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Matterport MatterPakx

'Matterport MatterPak' Topics

TitleAuthorPostsLast Post
Matterport Matterpak XYZ Point Cloud versus the Matterport e57 Point Cloud DanSmigrod 1 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): Grab from Add-Ons screen within My Matterport Cloud Account Matterport Matterpak XYZ Point Cloud versus the Matterport e57 Download Pak Hi All, Are you wondering how the Matterport Matterpak XYZ Point Cloud is different from the Matterport e57 Point Cloud? "the [Matterport MatterPak] XYZ point cloud...
SIMLAB STAGES - Texture switch in Matterport 3D models Jedrzej 1 2 yearsJedrzej (314): Texture changes of Matterport 3D model in the Standalone App! Achieve better performance of STAGES while working on the construction site! The purpose of the texture quality switch is to allow 3D geometry views to work freely with a weaker internet connection. If someone is using a mobile device in the field, it will take...
How do I paint the annotation color on the Matterport Semantic dataset? Gudiya 6 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): @Baezeni Can you reply here about ... Thanks, Dan
What is the deal with the JPEGS included with MatterPak bundle?? SkyGuys 3 3 yearsWingman (4405): It is so called baking textures that give your 3d model realistic look with colours and textures from a real space. As @Jamie has mentioned it is a part of obj package.
How to scan for a Matterpak OBJ file Pedrotex69 8 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): @Pedrotex69 Good luck with your Matterport project today. When you can, please do share how you approached the Matterport scan differently, based on needing the Matterport MatterPak and the feedback above. Best, Dan
Matterpak files still work if 3d Tour is archived? Pedrotex69 3 3 yearsPedrotex69 (307): Thanks Dan. Can you give me any advice if I have to do anything different when doing my scans? Does the camera as to be higher? Do I have to leave less space between scans, and so on. Thanks.
New/AEC! Matterport Plugin for Autodesk Revit + Matterport E57 $89 Add-On DanSmigrod 9 3 yearsVirtusRealis (77): @aerialpixels If you open a .xyz file within wordpad, you get this : X Y Z R G B -0.930735 -0.822349 0.683301 109 94 75 -0.931235 -0.822349 0.681796 109 94 75 -0.930735 -0.823025 0.681796 109 94 75 -0.910735 -0.922349 1.392174 131 134 139 -0.910735 -0.922349 1.400292 140 143 148 -0.910735 -0.922349 1.400292 140 143 148 Raw data, a unified point cloud. About e57, I'm wondering how they can get a 10x higher resolution...
Question: Does the Matterport MatterPak include an XYZ File? rzphotoman 3 3 yearsrzphotoman (1837): Thanks Dan...much appreciated.
Using a BLK360? Difference in MatterPak, Recap Pro and Cyclone Register360? DanSmigrod 4 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): @mk4au Thank you for sharing your point cloud workflow. Do you begin with Matterport + BLK360? Are you able to answer this question? -- What are the main differences in use case / capability between the register software options (i.e. lower cost options such as Autodesk ReCap™ Pro compared to more expensive options such as Leica Cyclone Register 360)? -- Thanks, Dan
Are exterior facades included in the Matterport Matterpak? rzphotoman 8 3 yearsVirtusRealis (77): @rzphotoman Maybe another way to get 3D mesh from a Pro2 would be to give 360 pictures to a software as Recap photo. Accuracy is much lower than Pro2 and even lower than a BLK.
Interior Design Layout Help: is Matterport to MatterPak to SketchUp best? lisaharpster 8 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): Tour courtesy of Listing3D | Also See this Listing3D Tour Example | Also See this Listing3D Tour Example @ron0987 Among Listing3D services: ✓ rendering a walk-around 3D tour from blueprints, CAD files and/or floor plans ( example) ✓ rendering 2D images from blueprints, CAD files and/or floor plans Dan
Video: How to | Matterport Point Cloud to ArchiCAD Workflow DanSmigrod 1 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): How to | Matterport Point Cloud to ArchiCAD Workflow | Video courtesy of Matterport Senior Sales Engineer Si Horton | 2 November 2021 WGAN Forum Related Discussions Taagged: ✓ MatterPak ✓ CAD ✓ ArchiCAD ✓ .OBJ ✓ .XYZ ✓ AEC ✓ As-Builts Transcript (video above) Si Horton: [00:00:00] - Hi, my name is Si Horton. I'm a senior sales engineer from Matterport. During the short...
Can I get a DWG File from a Matterport MatterPak? DouglasMeyers 7 3 yearsWingman (4405): I have CorelDraw and and a plug-in for it that can generate DWG format from vector. If you want I can try to convert your svg file. I cannot guarantee it will work with your file. However I use CorelDraw to draw my artwork in it, then I use the plugin to generate dwg files from it to be sent to a laser cutter and it works just fine.
Were you billed for Free Floorplan/Free Matterpak Day? Queen_City_3D 17 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): @Queen_City_3D :beer: :beer: Dan
Free Matterport MatterPak Today (3 August 2021): Excludes CLASSIC Plans DanSmigrod 6 4 yearsMeidansha (823): Hello, Hang on a minute, does this mean the offer yesterday for floor plans excluded classic plans too? If so I received an email at my classic account and ordered too..
Video: How to draw floor plan from Matterport (floor plan view) in autoCAD DanSmigrod 2 4 yearsVirtusRealis (77): Nice video... but importing the floor plan as an xref is much faster ;)
Video: Why Perkins&Will used Matterport with The Wrigley Building project DanSmigrod 1 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): Why Perkins&Will used Matterport with The Wrigley Building project | Video courtesy of Matterport YouTube Channel | 21 July 2021 How to use Matterport + Leica BLK360 (to Matterport MatterPak to point cloud) for planning a renovation for a Historic landmark.
Matterport Pro Wanted: El Paso, Texas DanSmigrod 3 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): This opportunity has been handled. Best, Dan
matterport & BLK export to CAD 3dshowcaseuk 6 4 yearsdave3d (527): Ps ....I use a BLK often. If you haven’t been load a stopwatch app on your smartphone. Set it for 3.5 min. That’s your Matterport scan time for BLK. If a large space draw your scan path and calculate time each way (BLK and pro2). Decide which you want. Don’t ever do a large scan without a scan plan. Consider time of day, sun height, etc. before you start. I’m not good at alignment in large spaces with Pro2. Not positive...
A new day, a new problem with MP sandhun 5 4 yearsmp2fp (509): Dear @sandhun Instead of spending a lot of time to find out a best way as an alternative we can make any CAD file from any Matterport proj or Matterpack for you and your customers. Matterpack XYZ will be the most accurate as input and it usually is important when someone want CAD files. Send us a link to with input of one of your projects and we will give you a detailed feedback and example including info how you can...
Is matterport compatible with Vectorworks? sandhun 2 4 yearsmp2fp (509): Dear @sandhun Vector work can import AutoCAD DWG files that is probably the most efficient to be used directly but Matterpack is not having that format directly. VW can import XYZ pointcloud, PDF and other formats that you can get from Matterpack but it will take some time to make good CAD vectorfiles of it in Vectordraw. We can help you to deliver DWG (or other CAD or BIM formats like Revit (RVT) etc.) if you or your customer want to...
What 3rd Party Service Provider do you use to create accurate floor plans? mib94 4 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): @mib94 WGAN MarketPlace includes these WGAN 3rd Party Service Providers of Floor Plans (including CAPTUR3D and MP2FP. Best, Dan
Have you cut a deal with Matterport for MatterPaks? DanSmigrod 1 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): Hi All, If you have special rates with Matterport for MatterPaks, can you Private Message me with the details? Much thanks! Dan
Matterport Pros can save General Contractors Save Money Creating As-Builts DanSmigrod 1 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): WGAN-TV How Matterport Service Providers can Make Money Scanning for As-Builts #1286-When Is An As-Built Needed? Matterport Pros can save General Contractors Save Money Creating As-Builts Hi All, As a Matterport Service Provider, it is super-easy for you to help general contractors create an "As-Built" from the Matterport MatterPak. It's likely that you can do a Matterport digital twin for far less money than it takes for...
Transcript: Matterport ShopTalk #7 Webinar | 16 September 2020 DanSmigrod 1 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): Shop Talk 7: TrueSketch, Floor Plans, the MatterPak, & a bit more about Backing up using Catalina | Video courtesy of Matterport YouTube Channel | 16 September 2020 Hi All, Below is the transcript of Matterport ShopTalk #7 Webinar that airs Thursday, 16 September 2020. Topics Covered ✓ TrueSketch ✓ Floor Plans ✓ MatterPak ✓ Backing up with Apple OS Catalina Presentators ✓...
Matterport MatterPak Webinar: Point Cloud (.XYZ), 3D Mesh File (.OBJ) DanSmigrod 3 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): Hi All, Reminder. This free Matterport webinar is 11 am EST today (Wednesday, 16 September 2020). Dan
Asteroom "Matterpak" equivalent lifelikeview 2 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): @lifelikeview Thanks for asking. No. Asteroom is super-focused on residential real estate in the United States. Base on your questions, you should look at Cupix. It checks all the boxes you specified. Dan
Matterpak XYZ pt. cloud resolution, -same whether from Pro or Pro2 correct? Noddy 2 5 yearsNoddy (429): Can anyone from Matterport comment, if seeing this? Thanks
Matterport MatterPak to Revit File: Service Provider? WindyCityDrones 3 5 yearsWindyCityDrones (25): Thanks Dan!
Video: What is a Matterport "As-Built" Meets MatterPak Meets Revit CAD File DanSmigrod 3 5 yearsBlueImmersiveMedia (303): @BachPham Can you provide the original like the the MP Scan? Id like to see the whole process. This is great info. Thanks for sharing.
Architectural Files from MP Scan [Matterport MatterPak -->CAD file] BlueImmersiveMedia 6 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): @BlueImmersiveMedia WGAN Forum Related Discussions ✓ Video: How to Export Matterport 3D Models to Autodesk RECAP and Revit ✓ Matterport Announces Integration with Autodesk BIM 360® ✓ WGAN Forum Posts Tagged: AEC | BIM | Construction Documentation | General Contractor | Cupix ✓ Transcript: WGAN-TV-How to Make Money with Weekly Construction Documentation ✓ Transcript: WGAN-TV How Matterport Pros can Make Money Scanning for...
Point Cloud for Recap/Revit: Which Camera/Platform using a 360º Camera? DanSmigrod 2 5 yearsleonherbert (903): Not sure if this will help You can create a point cloud with any camera using photogrammetry software. I would say the work involved and expense of the software all together would cost far more than having a matterport pro 2. You can only get a matterpak with a pro2 and or blk360. The other cameras won't work. The two cameras work...
Matterport MatterPak and ReCap madness: How to Convert to CAD Formats? briangreul 18 5 yearsbriangreul (684): @thorn604 - the sample in my Matterport account has a Matterpak that does not include an XYZ file. I just downloaded and unzipped it again. It has an OBJ file and an MTL file and a crapload of JPGs. @Powerosi - I agree with your sentiments. The tool can be licensed for $40/mo as well. However, this particular friend/client said he would rather pay an extra $100 then mess with another piece of software. I'm in the service business so I look...
Matterport MatterPaks for Sale HomePlanNZ 1 5 yearsHomePlanNZ (251): WGAN 3rd Party Service Provider --- Hi all. We have 50 Matterport Matterpaks that we don't need, and would like to 'sell' to other MSPs, for $27USD each. Prefer to sell them in bulk. As they are linked to our account you would need to transfer the model to us, we run off the Matterpak then transfer the model back. Background - we have a classic Enterprise agreement with Matterport, in which we initially included 50 Matterpaks for...
Matterport Matterpak and accuracy of measurements? martel 2 5 yearsJuMP (2031): Hello Martel, My suggestion is: you can use Matterport to capture an area that you can measure physically. And then you send me your showcase link. JuMP team will help to generate a showcase report PDF file. In the PDF report there is a measureable x-ray style floormap. You can print the report with paper and measure it with a special ruler (provide by the report together). ...
BLK360 OBJ file needed for test in 3D Max bouncedmx 8 5 yearsbouncedmx (7): @Tasolini Thank you!
As built drawings using Matterpak from Matterport 3dvrwalkthrough 2 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): @3dvrwalkthrough I (just) made a introduction for you via email. Happy holidays, Dan
What can I use the Matterport MatterPak Point Cloud for? kaalus 1 5 yearskaalus (1): Good morning all. I have not found an answer in other topic already published, do some of you manage to market the "matterpak" with the clouds of points? I know that sketchup can read some files but for what purposes? What are the possibilities? I would like to train on more things but I really can not understand what it can do for me. Thanks in your advance Lucas
Video: Matterport+BLK360+Pro2-> MatterPak->Autodesk ReCap->Autodesk AutoCAD DanSmigrod 1 5 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): 3D Data of the Picasso in Daley Plaza in Chicago | Video courtesy of Mark Carroll YouTube Channel (26 August 2019) Hi All, In this video (above), Matterport Sales Engineer (AEC) Mark Carroll did a Matterport scan of Chicago's Picasso in Daley Plaza, using: ✓ Matterport 3D Capture iOS App ✓ Leica BLK360 ✓ Matterport Pro2 3D Camera In the video: (above) ✓ Shows measurements in...
8 Matterport Assets You Can Download DanSmigrod 1 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): Hi All, Here are the 8 Matterport Assets that you can Download ( Download Sample) 1. 2D Snapshots 2. 360º Photospheres 3. Teaser Videos 4. Black & White Schematic Floor Plans 5. Object File (.obj) 6. Point Clouds (.pts) 7. High-Resolution Floor Plan Image 8. Reflective Ceiling Plan To request Matterport SDK Access, use this Matterport SDK Sign-Up Form for Developers. Best, Dan P.S. Matterport 3D Showase SDK...
Exterior Scan - Can they turn into point clouds? jpierce360 2 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): @jpierce360 I could imagine that the Matterport exterior point cloud is not usable. You could order a MatterPak for your client and find out. If you do go ahead, I would under promise. You might do it as a learning experience. If the client needs an exterior point cloud, perhaps you could rent a BLK360. Best, Dan
Help with Matterpak into CADD Ghagendorf 6 6 yearsjpierce360 (160): @PBStone1 is correct. Recap needs to be used to create the point cloud. Once created it can be inserted into CAD and used to create working drawings.
3D Capture and software questions newengland3d 10 6 yearsWingman (4405): Here is a link to the model with the film development room captured. This space is big so to get to that room straight away just switch to the floor plan view and you will see a dark space in the middle. It is actually not so grainy in pictures quality as it has looked in scans.
What to buy next Briski2208 3 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): @Briski2208 Great question for WGAN Members that are using a Ricoh Theta Z1 - with or without Matterport Camera. Thanks for asking ... Dan
Video: How to export Matterport MatterPak Point Cloud-Leica BLK360 Example DanSmigrod 1 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): 3D Data Pulled from Matterport Scan of alleyway - BLK360 and Matterport Capture App Scan Large v2 with sound | Video courtesy of Mark Carroll YouTube Channel Hi All, ✓ Wondering how to use the Matterport MatterPak? ✓ Wondering what the uses cases are for using this 3D data? ✓ Want to see how the data captured with a Leica BLK360 paired with Matterport? In this video, Matterport Sales Engineer...
Video: How to bring a Matterport MattePak into AutoDesk Recap DanSmigrod 1 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): Video: How to bring a Matterport MattePak into AutoDesk Recap | Video courtesy of Matterport Sales Engineer Mark Carroll YouTube Channel Hi All, Every wonder what the Matterport MatterPak is useful for? If you have a client that works in the AEC Space – Architect, Engineer, Construction – this is how they use the Matterport MatterPak. Are you working in AutoDesk Recap + Matterport MatterPak?...
Scanning of busy traffic intersections JanHamorsky 5 6 yearsJanHamorsky (180): @DanSmigrod thank you Dan, I will keep you posted for sure... Best, Jan
Help please! If you do a 3D survey-can we take dimensions from the footage? 3dshowcaseuk 5 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): @3dshowcaseuk Please see this WGAN Forum discussion: ✓ Videos: How to Import Matterport MatterPak into Autodesk ReCap and Revit Best, Dan
Do you have a Matterport MatterPak Zip File that you can share with me? DanSmigrod 2 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): Hi All, Refining our needs: ✓ 1,500 to 2,500 SQ FT - one level, furnished, model apartment ✓ Matterport 3D Tour was likely shot for a property management company of a stellar multi-family apartment community ✓ best if it was over-scanned so that the mesh will be dense Can you first Private Message me a link before sending the .obj? Thanks, Dan PS February 2019 or later please
3-D Visualization izoneguy 3 6 yearsizoneguy (468): And that is what my clients want.... a 3-D animation from the space I scan. If we can also create an interactive 3-D tour from the remodeled space that is fine also. This sample is a close to what me clients want.
So the MatterPak includes a floor plan? izoneguy 2 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): Grab in Matterport Workshop @izoneguy The Matterport MatterPak does NOT contain a 2D schematic Floor Plan It does contain: 1. Color point cloud (.xyz) 2. Reflected ceiling plan image (.jpg and .pdf) 3. High resolution floor plan image (.jpg and .pdf) 4. OBJ file of the 3D mesh (.obj) You can download a sample within...
Leica BLK360 + Matterport Questions from a WGAN-TV Viewer DanSmigrod 5 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): HaHa! Must be a better solution to run, hide and seek! Dan
Matterport in the AEC Space: Understanding The Space and Measurements DanSmigrod 2 6 yearsGlennTremain (2935): I would not disregard this channel of business and it’s definitely worth learning how to get it. This segment of business is like Matterport in 2014. No one is gong after it and the ones that do are making good money as it becomes a consistent stream of business. Real estate is up and down and with more drama. This business pays more and brings in more business than a bunch of real estate scans. I heard about this from Dan and I recommend...
Download Matterport 3D Scan? APN 2 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): @APN The architects likely want Matterport MatterPak: it's the data that they can use in their CAD programs. If they want the 3D Tour offline; no, Matterport has not budged on this point. CUPIX offers download everything; including a player for a local computer. To best answer your question, what would the architects like to use the 3D Tour and/or data from the 3D tour. Best, Dan
Matterport 3D Tour of Construction Framing fotoguy 8 6 yearsfotoguy (835): Thank you. That helps very much!
Why can you buy MatterPak when the model is private, but not Floor Plans? DanSmigrod 4 6 yearsMetroplex360 (9436): @PetraSoderling, @mp2fp - Pretty much :) Another thing to mention is that there may be legal jargon surrounding the 'Public/Private' button. 'Public' may be a legal agreement to share data with the 3rd party that provides the floorplans. What if Matterport allowed direct ordering of floorplans from multiple vendors that provided them the same profit margin? :)
Is Going From Matterport to BLK360 Seamless? c2astudio 3 7 yearsHarlanHambright (2133): What are the best camera settings for tour quality and no point cloud interest?
Matterport MTL (Matterpak) Problem c2astudio 9 7 yearsJuMP (2031): @c2astudio We PM you for the detail about our JuMP-POP v1.0 and you can get a trial account if you provide your email address. With the trial account you can try our services within one week trial period. Thank you. JuMP team from Beijing China
Matterpak/AEC RPOceanic 2 7 yearsJuMP (2031): @RPOceanic Would you please read below post there is an official DEMO for MatterPak and a reference result from JuMP-POP v1.0? If you like JuMP-POP, we can generate one reference result of your showcase as DEMO. Please PM me if you want to try. Thank you. JuMP team from Beijing China
MatterPak™ Bundle Example and Case Study DanSmigrod 3 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): Hi All, From the Matterport Newsletter today, Friday, 4 May 2018. Dan --
$49 for OBJ File Thank You Matterport Gerhard Jump to first page95Jump to last page 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): Hi All, From the Matterport Newsletter today, Friday, 4 May 2018. Dan --
We are not Silent Lamb, we can have free OBJ JuMP 10 7 yearsMetroplex360 (9436): @mori I agree completely. Give out the 50k OBJ file and label it 'BASIC OBJ' - For hobbiests and enthusiasts. And then have 'PRO OBJ' with high resolution textures with the MatterPak. I believe that the people who want the OBJ files for recreational purposes are unlikely to purchase Matterpak and the people who actually want the 3D data will gladly pay.
How do you sell MatterPak™ bundle? Queen_City_3D 11 7 yearsmori (819): Here they mention "High resolution OBJ" -> same as before -> for me the "previous" OBJ´s are far away from a high resolution mesh. Did I miss something?
WGAN-TV MatterPak Bundle Roundtable With You DanSmigrod 5 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): Hi All, Plan to watch the WGAN-TV Live at 5 Roundtable on MatterPak Bundle Roundtable. That's today at 5 pm (5 pm EST | GMT -5). About 5 hours from now. Best, Dan
MatterPak Bundle Meets 3rd Party Services DanSmigrod 5 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): @RPOceanic Yes. In a related MatterPak discussion, Danny talks about how the MatterPak pricing will dramatically impact his 3rd party services for pre-reality spaces ... Best, Dan