole). Optional Portable Charging Bank holder with pole mount clamps (similar to a bike phone mount). Optional stackable clip-on weight system that attaches/snaps in place on the feet where the "cut-outs" are located. *Side note: I used an extension pole...
iFootage Cobra Strike 2 Monopod realeshots 9 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): Related WGAN Forum discussion: ✓ 9 Tripods/Monopods to Consider for Your 360º 1-Click Camera Dan
What (Custom) Monopod I use for shooting 360° tours Home3D 13 5 yearsHome3D (4170): @8643d - Nothing sophisticated here. I use whatever is handy. Most of the time I find the Z1 has enough charge onboard to shoot a 360 tour for a home unless it's really large. I carry Gorilla tape with me at all times, but velcro straps would be good.
Monopod vs Tripod for a heavy camera Wingman 2 5 yearsbryanhscott (843): @Wingman I absolutely agree! Exactly same tact I took on the issue. I purchased an Insta360 One X (and their selfie-stick approx US $25) about 7 months ago, then about 3 mo later, replaced it with a Ricoh Theta Z1. I use the Insta selfie-stick on top of my small footprint (when legs not extended) SunPak Ultra 6000PG (about US$45). A similar Neewer might be even cheaper... Works great for shots up to about 60" off the floor. If I need...
Video: Best 360 Travel Monopod for Pros-Review, Build Guide/Shooting Tips DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): Grab: CreatorUp --- BEST 360 VR Travel Monopod for Professionals - Review, Build Guide & Shooting Tips | Video courtesy of CreatorUp YouTube Channel (17 October 2019) Hi All, From the CreatorUp YouTube Channel: ---- Gear List for this build guide:...
Which 3D/VR Camera/Platform is right for my project in Syria? KlaraTT 7 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): @KlaraTT Contact: @Jonathan_GeoCV or Keep-in-mind that in addition to the smartphone needing charging, the rotator has batteries that need to be charged too. While GeoCV presently only sells/ships to USA addresses. The following might be an option: ✓ How to buy a GeoCV Kit if you live outside the United States Best, Dan