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3D Printingx

'3D Printing' Topics

TitleAuthorPostsLast Post
3D printing starting with a Matterport Scan Ramblinman 7 7 yearsLilyCollins (1): @Ramblinman my husband has a hobby he makes models of small figures of various animals on his 3d printer in the garage. As for the scanner, he has the opportunity to take Artec from his work from time to time, the problem is that the scans are obtained in black and white, as he says. Last time we scanned our cat, it was quite difficult, we had to keep it still
3D printing from Matterport Spaces 3D Tour BrettMtn 12 8 yearsGerhard (1484): Thanks, @NicolasMorency the 3d printing was just a once off thing. Little pet project. The problem is with doing larger models it gets very expensive and also complex. I am not an expert on 3D printing so don't know what is possible in that industry or what new tech is out there. But for the OBJ and Point Cloud I think there are better devices out there for that application. But it's combining them all and getting usable data then it becomes...
3D Object Scanning benn1973 5 8 yearsJuMP (2031): @benn1973 You can try photoscan from With some photos around the object you want to scan Photoscan can generate the Mesh with color. The cost is only USD179.00 for the Standard Edition. That is enough for most object scan. We use photoscan for many years, and there are higher resolution solution with higher price also. For example: and
3D Printing of Matterport Models pixelray 3 8 yearsJuMP (2031): @pixelray We have some experience on 3D print, our printer is full color 3D printer ProJet660Pro from 3D system. The task to 3D print OBJ file of Matterport is very difficult. 1. Because unlike Google street view is the outside of a building, Matterport's OBJ file is the inside face of the building. All texture is looking from inside. 2. The Matterport OBJ file is only the face for computer show it doesn't have volume. Mesh without...