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'LED' Topics

TitleAuthorPostsLast Post
LED lights for Matterport Pro2 Camera? AnjumDesign 17 4 yearsMeshImages (3017): @Wingman @GETMYVR @Expertise thanks for the insights and shared experiences, so probably I will buy both solutions. I am a city scanner, where portability and durability are very important criterias. We carry all equipment in a single backpack and often move with E-scooters from one job location to the next. During the winter months we could often need some extra lights, so this is where the super-expensive, long-lasting, ultra-portable...
Videos: How to add lights to Matterport Camera Scans for Fire/Flood Damage DanSmigrod 6 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): @Expertise Tony @Capture writes me about his plan for a before and after demo of LitraTorch 2.0 Reality Capture Lighting Kit. (That's new since the original post above.) "I have a fire damaged house to take people thru that we made a copy of and turned the lights off in the top floor to show the difference. It...
lighting for 360 PaulM 2 4 yearsdzunker (27): I use flash for 360s when needed for interiors. I use a dslr, so not much difference than normal photography.
PLEASE HELP!!! Ricoh Theta Z1, Weird Artifacts in 360 Panos the3rdeye 6 5 yearsSophoto (7): The good news is that it is not your camera. You have captured the strobing of the LED lights of the house. You will need to slow your shutter speed down.
Tunnel inspection with Matterport Pro 2 3D Camera? lucadeal 9 5 yearslucadeal (162): @DouglasMeyers Awesome!! Thanks for the tip! I'll definitely check them out!
How to do you attach lighting to the Matterport Camera? DanSmigrod 9 6 yearsConvrts (240): I'm off to Lowes to get a pair of the Lux-Pros this morning while I'm in the US ($25 for the pair... instead of £65 in the UK!!). These will be great for removing shadows which we sometimes get when scanning staircases with wall lighting rather than ceiling (being so close to the light source it's difficult to avoid casting a shadow)
Shooting with portable lights leeverdon 14 6 yearsfrstbubble (639): @DouglasMeyers Thank you for posting the pics and link! It helps immensely!
Matterport Camera's Rear LED stop working Gerhard 2 8 yearsfrstbubble (639): @Gerhard Any update on the situation? Did support get back to you and have they issued a resolution?
Attaching lights to the Matterport Camera? DanSmigrod 2 9 years360Verbeelding (352): Its not that difficult see my treats about this topic. just use a couple of small LED videolights and start experimenting. happy scanning Grtz Rene
Lava Tube Hawaii Lighting IPM 4 9 years360Verbeelding (352): Hi, fantastic job. i dond't think you need extra lights. We are now testing scanning caves, they are very dark. Again, very impressive. Happy scanning. Grtz Rene.
Capture Outdoors at Night DanSmigrod 19 10 yearssdubose99 (143): How about Home Depot