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'.XYZ' Topics

TitleAuthorPostsLast Post
My Experience with E57 files, Point Clouds and CloudCompare Sdoughtie 21 4 daysAerial_Perspective (39): Nice thread! Did you figure out a way to get a sharp e57 file in the end?
SIMLAB STAGES desktop platform supports point cloud! Jedrzej 1 2 yearsJedrzej (314): STAGES desktop platform for AEC professionals supports point cloud! The latest update introduces support for .XYZ files. Within a single project, the point cloud can be synchronized and overlaid with other 3D file formats supported by the platform: .OBJ, .IFC, or .FBX, as well as 2D plans in .JPG or .PDF formats. The available edition options for .XYZ are: • opacity • point size • amount of points STAGES provides a centralized...
Accurately scaling an imported Matterport Matterpak file (.OBJ/.XYZ)? DigitalTwin 6 2 yearsDigitalTwin (140): now what about units from a DroneDeploy scan??? LOL. But really, serious question...
Video: (How to) Matterport Point Cloud to Revit via Recap Workflow DanSmigrod 2 2 yearsEMILIANO (172): @DanSmigrod Hi, From 2021, the plug-in can be used for AUTODESK REVIT 2022-2023 versions Great product E.
Here is a Sample of a Point Cloud from Matterport Pro3 Camera Sdoughtie 6 2 yearsHarrycayman (439): Anybody have any data with pro 3-point cloud and BLK using Matterport app to produce point cloud.
Matterport Matterpak XYZ Point Cloud versus the Matterport e57 Point Cloud DanSmigrod 1 2 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): Grab from Add-Ons screen within My Matterport Cloud Account Matterport Matterpak XYZ Point Cloud versus the Matterport e57 Download Pak Hi All, Are you wondering how the Matterport Matterpak XYZ Point Cloud is different from the Matterport e57 Point Cloud? "the [Matterport MatterPak] XYZ point cloud...
Examples of .XYZ Pointcloud Uses (Elevations) in Revit Sdoughtie 5 2 yearsSdoughtie (567): Matterport for this project
Workflow: How to use the Matterport MatterPak for Topography Sdoughtie 1 3 yearsSdoughtie (567): I had a client that needed condos surveyed and a BIM created. This was for the exterior deck replacement. I decided to capture the exterior with my Matterport camera at the golden hour. It was perfect because this side of the condos was shaded from the sun at the time. I purchased the matterpak so that I could have a...
Question: Does the Matterport MatterPak include an XYZ File? rzphotoman 3 3 yearsrzphotoman (1837): Thanks Dan...much appreciated.
Matterport sweep's coordinates and time stamp Alexvr 7 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): It's been 7+ years since I bought and used the Canon GPS device paired with my Canon 5D Mach 3 DSLR camera. Here is a current GPS Receiver, as an example. If you are interested in adding a standalone GPS receiver to your workflow, I suggest starting a new WGNA Forum discussion on this topic. There are a TON of these on the market. (Indoors may be challenging. There may be GPS trackers designed for indoor use. Not my expertise.) Dan
Land topographic Model??? Tools and Solutions? DigitalTwin 16 3 yearsEaglePrecision (289): I don't think the topics posted were relevant to the original question by DigitalTwin which was about using topography in CAD and 3D models. Surveying accuracy was not mentioned and is a more complicated topic to address. Survey-level accuracy is achievable with the providers that were previously mentioned: Pix4D, DroneDeploy, etc. but requires a deeper level of understanding of drone mapping and surveying. There are different approaches...
Video: How to | Matterport Point Cloud to ArchiCAD Workflow DanSmigrod 1 3 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): How to | Matterport Point Cloud to ArchiCAD Workflow | Video courtesy of Matterport Senior Sales Engineer Si Horton | 2 November 2021 WGAN Forum Related Discussions Taagged: ✓ MatterPak ✓ CAD ✓ ArchiCAD ✓ .OBJ ✓ .XYZ ✓ AEC ✓ As-Builts Transcript (video above) Si Horton: [00:00:00] - Hi, my name is Si Horton. I'm a senior sales engineer from Matterport. During the short...
High Density XYZ file to creat a game , is blk 360 good for this project? alirizacil 4 4 yearsWingman (4408): If you want to do it with Matterport you can only use a LiDAR camera that is supported by Matterport and it is BLK360. There may be some other cameras but I only hear people referring to Leica BLK360. As much as I read about it on forums related to LiDAR scanning it is not the best choice in LiDAR scanning world, Not sure(do not remember) if it's related to density but considering there are LiDARs that can see 100 and 300m probably it is an...
A new day, a new problem with MP sandhun 5 4 yearsmp2fp (509): Dear @sandhun Instead of spending a lot of time to find out a best way as an alternative we can make any CAD file from any Matterport proj or Matterpack for you and your customers. Matterpack XYZ will be the most accurate as input and it usually is important when someone want CAD files. Send us a link to with input of one of your projects and we will give you a detailed feedback and example including info how you can...
Is matterport compatible with Vectorworks? sandhun 2 4 yearsmp2fp (509): Dear @sandhun Vector work can import AutoCAD DWG files that is probably the most efficient to be used directly but Matterpack is not having that format directly. VW can import XYZ pointcloud, PDF and other formats that you can get from Matterpack but it will take some time to make good CAD vectorfiles of it in Vectordraw. We can help you to deliver DWG (or other CAD or BIM formats like Revit (RVT) etc.) if you or your customer want to...
What 3rd Party Service Provider do you use to create accurate floor plans? mib94 4 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): @mib94 WGAN MarketPlace includes these WGAN 3rd Party Service Providers of Floor Plans (including CAPTUR3D and MP2FP. Best, Dan
Video>Matterport MatterPak Demo/Discussion for Biz Dev with Architects; GCs DanSmigrod 1 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): Shop Talk 7: TrueSketch, Floor Plans, the MatterPak, & a bit more about Backing up using Catalina | Video courtesy of Matterport YouTube Channel | 16 September 2020 Hi All, The Matterport MatterPak is your "golden ticket" to doing Matterport scans for architects and general contractors. Entering this space means getting comfortable with their lingo, which will sounds something like...
Matterport MatterPak Webinar: Point Cloud (.XYZ), 3D Mesh File (.OBJ) DanSmigrod 3 4 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): Hi All, Reminder. This free Matterport webinar is 11 am EST today (Wednesday, 16 September 2020). Dan
Matterpak XYZ pt. cloud resolution, -same whether from Pro or Pro2 correct? Noddy 2 5 yearsNoddy (429): Can anyone from Matterport comment, if seeing this? Thanks
Matterport MatterPak to Revit File: Service Provider? WindyCityDrones 3 5 yearsWindyCityDrones (25): Thanks Dan!
Matterport MatterPak and ReCap madness: How to Convert to CAD Formats? briangreul 18 5 yearsbriangreul (684): @thorn604 - the sample in my Matterport account has a Matterpak that does not include an XYZ file. I just downloaded and unzipped it again. It has an OBJ file and an MTL file and a crapload of JPGs. @Powerosi - I agree with your sentiments. The tool can be licensed for $40/mo as well. However, this particular friend/client said he would rather pay an extra $100 then mess with another piece of software. I'm in the service business so I look...
What depends on what? Accuracy depends on software or on 3D-scanner? SamSon_NewSpace3D 3 5 yearsron0987 (3457): @SamSon_NewSpace3D it actually can be both, you can have the best equipment like the BLK360 and depending on your software your accuracy can drop. I regularly use a FARO scanner and process it thru FARO Scene software and can tweak the processing to bring the accuracy up. But like @JuMP said you can only get as good as the accuracy of the equipment. I have little experience with BLK360 and if you just need a point cloud then I would use the...
xyz to cad conversion for 6000mq (65000 sq ft) Maxdemartino 2 5 yearsmp2fp (509): Hello @Maxdemartino MP2FP have long experience in producing all types of models and presentations 2D, 3D, CAD and BIM from Matterport scans and other input. We can do the job for 120 USD and deliver in 1 to 2 days depending on detail level and wished output CAD format. just send us input or downloads to and we are happy to help.
XYZ Co-ordinates from a mattertag OpenHome 6 6 yearsOpenHome (14): Fantastic thank you so much!
Help please! If you do a 3D survey-can we take dimensions from the footage? 3dshowcaseuk 5 6 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): @3dshowcaseuk Please see this WGAN Forum discussion: ✓ Videos: How to Import Matterport MatterPak into Autodesk ReCap and Revit Best, Dan
How to get working with a Matterport in autocad Geraldo 2 6 yearsxiarosh (32): 1. Import it into Autodesk ReCap .. cleanup etc 2. Export for Autocad in rcp / rsc format
Matterport Object File (.obj) with mac? RomainReparage 3 6 yearsRomainReparage (161): Thanks a lot for your answer John. i did it but i have read somewhere that it was not a good solution. Do You think it's easy to clean up the file that way ?
Does the BLK360 panoramic photos contain exif metadata of the xyz position? DanSmigrod 2 6 yearsMetroplex360 (9436): It creates E57 files. If it contained XYZ positional data, it would be 0,0,0 as each scan would be in the center of its own world. Only when these are registered ("aligned") to make a larger model, would there be an X, Y, Z value for each point cloud.
BLK360 Processing in ReCap vs. Matterport? c2astudio 8 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): Thanks SO much for the info and side-by-side comparison. :heart: it! So nice to be able to read the WGAN Forum and learn something new every day. Best, Dan P.S. @c2astudio great question!
$49 for OBJ File Thank You Matterport Gerhard Jump to first page95Jump to last page 7 yearsDanSmigrod (31476): Hi All, From the Matterport Newsletter today, Friday, 4 May 2018. Dan --
Collaborate in Innovation Briski2208 4 7 yearsangusnorriss (747): The chaps earlier have answered the the crux of your enquiries yes. As context, I recently completed some large scale scans for a cement factory seeking to step up their automation by introducing robotics. We created before and after scans and then introduced virtual staging displaying the new factory layout. It was captured with Matterport and integrated with the Matterpak and AEC packages. A fantastic project and part of their digital...
We are not Silent Lamb, we can have free OBJ JuMP 10 7 yearsMetroplex360 (9436): @mori I agree completely. Give out the 50k OBJ file and label it 'BASIC OBJ' - For hobbiests and enthusiasts. And then have 'PRO OBJ' with high resolution textures with the MatterPak. I believe that the people who want the OBJ files for recreational purposes are unlikely to purchase Matterpak and the people who actually want the 3D data will gladly pay.
How do you sell MatterPak™ bundle? Queen_City_3D 11 7 yearsmori (819): Here they mention "High resolution OBJ" -> same as before -> for me the "previous" OBJ´s are far away from a high resolution mesh. Did I miss something?