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'Create Demand' Topics

TitleAuthorPostsLast Post
Why Matterport needs to create demand by home sellers for Matterport Tours DanSmigrod 1 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): Coldwell Banker mailer (above) received by Dan Smigrod on Monday (12 July 2021) --- Why Matterport needs to create demand by home sellers for Matterport Tours Hi All, Above is an example of why Matterport needs to create demand by home sellers for Matterport Tours. Only when buyers specifically ask for a...
Will Matterport help create demand among home sellers? DanSmigrod 2 6 yearsHome3D (4170): Only when and if Matterport invests money in advertising which is DIRECTED AT HOME SELLERS - the general public. They have not done this for five years running, instead pitching mostly agents, OUR clients. You do the math. Matterport should be devoting Chris Bell's time to getting Matterport in front of the general public. This would cause sellers to ask agents for 3D tours, and this would cause agents to hire photographers to create them....
How Matterport can sell more Matterport cameras, processing and hosting DanSmigrod 4 6 yearsChemistrydoc (1930): @DanSmigrod I would enjoy nothing more! Feature all demographics, but especially older millenials, who will be the ones to derive the most use / benefit from MP. End user marketing is generally very effective. KF
Create Demand: Matterport Targeting Sellers? DanSmigrod 2 7 yearsfullpreview (163): As an after thought on this, I can't see a strong enough value proposition for Matterport to connect with "sellers" directly unless Matterport, as a company, has devised a way to capitalize on sellers. It is severely cost prohibitive to advertise sellers directly, IF only to create an influential demand on real estate professionals to use Matterport because seller's would now see it as an expected standard, even a qualifier for...
Matterport Marketing: Selling More Cameras DanSmigrod 1 8 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): Hello Matterport Marketing, I noticed an uptick in the last six months of the number of companies reaching out to the We Get Around Network to Find Matterport Pros for their directory of [spaces that help generate revenue]. These are companies that have needs for thousands of Matterport Spaces. Seems like it would be worth Matterport creating a team to call on companies that have directories of [spaces that help generate revenue]. ...
Direct to Seller Marketing Idea. smcclell 12 9 yearssmcclell (156): Hi Cathie, Yes, the latter of your examples was where I was heading. Suggesting different agents is not a practice I would want to do when they have someone already. I would just want to promote the services. It's good to know then that as an agent you would be OK the seller speaking with you about it once they found out about the service. The association and that they email blast for you is a great tip!