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'Lighting' Topics

TitleAuthorPostsLast Post
Video: How to use a HALO 360 Light Above and/or Below a 360 Camera DanSmigrod 1 1 yearDanSmigrod (31476): How to use a HALO 360 Light Above and/or Below a 360 Camera | Video courtesy of Bushman Panoramic YouTube Channel | 23 February 2024 Video: How to use a HALO 360 Light Above and/or Below a 360 Camera Buy via Bushman Website
Gear of the Week: How to Add Two Invisible Lights to an Insta360 X3 DanSmigrod 5 1 yearDanSmigrod (31476): @lilnitsch Thanks for the Amazon links. That's cool about Costco selling the Insta360 X3. Best, Dan
LitraTorch 2.0 Reality Capture Lighting Kit no longer being sold? Marmao6 7 2 yearsSdoughtie (567): I use the Ulanzi LED Video Light. Available on Amazon. It works very well. I tried the GoPro stick on mount but found that the Command Strip Hook and Loop works better for me.
[Video] Add lighting to Matterport Pro 3 camera. ScanYourSpace 4 2 yearsdaslack (187): Thanks Tom. Appreciate the links for the equipment set up too!
Gear List: Matterport Pro2 Camera + Light Solution EMILIANO 7 2 yearsEMILIANO (172): Hey @Pedrotex69, I'm glad you liked my solution. it is very functional, you will find it well. E.
Matterport ["MacGyver"] Gear Tips: 15" Tripod Extender Riser + 360 Light DanSmigrod 1 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): Gear of the Week --- Video: WGAN-TV Gear Accessories-WGAN-TV Gear Accessories-#2957- Glide Gear EBR150 Basic Video Camera Overhead Tripod 15 Extender Riser www.WGAN.INFO/3 Video: WGAN-TV Gear Accessories-WGAN-TV Gear Accessories-#2958- Kodiak Kuadrant Rechargeable Tactical Lantern Flashlight - Super Bright 2000 Lumens with 360 Degree Range www.WGAN.INFO/7 $70 Hi All, Here is a ...
Great Rechargeable 360° light for Matterport Pro2 or Theta Z/X scanning Home3D 3 3 yearsExpertise (1192): The riser is not currently available on Amazon. :(
Video: Matter Hacks | How to Add Lights to a Matterport Pro2 3D Camera DanSmigrod 1 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): Matter Hacks | Lighting the Way: Matterport Camera Lighting Setup | Video courtesy of Actionable Insights | 5 January 2022 Transcript (video above) Speaker 1: -One aspect that's not always a given in property insurance is lighting. When you use Matterport in real estate, you're going to walk into a beautifully staged home that's ready to scan. But in our industry, you may show up to a fire loss and...
LED lights for Matterport Pro2 Camera? AnjumDesign 17 4 yearsMeshImages (3017): @Wingman @GETMYVR @Expertise thanks for the insights and shared experiences, so probably I will buy both solutions. I am a city scanner, where portability and durability are very important criterias. We carry all equipment in a single backpack and often move with E-scooters from one job location to the next. During the winter months we could often need some extra lights, so this is where the super-expensive, long-lasting, ultra-portable...
Review of Bushman Halo 360 Light ron0987 5 4 yearsron0987 (3454): I have the Halo360 "Thank you Dan" and found it works great. I like the way the Theta z1 mounts on it and with an additional patch cord that is supplied in the kit it keeps the camera running longer. Big plus and gives 360 degree lighting another plus. But I also found it works it highlights or supplements low light shooting for Matterport. Which would work great job site that has no power. Only down side is I have a cheaper...
Creative lighting tactics lilnitsch 3 4 yearslilnitsch (5794): @DanSmigrod Pre-Sold ~ Builder is using the Matterport tour for a "Walk" for the out of state buyers
Why do 360 cameras provide a light source for low lighting. Swinc20022002 10 4 yearsPickChuck (413): Here is a shoot using the Z1 and Halo light. Chuck
Experiment in a pitch black basement setting with Go-Pro 8 with a lume cube Swinc20022002 5 4 yearsWingman (4408): You can buy a diffuser panel in a local hardware shop, cut it with a saw or a stanley knife and make the lightlining even.
Scanning a "bombed out" strip center... Expertise 4 4 yearsExpertise (1192): So, This went pretty well. It took us about 15 man/hours. I was really impressed with the LitraTorch 2.0. Very nice little lights. We used these as headlights pointing forward. They are magnetic and come with little plates you can tape to the top of the Pro 2. That was cool. They lasted maybe 3 hours or so. To light smaller blackout rooms we used a small 100 LED Flashpoint panel which we sat on top of doors. For the larger dark areas we used...
Has anyone used the Halo panorama light with Ricoh Theta Z1? PickChuck 12 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): HALO 360 Light (Ricoh Theta Z1 NOT included) WGAN Text2Win Sweepstakes: Win HALO 360 Light in this week's WGAN Text2Win Promotion #7! Hi WGAN Forum Members, For your chance to win HALO 360 Light in this...
Reality Capture Lighting Kit for Matterport Capture 1 4 yearsCapture (13): Ideal for BIM, AEC, Restoration, Insurance and any space with subpar lighting. LitraTorch 2.0 Reality Capture Lighting Kit
Save 20 Percent: LitraTorch 2.0 Reality Capture Lighting Kit for Matterport DanSmigrod 5 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): Hi All, Today (Monday, 30 November 2020) is the last day to save 20 percent and get free shipping. Details above. Happy holidays, Dan
Transcript: WGAN-TV | How to (Easily) Add Lights to Matterport Pro2 Camera DanSmigrod 2 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): (Continued ...) - Yeah, okay. - You line the front face up with that and you're all set. - Okay. So we'll call it that. How do I turn the lights on? - So if those are juiced up, you just press down once on one of them, if they're juiced up, and they're juiced up, so that's the first level, and there you go. - I could adjust them so that flat to the-- - To the face of the plate that's underneath it. Exactly. - Wow. That's cool. -...
WGAN-TV Live at 5: How to (Easily) Add Lights to Matterport Pro2 (Litra) DanSmigrod 18 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): @carloscardo Thanks for your kind note. I will defer to Tony @Capture about your example question. (I know that Tony plans to post some before and after examples to the WGAN Forum: likely next week.) Enjoy your weekend, Dan
Videos: How to add lights to Matterport Camera Scans for Fire/Flood Damage DanSmigrod 6 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): @Expertise Tony @Capture writes me about his plan for a before and after demo of LitraTorch 2.0 Reality Capture Lighting Kit. (That's new since the original post above.) "I have a fire damaged house to take people thru that we made a copy of and turned the lights off in the top floor to show the difference. It...
Ricoh Theta V - Low light shooting stevienet 11 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): Grab: Halo 360 Light from Bushman Panoramic Preview HALO 360 LIGHT and MAGIC CABLE | Video courtesy of Bushman Panoramic YouTube Channel | 25 June 2020 @stevienet Would this Bushman Panoramic Halo 360 Light- paired with your Ricoh Theta V - solve your lighting...
lighting for 360 PaulM 2 4 yearsdzunker (27): I use flash for 360s when needed for interiors. I use a dslr, so not much difference than normal photography.
How to reduce over an over lit space angusnorriss 3 5 years3SixtyNow (484): I would contact support. Have you tried uploading it again?
Tunnel inspection with Matterport Pro 2 3D Camera? lucadeal 9 5 yearslucadeal (162): @DouglasMeyers Awesome!! Thanks for the tip! I'll definitely check them out!
How to do you attach lighting to the Matterport Camera? DanSmigrod 9 6 yearsConvrts (240): I'm off to Lowes to get a pair of the Lux-Pros this morning while I'm in the US ($25 for the pair... instead of £65 in the UK!!). These will be great for removing shadows which we sometimes get when scanning staircases with wall lighting rather than ceiling (being so close to the light source it's difficult to avoid casting a shadow)
Ricoh settings for dark shoot video VTLV 2 6 yearsCFster (276): That’s the big problem with every 360 camera I’ve ever come across. The sensors are tiny, which results in lots of noise when the ISO is pushed. The only solution in this case is to add light.
Matterport Windows and Lights Seem Worse. For you too? mykals21 15 6 yearsRichierichks (715): @mykals21 If you use WP3D it has the basic version of MPEmbed built into it. Under the "Model" tab you will see a drop down for "Customize Showcase". This will turn on all of the basic functions of MPEmbed. @leeverdon If the bottom one is the "New Improved" processing, I think they may have turned the knob the wrong way since that is clearly way more blown out and less detailed in the bright areas!
Museum Scan: lighting,reflections and... - Feedback please and thank you :) BlueImmersiveMedia 6 6 yearsBlueImmersiveMedia (303): @rzphotoman Very cool. Nice project. Thanks for sharing and the feedback! Agreed, Nonprofits have been a big part of my life as well. Over the decades there has been a ton of warm hearts, supported kids and win-wins. Im always grateful to have to the opportunity. Please continue to share. Thanks again!
Shooting with portable lights leeverdon 14 6 yearsfrstbubble (639): @DouglasMeyers Thank you for posting the pics and link! It helps immensely!
Colored Lighting effecting scan WalterE 9 7 yearsBrokerBruce (281): WOW! Great looking shoot! And good problem solving. Keep up the good work!
Scanning with no available light revisited sbl110 3 7 yearssbl110 (285): Hi Marcia, In the "Lights off" model, I only used the Bell & Howell light bar. Note, the room was pitch black, so there was no additional light source (even covered up the window) that might pollute the scan. In the "Lights on" model, I did not use the light bar, just the ceiling lights that were available in the basement. Thanks for the question. Scott
Great Light Tracking App rzphotoman 8 7 yearsimad (184): I came across an amazing product, i think you and many fellow WGAN's would like to try. Actually there is this product that instead of telling you what the right settings are, it'll take the best shot itself using AI so an amature photo can look professional .. however this is what the company is promising i hope they'er right ... its called ARSENAL. @rzphotoman Thanks for the advice, however if you tried the ARSENAL one day we'd love to hear...
Extra lights for Matterport Matt19 12 7 yearsDouglasMeyers (1282): Yes I went to Serv Pro and they loved it... Serv pro loves the idea that after the damage and when they are packing it up they will use my tour to put everything back exactly where it belongs...
MatterPlate Covers the MP Camera Lights DanSmigrod 6 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): What other add ons should we create for the Matterport Camera? Dan
Attaching lights to the Matterport Camera? DanSmigrod 2 9 years360Verbeelding (352): Its not that difficult see my treats about this topic. just use a couple of small LED videolights and start experimenting. happy scanning Grtz Rene
Windows Viewed from two sides DigitalImageries 8 9 yearsJonJ (1760): There are a number of reasons to mark windows that are apparent in the final product. 1) If you mark the window, in the dollhouse view, the image on the window will be fixed. It will not change as though you are able to look through the window into the yard or patio space. This would be the desired effect if there are no scans on the opposite side of the window. If the window was not marked, often times they will appear as black holes in the...
Matterport and Lighting KenBanks 8 9 yearsGarySnyder (2143): Hi Cyrus I've still not had a need for the lights as this was a very special case where I was supposed to shoot part of the VT up a very dark spiral stairs up to a tower but as I said it didn't happen. I'd be very interested in seeing what you design and produce as I have to admit I'm intrigued by your suggestion of printing a case for the camera. Best regards Gary
Capture Outdoors at Night DanSmigrod 19 10 yearssdubose99 (143): How about Home Depot