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'Mesh' Topics

TitleAuthorPostsLast Post app lets you explore 3D scans with friends MeshImages 5 2 yearsMeshImages (2919): @DanSmigrod Everything, that profits from many to many communication, can be a use case for this: marketing, real estate, e-learning and commerce. But in the end you have to focus on a specific industry and create a solution that adds up (said Steve Jobs) .
Matterport tour screw up with some small piece of mesh stuck in a doorway. Wingman 9 3 yearsWingman (4333): The password has been removed so you can see how simple trick with trimming has completely removed the mesh sitting in the doorway.
Video>Matterport MatterPak Demo/Discussion for Biz Dev with Architects; GCs DanSmigrod 1 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31057): Shop Talk 7: TrueSketch, Floor Plans, the MatterPak, & a bit more about Backing up using Catalina | Video courtesy of Matterport YouTube Channel | 16 September 2020 Hi All, The Matterport MatterPak is your "golden ticket" to doing Matterport scans for architects and general contractors. Entering this space means getting comfortable with their lingo, which will sounds something like...
Matterport MatterPak Webinar: Point Cloud (.XYZ), 3D Mesh File (.OBJ) DanSmigrod 3 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31057): Hi All, Reminder. This free Matterport webinar is 11 am EST today (Wednesday, 16 September 2020). Dan
Is it possible to add Matterport MatterTags inside 360 Views? leeverdon 7 4 yearsleeverdon (335): What about adding a 360 view to a mattertag post instead, possible?