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'MatterVids' Topics

TitleAuthorPostsLast Post
A vendor that can create a Video Walkthrough from a Matterport tour? leeverdon 9 8 monthsrhelling (344): @leeverdon Updates? I'd be interested in some alternatives as well...
Screen capture manog 2 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): @manog Are you seeking videos from Matterport tours? If so, here are two WGAN 3rd Party Service Provider Members that provide this solution: 1. (see WGAN Forum Tag: 2. MatterVids (see WGAN Forum Tag: MatterVids Best, Dan
Which vendor to convert a Matterport Virtual Tour to a Video? Integratedman 10 3 yearslilnitsch (5794): @ron0987 Final Cut Pro ~ I am on the Mac
Remove/Hide Matterport 3D Scan circles? Jonasspinning 3 4 yearsMeshImages (3023): Mpembed has the option to hide the navigation pucks.
Animate Camera movement in a 360 tour as a video? thereal360 11 4 yearsWingman (4408): If you have Nvidia GPU you can download GeForce Experience app and use it to record directly from your GPU. I believe that the best way to get it done without any lagging. GeForce Experience is free, it is designed for gaming and it does a great job. I have recorded the video below using this app. The only lag there is at the beginning. It happened because of an app pop up notification moving away from a screen. ...
WGAN-TV Training U | MatterVids: Smooth HD Videos from MP Highlights Reel DanSmigrod 2 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): Hi All, Do you want a silky smooth videos from your Matterport tours? Watch this free course in MatterVids. Best, Dan
How to turn a Matterport Highlight Reel Tour into an MP4 Video? JMEPhotos 8 5 yearsZakhZ (49): I use OBS to screen record and edit with Adobe Premiere. Mattervids is another great option, as it gets rid of the UI.
How to remove white scan dots from Matterport tour? GETMYVR 3 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): Walkthrough Mode Example Above is an example of a MatterVid with the Highlight Reel set to "WalkThrough". Matterport 3D Tour courtesy of MatterVids Slideshow Mode This is an example of a MatterVid with the Highlight Reel set to "Slideshow". Matterport 3D Tour courtesy of MatterVids @GETMYVR On a related note ... MatterVids automatically removes the "white scan dots" when creating videos from Matterport...
creating a video with matterport 360 views? davem 8 5 yearsdavem (54): Thank you for all the advice.
Transcript: WGAN-TV - MatterVids: Matterport 3D Tours to HD Video DanSmigrod 3 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): Hi All, Have you tried a MatterVid transition going from high to low scan or low to high scan within Matterport Highlights Reel? This would likely add nice effect to your video of a Matterport tour. Got an example with this effect? Please share it here. Best, Dan
MatterVids: Videos Made from Matterport 3D Tours-->How to Get The Free Use DanSmigrod 3 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): MatterVids: Matterport 3D Tour to HD Video Service with MatterVids Founder Chris Fraser | 18 June 2020 Hi Chris Fraser @MatterVids Thank you for being my guest on WGAN-TV Live at 5 Thursday (18 June 2020) to give the WGAN Community a deep-dive into MatterVids: buttery smooth HD video from Matterport digital twins using the Highlight Reel to create them. For under $20 each - and under $12 each in quantity...
Tip: How to use a Matterport MatterVid as a Zillow Walkthrough Video DanSmigrod 6 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): MatterVids: Matterport 3D Tour to HD Video Service with MatterVids Founder Chris Fraser | 18 June 2020 Hi Chris Fraser @MatterVids Thank you for being my guest on WGAN-TV Live at 5 Thursday (18 June 2020) to give the WGAN Community a deep-dive into MatterVids: buttery smooth HD video from Matterport digital twins using the Highlight Reel to create them. For under $20 each - and under $12 each in quantity...
Free! Butter Smooth Video from your Matterport (Free Instagram Version too) DanSmigrod 3 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): MatterVids: Matterport 3D Tour to HD Video Service with MatterVids Founder Chris Fraser | 18 June 2020 Hi Chris Fraser @MatterVids Thank you for being my guest on WGAN-TV Live at 5 Thursday (18 June 2020) to give the WGAN Community a deep-dive into MatterVids: buttery smooth HD video from Matterport digital twins using the Highlight Reel to create them. For under $20 each - and under $12 each in quantity...
WGAN-TV Live at 5: MatterVids: Matterport 3D Tours to HD Video Service DanSmigrod 5 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): MatterVids: Matterport 3D Tour to HD Video Service with MatterVids Founder Chris Fraser | 18 June 2020 Hi Chris Fraser @MatterVids Thank you for being my guest on WGAN-TV Live at 5 Thursday (18 June 2020) to give the WGAN Community a deep-dive into MatterVids: buttery smooth HD video from Matterport digital twins using the Highlight Reel to create them. For under $20 each - and under $12 each in...
How do I export video from a Matterport tour? hamid167 5 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): @hamid167 The first MatterVid is free for WGAN Standard and WGAN Premium Members via WGAN Rebate Form. Compare WGAN Membership Plans | WGAN Membership Benefits | Join Standard | []Join Premium[/url] Dan
Do you change clients for MatterVids? ivanalloshe 6 5 yearsMiami305 (20): I through them in for free.
Matterport to Video Options pixelray 6 5 yearsWingman (4408): There is always an option to do it yourself. There are free or not expensive video editors than anybody can learn to use. And there are free or cheap screen recorders to record your walkthough in a tour and then using video editors you can turn it into a promo video or whatever video you want. Look at this one I created with []Screen O Matic[/url] and Filmora9 at...
Is it possible to add Matterport tours to Vimeo ? JMEPhotos 5 5 yearsJMEPhotos (36): Thanks for the suggestions and will be ordering a trial from MatterVid, I am also wondering what are the most used or popular screen recording for creating Matterport tour to video via walkthrough. Thank You, Marshall
How to record a Matterport Highlight Reel to Play in a loop DanSmigrod 5 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): @Spencerlasky About: I added your Matterport Wish List item here: ✓ "Wish List" for Matterport Workshop Dan
About Matterport Auto-Generated Videos, can I set start/end points? SpencerLasky 2 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): @Spencerlasky No. Matterport auto-generated emails are exactly that: you have no control over the segments and begin/end points. Is the following an helpful alternative? Enjoy your weekend, Dan
Side-By-Side videos before and after of Matterport Hopscotch 3 5 yearsangusnorriss (747): @ArtisticConcepts hi Chris, yes I’d be interested in seeing too.
Seeking somebody who can create promo video from Matterport Tour DougMagners 8 5 yearsadamhenry (8): @Wingman That's great a friend of mine uses this software.
Commercial Walk-Thru Video bryanhscott 4 6 yearsbryanhscott (843): Sweet! Thanks Chris. I am meeting with the client tomorrow and will gauge their true level of interest and get back to you. Talk soon, Bryan Scott.
Video tour help 8643d 6 6 years8643d (246): After many attempts, I decided on this one. I know no one wants to give out their secrets, and I will definitely try out @artisticconcepts since it’s a member benefit. Just wanted to try and create something myself.